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Posted 3 days ago (edited)
Sending a t* pup!

I would love:
Grove items (Sex Changers (1x NEEDED MOST!!)
Wishlist items
ANY APPS! (Really want the claw, skin, and nose sets from the february event!)
1 Marking Applicator Leucippus (Goal: 3)
Buy a pup
Amusement (200+)
Event decor! (5+)
Low gen (below gen 6) Brachy Carrier) NIB!

Posted 3 days ago
Sending event decor!


White or pale blue decor

Poses (any)


Marking app (Preferably spore, but any is fine)



Posted 3 days ago

Decor from my wish list or custom decor, currently mainly looking for pink and blue decors (1+)
Base or marking applicators (comes with a certain amount of refunded breedings! Except if its an RMA!)
Rare backgrounds (2 + please!)
A refunded studding to a t* or t3 (with secondary mutation other than blindness or deafness if it is t3) stud (message me first please! Charredramen, you are an exception, no need to message since I love your stud)
Any breeding or grove items (except red cock)
Sex changer
I'd be ecstatic if you gave me a mod!
Recipes (not blue jay feather, grouse feather, or ones you can find super easily, also pretty sure that I have almost all the lunar recipes, so just message me beforehand please so I can tell you if I already have the recipe!)
Fox remnants
A t* pup or 2+ t3 pups! (Message me beforehand please, there are some bases I already have and don't want more of. This also come with a certain amount of refunded breeding to my stud depending on how much I like them!)
Currently need a fenestra and hydrangea marking applicator for my stud! You get one refund to him for every app you send, including any base apps or other SPECIFIC marking apps (not looking for RMAs, you can still gift me them but they don't come with a refunded breeding)! (Also currently looking for any pink or blue marking apps!)
Bulk medicine (10+)
Sc (300+)
Marking removers!!


Posted 3 days ago (edited)

Base apps (Prefer green but will take any)
Eye apps (minus Feb event ones)
Breeding items (insta pup, sages, elk heart, etc)
Anything off my wishlist
Any decor (except Deciduous Forest decor)
Breed to my stud (Rune)

Or you can surprise me! (Please no wolves unless you check with me first. I have limited space rn)


Posted 2 days ago (edited)
Sending sc!

I would love:
Grove items (Sex Changers (1x NEEDED MOST!!)
Wishlist items
ANY APPS! (Really want the claw, skin, and nose sets from the february event!)
1 Marking Applicator Leucippus (Goal: 3)
Buy a pup (From this den: Sales Den)
Amusement (200+)
Event decor! (5+)
Low gen (below gen 6) Brachy Carrier) NIB!!

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
Buying a woof!

apps ~event preferred~high/med need)
Black Friday decor/mod/apps (I'll be eternally thankful)(high/med need)
(M pref) Chased albino carrier (PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE)

anything on my wish list (med need)
CD (med need)(I adore dragon decor~)
sex changer or grove items (no elk bundles please)(med need)

Decor! (Currently looking for nature based-please have a back up in case I already have or do not like the decor!-pm first preference-low need)
Free studding to your stud!(low need) (PM first! Mainly looking for g1/2 with muts or nice bases)
G1/2 female caribou(low need)(PM FIRST

No surprises please!
Will edit if not gifted in a day or so

Thx in advance


Gift has not yet been received (message sent abt it ^^)

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
*****=Really want!
Really want wolves list :
-TORN ARGENT(not inbred low gen pls)*************

-Frontal argent (not inbred low gen)*******

-UNeven Argent (not inbred low gen)********

-Split argent(not inbred gen 5 max pls)*****

-Torn badger (not inbred  gen 5 max pls)*****

-SplIT BADGER!!!(not inbred gen 5 max pls)*****

-Female Argent (gen 5 max not inbred!)

-Female Badger(s) (gen 5 max not inbred)

Mottled Wolves Female Young Gen 5 max not inbred (Want it to be T3 or T* but it doesnt have to be)

Want Items List:
-GC as much as possible, 2+( 1 is also okay!)

--Immortal Jellyfish**********

-Smokey quartz Chunk (3+)

-Sex changer*****

Any apps*****

Motherly Pose

-Relaxed Pose!*****

-Sentinel Pose <3!*****

-Grove items (2+gc worth)*****

-Custom decors*****


-WishList items !

-Base/Eye app recipes!

If not sent in a day or two, I'll edit the list. No surprises pls!


Posted 2 days ago (edited)

Looking for | Most to least wanted:
2+ decors for Arthmael (pls DM first the decor options, also idm if the they have 1 use)
Sex Changer
Opacity Changer
Wishlist items (if decors 2+ , if backgrounds 1+, if CDs 1+)
Poses (Sentinel or motherly are preferred, but if relaxed, is alright too)
20+ Nesting Material
2+ Racoon or Event Backgrounds (Not Lunar, Fayre, or Halloween pls)
1+ GC or 350+ SC
5+ Smoky Chunks
50+ Herbs
Refunded breeding (DM first, I only breed low gen natural-looking wolves & I am a bit picky with their looks)


Posted 2 days ago

Base apps (Prefer green but will take any)
Eye apps (minus Feb event ones)
Breeding items (insta pup, sages, elk heart, etc)
Anything off my wishlist
Any decor (except Deciduous Forest decor)
Breed to my stud (Rune)

Or you can surprise me! (Please no wolves unless you check with me first. I have limited space rn)


Posted 2 days ago

Sex changer :)

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