Modify/remove the 1 RO cooldown for pups abandoned to the bear.
Posted 2021-05-18 03:08:17 (edited)
If I have to be honest, when I first read this suggestion I was "Meh, I don't see what the problem is" Then I had the chance to browse the adoption list a few hours after rollover, noticing how fast people are adopting pups and how right now the first pages are filled with almost just potato pups. And that's not fair for people that will rollover later in the day. So I agree that it would be good to change the cooldown. My idea is, if it's not a coding nightmare for devs, to use a system similar to chased wolves, with a cooldown based on hours instead of rollover. After 24 hours from chasing (or even better a random number of hours, like between 10 and 20 so you can't 'time' the appearence), pups show up in the adoption center and after another 24 hours from when they appeared, they are deleted from the game. That way all players will have a chance at finding good looking pups, no matter when they rollover. It would be both fair and it will make it more interesting to come back to the enclave to check out new pups during the day |
PiffleLovesBaseball #740 |
Posted 2021-05-18 07:08:53 (edited)
Fully support. Instead of showing all available pups at once they could maybe load in random batches during the day. That way it gives all players the same chances of adopting rarer pups at any time. Edit: I also just realized that with less pups per page/batch, we could perhaps improve the thumbnails as well? So that we can actually see full body images, pretty much like in the scrying stone. |
Nei 🦀✨ #40965 |
Posted 2021-05-18 08:14:03
@Nei To be honest, that was what I was expecting in the first place when they announced the feature XD That we would be shown, like, 8 random pups that would stay the same all day. I was speechless when I saw 120 pages of possible adoptable pups! A random selection that change maybe every hour wouldn't be a bad idea too. I have to say I felt a bit anxious at browsing all that pages, worrying about not seeing some of the available pups because it would take me too long to get at the end of the list or because somebody else snatched them before I could see them all. A smaller selection would make things less... frantic |
PiffleLovesBaseball #740 |
Posted 2021-05-18 08:14:43
(At first there was 150 pages! :D) |
xofrnk [INACTIVE] #10923 |
Posted 2021-05-18 11:02:57 (edited)
It was at 150 pages? It’s already down to 38. Either a random selection or something closer to the chase system would be great; less pressure to check right at rollover even for people who don’t have a middle of the night RO. Edit: Personally I prefer the approach of being shown 1-2 pages of random pups that change every hour or so, it would feel much less overwhelming and have a bit of a fun grab-bag feel. |
Badger #10939 |
Posted 2021-05-18 11:05:30 (edited)
Support! The way things are now, all the good pups will be picked off immediately upon rollover which kind of messes things up for people in various time zones and is bound to make rolling over a more painful experience. There is already so much lag near every rollover because people are rushing to rollover so they can continue chatting, trading, hunting and such-- adding to the rush and effectively slowing down the site more around that period seems less than grand. Editing here so as not to spam but rollover is at 9 AM for me. If I was so keen as to go stalking the enclave immediately after waking up, I'd have a really big advantage over people and it's really not fair. Please make it a bit more balanced for other players. <3 |
Flower #3196 |
Posted 2021-05-18 11:26:04
Yep! I was up the first second puppys got put up for adoption it was like 12:06 am WDT I think it is fine how it is with pages atm tho |
xofrnk [INACTIVE] #10923 |
Posted 2021-05-18 11:28:47
support! i don't really mind how long the cooldown is, as long as they're not all appearing exactly at RO (3am for me). |
eve [semi-hiatus] #36077 |
Posted 2021-05-18 13:16:54
Support! At first, I was hesitant to support yesterday because I also assumed that we would be shown a batch of pups and that batch of pups would change each rollover cycle, didn't realize that they would show all the pups all at once! There are still some pups with rare/cool markings popping up, but at the moment it is mainly potato pups appearing. Having a steady stream of pups being added throughout the day will definitely help mitigate the rush at rollover. Especially for people like me at disadvantageous timezones where it will be 3 am.... I love WD, but I love sleep too lol. |
Rum #1513 |
Posted 2021-05-18 17:49:04 (edited)
Support, in fact I was about to make a topic about this.   RO is at 3am for me. I was obviously asleep at that time and missed out on some really nice puppies! I saw someone who got a mojave and I felt kinda guilty for not getting to it before them xD. I think a very easy fix would be to release the puppies, at random, at an hourly or bi-hourly rate. That way there's less pups at once and you don't have to go through ~150 pages of pups! The puppies could be randomized, meaning any puppy was was not adopted at [X hour] would be shuffled out, then released again at [Y hour]. Any puppies not adopted at 00:00 WD time will be deleted. I feel like you would have a much more fair chance of getting puppies you actually like, even if you can't get online during RO. ... I just feel like the system is really unfair right now. Someone who can be active near 00:00 with idk let's say 15 pairbonds can snatch up all the good puppies and leave the fodder/potatoes for everyone else. I liked how in LD the cubs you would get from the tree would be random, it was more up to RNG then being able to 'skillfully' go through the puppies at RO. I would really love to see this changed soon. :( |
Nysa #5130 |