Rework retirement system
Rework retirement system
Posted 2021-08-10 17:07:48
Why, you might ask? Neither of these functions of the retirement system serve a purpose, as it stands! Why remove the retirement cost? Retirement is under utilized because the cost is so prohibitive to most people, that they'd rather wait for their wolf to die than to retire early, or simply chase them. There's no real benefit to be had by charging a cost to retire early. If people truly want to get rid of their wolves, they will chase them for free. So few people are utilizing this function as it stands, and there is a lot to gain by allowing people to retire early. This will let people put wolves into their dynasty earlier than when they would have died normally whenever they want to, which will keep the wolf economy moving along as people won't feel obligated to keep wolves they're done with just so they don't have to skip adding them to their dynasty by chasing. The dynasty only has so many free slots, so it ensures that not too many wolves are being saved to the system by the cap it already provides. It will also allow players to "delete" wolves they do not wish to add into the chase pool by removing the dynasty log if they so choose. It also allows players to retire their wolves whenever they wish for lore purposes. The benefit of removing the cost of retirement vastly outweighs the potential cons of it. Why remove the age requirement for retiring? This one has a slightly weaker case, in my opinion. I personally think that since we can chase wolves whenever we choose, we should be able to retire them whenever we choose, regardless of age. However, I think removing the cost is more important than removing the age requirement. I don't really see a case for why the age requirement for retiring should remain, especially when the benefits of removing unwanted wolves from the system and play are considered. Please, add any thoughts you have on this suggestion! :D |
![]() Naike #21019 |
Posted 2021-08-10 17:28:30
![]() Thistle ⭐ [He/Him] #29533 |
Posted 2021-08-11 11:51:00 (edited)
Currently, the youngest wolves that can be retired are 1-year old ones for 1300 SC and the price decreases by 100 SC every 6 months of age. Do we discuss if adols should be allowed to be retired? I think it's not difficult to "retire" pups. |
![]() Dżanek #24018 |
Posted 2021-08-11 12:01:33
![]() Naike #21019 |
Posted 2021-08-11 14:57:21
I see both pros and cons to this, but it definitely needs some pricing reworking considering that the economy is apparently going to stay at SC being scarce. |
![]() TacticianLyra #2886 |
Posted 2021-08-12 00:56:38
Yeah, I never really understood why it cost so much to essentially kill your own wolf. Which is why I never used the function unless it costed 0sc. Support!! |
![]() Dre #37719 |
Posted 2021-08-12 01:29:19
Considering there are no real benefits for killing your wolves (they, obviously, cannot hunt/breed/you-name-it any longer) so there being a cost to retire has always been weird to me. Especially because there are already ways to dodge the retirement cost altogether by renting a wolf with fatal illnesses to indirectly kill your wanted wolves. Not even speaking of the costs of retirement. Why would in their right mind pay over 1000SC to retire one wolf? That's at least a week of snake quests! Also considering that dynasty slots are not unlimited (current max 100 slots) there shouldn't be that much more of a strain on the servers as not all dead wolves will not be able to be stored in game. |
![]() clemace #1218 |
Posted 2021-08-12 13:42:03
![]() Dżanek #24018 |
Posted 2021-08-12 14:23:23
The people who want to retire, want to add the wolf to their dynasty. It's either lore purpose or to open up cave slots. In the end, comes down to the player still loving that wolf and they don't want to risk chasing them (there is a chance for them to get deleted and if not, finding and getting them back is not guaranteed) but it's not worth keeping them alive (ei, can't feed and play with all, or there no role for them to fill), and they can't let them go. Does this make sense? I hope I explained it well. |
![]() Dre #37719 |
Posted 2021-08-13 01:50:55
Retiring would be an extended version of chasing wolves for a player who wants their removal. Getting a wolf into dynasty is a kind of challenge that a player has to maintain the wolf or pay the fee. The fee is currently cheaper than TC prices of food and toys that are required to maintain the wolf and definitely cheaper than purchase prices of food and toys from the raccoon. But I know that every pack dynasty is full of wolves that die of old age. Where would you find anywolf keeping a younger than 7y6m old wolves in pack dynasty except of pups which die due to low survival chance? There are lethal illnesses that allow wolves to die younger but these are easy to cure, no one lets their wolves die unintentionally due to illness, it's also very difficult to intentionally kill a wolf this way. It's hard to contract an illness. Distemper is the only contagious, lethal illness that would let players control killing their wolves without paying the retire fee or waiting for old age. However, it spreads twice as slow as fleas and no one generally keeps distemper wolves as these are usually seen without any benefits, otherwise they would be required to be constantly healed with healing salves and isolated. I think about an alternative idea, to make illnesses more serious, especially lethal ones. Maybe add more contagious, lethal illnesses. Then, wolves would be easier to get into dynasty and the issue would be solved. |
![]() Dżanek #24018 |