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Change pup training UI

Posted 2021-09-16 23:59:23
awww thanks <3

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-09-17 05:05:19
I love the mockup, and particularly the highlight on whether a tutor has the right stats or not. Support. :D


Posted 2021-10-18 08:52:53
Big support! That mockup looks fantastic and would be really helpful when training a lot of pups.


Posted 2022-01-13 14:49:40

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Posted 2022-02-09 00:59:29
I'm glad I found this thread before making my own because it put it together far better than I could have suggested. I was just going to suggest having the puppies report cards (or whatever you call the training sheet that shows what they've trained in) to be viewable in the "Begin a Lesson" tab. Because when you have lots of puppies and you want each on to be tailored to their strengths and group them together the best way possible with the best teacher it's really hard to either remember everything by memory or just annoying to have multiple windows up so you can check their and their teachers stats.
Thank you OP for this great layout and the visual of the gif!


Posted 2022-05-13 22:36:58 (edited)
support! This would be extremely helpful in every way. Great job with the model


Posted 2022-07-18 08:22:04
I never openly supported this until now, only silently supported. (I appreciate you having linked it in my old suggestion way back when by the way, doofus me didn't see there was already a suggestion for it.)

Anyway, just wanted to say, yes please. I've gotten back into training for the achievements and wow is it confusing when you are dealing with different age groups at the same time. Having to constantly cross-check and edit the names of pups is a huge hassle. I like pup training, but it could definitely use some tweaking.

I like the model you made, really helps picture what it would look like! Here's to hoping they do a nice QOL like this. :)


Posted 2022-09-08 15:32:42
100% support. Your explanation of what needs to be changed and how it can be done, plus the visualization is absolutely perfect and would make puppy training so much more accessible for me and I'm sure many others! Right now it's just such a confusing mess, it's too difficult to remember what puppies have done which lessons and this makes it really hard to get the achievements and stat boosts too.


Posted 2022-11-28 15:41:58
Absolutely support!  I have a small pack and almost never have more than 2-6 pups of training age at once , but even that can get a bit confusing.  This would probably be an absolute godsend to those with large packs.


Posted 2025-01-29 14:10:46
Massive support, it would make it easier <3

I Have my best mentor wolves as 'Council' members and they have assistants aka their successors when the older wolves die so each have a certain rank and mark to go with them and it does make it easier but i would like this kinda change as sometimes i DO need more than Just my council and assistants when i have the occasional puppy boom for a project i come up with.

The pups i also give unique rank marks based on the tribal theme i am going for but still...


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