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Make a headcanon for one of the user above's wolves!

Posted 2023-07-11 09:42:41
Lokasha loves to accompany the scouts. Actually, she loves anything with adventure, and has gotten in trouble for taking young adolescents to a fishing spot on the territory's perimiters.

No one in sales/unsorted!

Posted 2023-07-11 10:01:15
Kivonulás loves their own coat, it just makes them feel ✨glamourous✨


Posted 2023-07-11 10:30:41
Miu is the best stalker of the pack, yet not all wolves like to hunt with them since they have little patience for mistakes and clumsiness, and tends to snap at the adolescents they train.
Whenever someone confronts them about it, they answer they are only trying to teach them how to better their skills: the prey does not wait, it's to kill or to starve, and they don't  want to miss dinner because of a clumsy little-more-than-a-pup..

(it'a a bit harsh, but I based on their selfish aggressive personality and pack role)

mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸

Posted 2023-07-11 10:34:25
Riverflight's crown is made from various herbs, and dislikes it being touched by anyone but himself.

Too tired to link it, but anyone in the ultimates den please!

(also you're on point with that XD, she's real snappy)


Posted 2023-07-11 12:23:04
When Kokichi was young, he was in the process of becoming immortal by the lead wolf. Unfortunately, lightning struck him at the same time, creating a big scene. The pack herbalist was trained well enough to help him feel better, but the lead hadn't tried to make him immortal since then for safety purposes. Kokichi can now control lightning, although he uses it for malicious purposes.

(sorry if it wasn't good !!! anyone in the first 7 caves will do, but no enclave/sell/R&C pups)

kyo / rozie ♡

Posted 2023-07-11 16:48:42
Many were surprised when Oneiric had chosen Yugen to be his mate. While many considered him to have stud-worthy looks, Yugen possessed a more simple appearance— but this was all the more charming to Oneiric.


Posted 2023-07-12 09:06:47

Alvaro's favourite animals to hunt are chickens. He often tries sneaking into the farms of nearby humans to snatch a couple of chickens to bring back to the pack, even if that often causes the farmers to be quite upset with Alvaro and his pack. He is not always successful with these endeavours, but it has yet to stop him from doing his best. He is confident to a fault and believes that if he puts his mind to it, all of the world's chickens will easily fall into his maw.


Posted 2023-07-18 12:35:34
Khidell's favorite pranks to play are often disliked by other pack members, because some can be downright dangerous, like leading packmates to highways and daring them to cross. The leader urged him to become a finisher to let out his anger and frustration instead of taking it out on packmates.

Ghost of the Brook

Posted 2023-07-21 15:36:50
Pups (even ones who aren't members of the River Light Pack) love playing with Willow Tree's mane, and it's often messy and tangled because of this.


Posted 2023-07-23 15:26:28 (edited)
Ember has a heart of gold. She wants the best for her pack and even despite not wanting to lead, she's been exactly the resilient, strong and fair leader they've needed.

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