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Community Update #2

Posted 2021-07-02 03:55:04

Not going to lie, I'm most excited about the scrying stone thing. Thanks so much for your hard work!


Posted 2021-07-02 04:07:56

Thank you for the update!

Sorry if I missed it, but I couldn't find an answer to this anywhere: do we only get one raffle entry regardless of how many [full] uses the item we donate has?

๐œ๐ญ๐ซ๐ฅ ๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐Ÿ๐ญ โ–นโ–น

Posted 2021-07-02 04:10:01

@๐œ๐ญ๐ซ๐ฅ ๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐Ÿ๐ญ โ–นโ–น: One entry per player per weekly stud, yep!

This member is an Admin. Katze

Posted 2021-07-02 04:15:55
@Katze Awesome, thanks for the lightning-quick response!
๐œ๐ญ๐ซ๐ฅ ๐ฌ๐ก๐ข๐Ÿ๐ญ โ–นโ–น

Posted 2021-07-02 04:32:50

Very nice update, this week's stud is freaking gorgeous! *crossing fingers*ย 



Posted 2021-07-02 06:26:44

To be honest, I too don't like the fighting humans aspect.ย 


Posted 2021-07-02 06:43:20

I love the new stud! ... though i genuinely hope humans arent actually getting added to the game... the idea of fighting humams for trophies sounds really weird to me,


Posted 2021-07-02 10:50:09 (edited)

Agree with Neo, I really wouldn't want to fight humans in the game. Wolves rarely attack people as is. Keeping a human trophy is.... grim.

The stud looks really pretty though! I'm hoping to win a breeding from him.

Sinxerely | Slava Ukraini

Posted 2021-07-02 11:23:05 (edited)

Love the new stud. Congrats to the winners of the first one!

Not loving adding the option of fighting humans to the game. Our wolves won't really stand a chance against year round hunting, poisoning, trapping, shooting them from helicopters, and killing the moms & pups in their dens. I realize this isn't real to the Devs where they are but wolf extermination* is the sickening reality here in the US. No matter which way the Devs choose for the inserted humans to fight our wolves it's going to be a grotesque parallel.
Up til now WD has been a great escape where the only things killing our wolves were other animals, accidents, illness, or old age.


* Safe link to 2021 News article list via Startpage

Celtic Ravens

Posted 2021-07-02 12:09:19

Okay, I selected the humans option in the poll because I was meh on the other options, but the people above me have some really great points about why incorporating human enemies is a bad idea. I hadn't even thought of wolf extermination, but wolf extermination has been something that's hugely debated where I live and has lead to many a wolf death. Hearing ongoing debate about whether to exterminate a new wolf pack that formed, then hearing the decision made to exterminate that pack, then seeing them exterminated. That's something I've seen happen multiple times and it's gruesome and upsetting every time, especially because there tends to be wolf pups involved.ย 

So, yeah, wish I could take back my poll response there.
