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Posted 2020-10-23 15:41:12

is it better to just keep getting slots as soon as you get the money or try to save up


Posted 2020-10-23 15:43:35

I keep enough money on the side to buy them when I need them, but I'd say get enough slots for 3-5 hunters, 1-2 scouts, a few sitters, and a herbalist


Posted 2020-10-23 15:44:28

ok thank you


Posted 2020-10-23 19:24:06

Hi! I just started wolvden and played Lioden a long time ago. I was big into trading and up to date with demand of markings and stuff. What the market like here? Does the silver and gold currency hold about the same value as from Lioden? 

Tia :)


Posted 2020-10-23 23:49:14

GC and GB don't hold the same value, and well, neither really does SC and SB as it's harder here to gain currency. No longer you can sell trash to the Raccoon and make +500 SB or more, since the raccoon only has a little over 200 SC and all items are worth less than they're in LD. And we don't have many games either to make money.

At the moment, I would say that high stats and breed only bases and markings are in somewhat of a high demand. Earlier we'd a merle/inuit craze (RMA exclusives), but it has calmed down. So you can make money by just having fairly high statted pups with many markings, they don't exactly have to be special.


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