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Please don't introduce humans as battle-able enemies

Posted 2021-07-02 23:26:10

Oh yeah, that poll was definitely rigged. "Which one would you be most excited to battle?". Considering we already have a crocodile encounter and several bird encounters, the three non-human options weren't especially exciting. There's no new gameplay I could see from those three (although I did vote Condor, cuz condors are cool). Humans would definitely have a new battle style, even though it brings up some controversy. 

And yeah, I like how untouched the world of WD feels. Yeah, there are dogs and manmade structures, which means that humans have/had to exist in this world at some point. My own theory is that humans just kinda disappeared. 


Posted 2021-07-02 23:37:38

Yeah my very vague headcanon has been there was some kinda apocalyptic event and humans are just gone.


Posted 2021-07-03 02:53:01

I’d prefer if humans are not added to the game at all, and never mentioned in official WD lore.

In my mind the story of my pack takes place many many years ago in another world entirely. I don’t like the idea of encounters with humans with rifles or cars or other ”present day stuff”.

I know we have backgrounds with buildings on them (farms, cottages etc) but backgrounds are easy to ignore (I simply don’t equip them to my wolves), whereas explore encounters cannot be avoided.

Please reconsider.


Posted 2021-07-03 07:28:19 (edited)

Full support! 

I wanted to post my own topic but I figured most wouldn’t agree. Humans were introduced in a way that kinda worked on Lioden, and IMO, was a good interpretation of how lions might view humans. Wolvden feels a lot more mysterious and magical, somewhere to escape, and humans would absolutely ruin that for me. Especially as enemies - I’m sure no matter what the art is like, it’ll be jarring. I’m sick of people in animal centric games, specifically in ones like Wolvden when you role play as the animal. Part of the appeal of Wolvden is the fact that there seems to be no people. Obviously not everyone agrees, these are my reasons for supporting no humans in Wolvden. ** I know there’s hints at civilization. They’re so subtle I forgot about them and felt that Wolvden had no people which I find hella more appealing.

For the far future, I could maybe in favor of passive Dreamlands encounters. Not humans really, but humaniods. Edit* I’d also support humans that are otherwise completely made-up for the world of Wolvden. Maybe a spin on very early humans? Doesn’t have to be in-depth lore or anything, again they can be passive encounters. Like simple sightings that keep you guessing about the strange creatures in the forest.

Perhaps there could be a toggable “mode” button/setting where if humans are introduced somehow, those who are against it can hide every human related thing at once. I’m not sure how practical that’d be, I’m wondering if there’s better ways for those in support of the thread to coexist with humans in-game. 

Edit**: took a while but I see that Wolvden does hint at the possibility of humans. It’s done in such a way that they seem barely there, like the devs wanted it known there are people without putting too much thought into it, yet. But due to the lack of people, the game gave off a very “anti-human” vibe to me. Weird choice of words, sorry. Like they died off or simply moved, and these areas are now wolf dominated. There is always something appealing about an animal game without humans in it. I’m still in the no humans boat but if they’re strictly passive i don’t have an issue. Wolves don’t normally just attack people, pretty much any game that includes them seem to think that. 

Redpineapple1 (hiatus)

Posted 2021-07-03 07:44:35

Going off of @Redpineapple1's idea with the toggable mode button, I'd be okay if there was a Human specific biome, so those who don't want to fight/see/interact with human characters can just stay away from that biome, and those who want to, can go there. I think that's solves some problems, and hopefully please a larger amount of people, instead of it being a "humans vs no humans".


Posted 2021-07-03 07:53:21

Support, I didn't agree at first, but now that I think about it, it's better not to add them.

Plus, humans don't really fit into Wolvden's world. If you want to fight humans, there's always Lioden. 

Stefanie 🦌

Posted 2021-07-03 07:54:51

Support. Personally I’d like little actual human appearances at all, but I can understand if human stuff has already been planned. However humans being enemies brings a slew of problems. Even ignoring how it breaks immersion for some, the idea of attacking and killing humans, good and bad, can be very distressing to players. There’s a difference between fighting an animal and getting their pelt and fighting a person and getting their arm or leg or whatever.

And during a time where wolves are being hunted and treated as monsters, do we really want one of the big wolf games to include wolves killing humans? Collecting their trophies and hunting them for quests? Wolves aren’t lions, they don’t attack humans, and it will serve to just reinforce a harmful misconception. Go ahead and have encounters where you can stop poachers if elements like that are planned, but scare them off or ruin their equipment or just anything besides mauling them. 


Posted 2021-07-03 07:57:53

Not meaning to start an argument, but for the people suggesting that human battles just be toggleable, the devs might not even find it worthwhile to put in the effort to implement humans- the art, making sure there is diversity, etc etc. -if a significant portion of the playerbase doesn't even want to experience humans.


Posted 2021-07-03 08:06:23 (edited)

When I voted for humans to appear in the game, I didn't quite mean as a battleable enemy--maybe like a different kind of encounter perhaps? Like an encounter where humans are conserving the wolves...or something.

Additionally, I would feel uncomfortable with the whole wolves killing humans thing. Some people, (the older folks I know) would say things like "SeE? On ThAt GaMe yOuR'e PlAyInG wOlVeS kIlL hUmAnS!!!!!" the same kind of people who say that playing games makes kids violent. ugh.

Also, would we get....human....trophies? 'cause I don't want to collect like human skulls or skin or hair know.


Posted 2021-07-03 12:11:33

Support. All the human-as-enemy encounters is honestly part of the reason I left Lioden.


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