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The Rivals - Character Sheets

The Rivals - Character Sheets
Posted 2021-05-25 11:48:06 (edited)

The Rivals

Join - Roleplay - OOC

Two groups of students from two different schools, Hamilton Academy and Sinclaire University, stumble upon each other on a school camping trip in the beautiful and tranquil Spirited Woods.

The two schools, both the best schools of the country, are rivals. They clash nearly every day, wanting to be the best of the best. Smart students, luxurious interiors, the sky’s the limit.

As the month-long camping trip moves along, strange, spine-chilling things begin to happen. Will the campers work together to find the source of these mysterious events? Will there be friendships, loves, enemies...or possibly something else?

-Romance is allowed.

-No NSFW. If you really need to, fade to black.

-OOC talk goes in OOC chat.

-Write at least 2-3 sentences(Try Semi-Lit?).

-No powerplaying and/or god-modding.

-Have fun!

Character Sheet

Name(First and Last):




Appearance(Image Optional):

Personality(2 Positive, 2 Neutral, 2 Negative):



Other(Other Information):



Nadia Sazon Sullivan - #735

Violet De La Fontaine - #39666

Eileen Bardot - #12334

Maith Von Mondraggon - #15313

Damien Nelson - #6717

Nora Holmes - #44478

Natalie Casanova - #39666


Celeste Aclaire Denumonte - #39666

Grayson Scott - #12334

Luna Matthews - #6717

Veles Aitell - #15313

Ophelia Elrein - #41694

Oliver Beaumont - #39666

Aspen Beaumont - #12334


Posted 2021-05-25 12:04:31

(Ex. and my Character)

Character Sheet

Name(First and Last): Celeste Aclaire Denumonte

Age(18-24): 22

Pronouns: She/Her

Orientation(Sexuality): Bisexual

Appearance(Image Optional): Gradient brown-to-blonde(ombre style)hair. Pale blue eyes. Fair skin. Height around 5"9'. Lithe/slender body. 

Personality(2 Positive, 2 Neutral, 2 Negative):

++: Smart, gentle.
//: Confident, regal.
--: Stubborn, bossy.

School: Sinclair University


Likes: Cool/windy weather, modern, pastel/monochrome colors, owls, deer, wolves, foxes, birds, cats, reading, writing, autumn, etc.

Dislikes: Hot weather, annoying people, misunderstandings, dumbness, the dark, spiders, loud noises, summer, etc.

Other(Other Information): Born into a rich family. Lives in a modern penthouse in the city by herself. Has a pet silver tabby with hetero(right blue left yellow)eyes. Other info will come out during roleplay. Crushes, friendships, etc. open.


Posted 2021-05-25 13:40:27 (edited)

Long Hair Anime Boy Art | Anime glasses boy, Cute anime boy, Cute anime guys

Name: Grayson Scott

Age: 22

Pronouns: He/Him

Orientation: Biromantic Demisexual

Appearance: Grayson is fairly tall, around 6'0", 6'1". He has raven-black hair and soft blue eyes, changing color depending on the lighting (and even his mood sometimes!)


++: Intelligent, Open-Minded, Heartfelt

//: Shy, Anxious, Artful

--: Irascible, Reclusive/Introverted, Easily Attached

School: Sinclair University

Likes: Animals, Avians, Privacy, Close Friends, His Room, Cafes, Snow, Photography, Swimming, Writing, Visual Arts

Dislikes: Bullies, Being Misunderstood, Crying, Whiny People, Repetition, Fakers, Being Under and Overestimated

Other: A "little" shy bean! Open to any sort of relationships, and I'm even willing for him to have a brother (Griffin Scott) if anyone wants! If not I'll just make him an NPC :3 


Posted 2021-05-25 13:42:16

Kekekeke sorry, I'm obsessed with "kekeke"



Posted 2021-05-25 13:43:37

It's okay, and thank you!! >3<


Posted 2021-05-25 13:45:16 (edited)

Name(First and Last): Nadia Sazón Sullivan

Age(18-24): 23

Pronouns: She/Her

Orientation(Sexuality): Heterosexual

Appearance(Image Optional): Tall and lanky, (6'' 2'/1,90m) has short black hair with some white locks of hair on her fringe and droopy hazel eyes. 

Personality(2 Positive, 2 Neutral, 2 Negative):

Positive: Meticulous, courteous 

Neutral: Proud, obedient

Negative: Withdrawn, fussy

School: Hamilton Academy


Likes: quiet places, playing the guitar, going on camping trips with her family, listening to her mother singing.

Dislikes: sloppy/careless people, busy places, her grandma on her mother's side, being unable to plan ahead, being called lady.

Other(Other Information):  her father is a renowned doctor and her mother is a politician from a rich family, she strives to make her parents proud. She lives alone but visits her parents often and they go on vacation together once a year. Open for friendships and rivalries, but no romance (sorry).


Posted 2021-05-25 13:48:44

Accepted! Thank you!


Posted 2021-05-25 14:07:30 (edited)

Character Sheet

Name(First and Last): Violet De La Fontaine

Age(18-24): 21

Pronouns: She/Her

Orientation(Sexuality): Pansexual

Appearance(Image Optional): Dyed pale blue hair. Doe-y pale blue eyes. Black-rimmed round glasses. Pale skin. Petite(5"5'). Skinny.

Personality(2 Positive, 2 Neutral, 2 Negative):

++: Smart, kind.

//: Observant, shy.

--: Sensitive, meek.

School: Hamilton Academy


Likes: Winter, snowy days, hot chocolate, pianos, books.

Dislikes: Loud noises, large crowds, summer, meeting new people.

Other(Other Information): Parents are librarians. Lives in a large house somewhat in the suburbs. Has a pet snowy owl named Lotus. Open to any relationships except enemies, she's too shy to have enemies lol


Posted 2021-05-26 04:29:31


Name: Eileen Bardot (silent T)

Age: 22

Pronouns: She/Her

Orientation: Heteroflexible

Appearance: Eileen is 5'6". She has auburn hair that ends above her shoulders with rare but contrasting soft blue eyes.


++: Extroverted, Sociable

//: Ambitious, Fun-Loving

--: Impulsive Under Stress, Blunt

School: Hamilton Academy

Likes: Citrus, Sweets, Lemonade, Hot Weather, Shopping, The Color Blue

Dislikes: Being Cold, Being Alone, Darkness, Being Ignored

Other: Open to any relationships! She has a black and white miniature schnauzer named Max, as well as a turquoise green-cheeked conure named Kaiyo (Kai).


Posted 2021-05-26 05:31:12

Accepted, thank you!


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