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Option to keep puppies away from the enclave.

Option to keep puppies away from the enclave.
Posted 2021-05-20 05:32:20 (edited)

As a breeder, I would like to be able to determine which of the puppies I sell can be given into the eclave and which are not. Similar to the protection option that already exists to prevent wolves from being sold or chased away by mistake.

Makes the puppies expansive, doesn't really help because of the achievements. Example: Setting the price above 25SC to 50SC. A note in the sales that the buyer should refrain from giving the puppy to Lillemore has been ignored.

Many pups don't even get a chance to find a player to keep them. Because some of the many people, now want to make the new achievments, buy the puppies up relatively quickly. I think that's sad. Previously, puppies that I sold have the chance that someone would notice them who would like to keep them before they are adults and taken out of the game (chased) or are lucky enough to be found somewhere as NBW. This is no longer the case.

To prevent the pups from be put to the enclave, I currently have to set the price unrealistically high and hope that someone reads that I would give the puppy for lesser or wait until the puppies are 6 months old before I put them on sale.


Posted 2021-05-20 06:12:10 (edited)

Support. EDITED to No support

After reading some of the arguments from other players, I admit that it would be a too restricting of a mechanic.

As much as it hurts to see good pups being deleted, once a pup is bought the new owner is free to do what they wanted with it. It never bothered me the idea that, i dunno, one of my sold T2 pups could get his base changed to T1 and all markings removed, "ruining" it. So I have to accept that even good pups can be deleted or chased if the buyer wants that.

And considering that the Enclave would get a special currency for a special shop, I think it will happen to me too to buy decent pups to get the special currency and it will make me feel frustrated not to be able to do that.

I will save my best pups until adolescence and put them for sale just then, to save them from the Enclave. I will sold the other for higher prices with a disclaimer that ask not to use them for quests (I have faith in other players). If that doesn't happen, at least, I get some good SC out of their "sacrifice". And I will sell my potatoes for a cheap price, so that maybe they will be bought and deleted instead of the good ones.


Posted 2021-05-20 07:53:39

Neutral to this in general, but I'd only be okay with it if there's an option in the TC to filter out unenclavable pups. It'd really suck to search up the conditions, find a bunch of pups in your price range, only to have to check them one-by-one to see which, if any, can actually be enclaved before buying. Let alone making the mistake of not checking and getting a pup you don't want. I think neither buyer nor seller wants that situation!


Posted 2021-05-20 14:41:16

I know it sucks to sell a nice pup and have it get enclaved, but absolutely no support for controlling what other people do with wolves once they’re purchased - if it’s no longer in your den, it’s no longer yours. Especially when there are plenty of existing workarounds: selling pups for a higher price (one of the key benefits of adding a pup sink!), selling pups through the forums, and waiting to sell until the pups hit adolescence. Also if people can’t enclave a pup, they’ll just get frustrated and chase it instead, so. 🤷‍♀️


Posted 2021-05-20 14:45:28 (edited)

Not supporting for reasons already listed by Badger. If I bought a pup intending to enclave it and found out I couldn't, I'd probably chase it out of sheer spite of having wasted SC on the useless thing. If I want to keep a pup, I'll keep it. I don't want to be forced to do so and even a pup I like would be intentionally chased if it came with that kind of restriction.

The second a wolf comes into my account, it's mine to do with what I will and no one else should have the right to control what happens with wolves I own-- and I do own them, I bought them!


Edit:  I still don't support the suggestion itself but if you want to make sure your pups don't get enclaved, you could create a clan and only trade pups with/to users from that clan. Gather around likeminded people and make sure your pups are kept safe that way? Idk, it's a thought.


Posted 2021-05-20 14:50:27

Majorly no support. While I have no problem with people asking if someone can not enclave a pup, ultimately, you get no say in what happens to a pup after it is sold, as it no longer belongs to you. If someone wants to enclave, say, a mela pup because it fufills the requirements, then that's their choice, as it is their pup, simple as that. Trying to control someone else's play style and decisions is flat out rude. You can not like it all you want, but you don't get any actual say in the matter. If someone wants to spend 100sc on a pup to enclave it for 25sc, then that's their choice. If you're that determined not to have your pups enclaved, then set up an auction thread or remove the buyout and let the offer sit 24-48 hours, but don't try to forcibly stop people from enclaving a pup they bought and own. 

OleanderOmen [Prev. Ori]

Posted 2021-05-20 15:00:58


i don't support. 

like Ori , badger , Flower  have said. 

once a pup is brought it is their pup. if they want to enclave the pup because it fulfills a request then that is their choice. 

i'm ok with some one asking me not to enclave a pup   , you don't get a say to what happens to the pup after is is sold. 

who ever brought the pup it belongs to the user that brought the pup. 

please don't control other user's play styles.  

please don't stop people from enclaving a pup they brought and own. 


Posted 2021-05-25 05:36:09

Man, y'all are making me sad with not supporting this v.v I get the argument, but now I'm gonna have to watch the pups I actually care about just be wasted on the enclave for a few sc...


Posted 2021-05-25 05:43:55

I feel you kitty kookiez. Although I don't agree with controlling other players game play I do understand where you're coming from. As someone who also cares and puts time and effort into the puppies I truly come to love it's hard to see people buying them simply to waste them for a measly 5 or less sc. Not sure on an option to prevent this that allows other players freedom of will but it would be nice if all players thought the same way you do and I do. 

-Celtic Gem-

Posted 2021-05-25 08:14:51 (edited)

I don't support for reasons above. but I think there are things you can do to help keep your pups safe! You can put "no enclave" and "to a good home only" in your pup's trade offer. Most players agree to that and will leave your offer alone. (In your post you said dont give to lillemor. Try just saying the enclave, I dont think people recognize the bears name ^^;) Flower's idea of a Clan is also a good idea. And you could also make a board to sell pups on the forums! That way you dont have to list them publicly at all.


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