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Click For Free Stuff!

Posted 4 hours ago (edited)

Looking for:
Breed with my stud
+1 GC
Base applicators
Sex Changer
+2 Bird decors (Not feathers)
Wishlist items (I have non-custom decors on it)
Grove or special breeding items (Not fertility changers pls)
G1 or G2 natural-looking wolf (Min. 6 markings, pls DM first)
+2 Racoon or Event Decors (Not Lunar, Fayre, or Halloween pls )
+2 Racoon or Event Background  (Not Lunar, Fayre, or Halloween pls )
Refunded breeding (Pls DM first, I only breed low-gen naturals and I am a bit picky with their looks)
+400 SC
+5 Smoky Chunks
+15 Nesting Materials
+30 Herbs
Surprises are welcomed, nervous abt but, let's see how it could go


Posted 4 hours ago

surprise me

@୨🧸∘˚︴ 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦

Posted 4 hours ago (edited)

Decor! (Currently looking for nature based-please have a back up in case I already have or do not like the decor!-pm first preference-low need)
300+ SC (high need! saving up ^^)
Free studding to your stud!(low need) (PM first! Mainly(prefer) looking for g1/2 with muts or nice bases)

anything on my wish list (med need)
CD (med need)(I adore dragon decor~)
sex changer or grove items (no elk bundles please)(med need)
Canine claws/fang (2+ please!)
Guacium (high need)
Red fox pelt/tail (med need)

G1/2 female caribou(low need)(PM FIRST
apps ~event preferred~high/med need)
Black Friday decor/apps (pleaseseses)(high/med need)
(M pref) Chased albino carrier (PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE)
gc 1+ (high need! saving up ^^)
caribou antlers (med need)
Thick fur tuft 2+ (med need)
Broken antler 2+(med need)

MoD,(please, I'll kiss the very ground you walk)
7+ gc
multiple apps

No surprises please!
Feel free to pm me about other things!

Thx in advance


Ghost of the lost

Posted 4 hours ago (edited)
Oop ignore for noww


Posted 3 hours ago (edited)
The more *** = I want a lot
-Give a Wolf from my Goals (that I havnt collected yet its on profile page!)**************

-GC as much as possible, 2+( 1 is also okay!)******

-Breed to my stud .+Raven+. (Mela carrier!)

Art OF MY LEAD OR STUD!!!! *********

-Nesting Materials (10+)!

--Immortal Jellyfish(1+)

- Smoky Chunks(5+)


Refunded Breedings to a stud 2+(pm me first lf for one that is G2-maybe G3 max)


-Sex changer*********

Any apps*****

Motherly Pose

-Relaxed Pose!*****

-Sentinel Pose <3!*****

-Grove items (2+gc worth)*****

-Custom decors********

-Wishlistitems [bgs 3+, decors(4+) Custom decors(1+)]

-Base/Eye app recipes!

If not sent in a day or two, I'll edit the list. No surprises pls!!!!


Posted 3 hours ago
Sending!!! :D

I would love:
Gc (saving to get rid of current stud)
Sentinel pose (really want!)
Any apps
Gothic/Spooky decor
Pretty Pups (preferably female)
Surprises are very much welcome!! <3


Posted 3 hours ago

surprise me

@୨🧸∘˚︴ 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦

Posted 3 hours ago (edited)

surprise me

Posted 3 hours ago (edited)
The more *** = I want a lot
-Give a Wolf from my Goals (that I havnt collected yet its on profile page!)**************

-GC as much as possible, 2+( 1 is also okay!)******

-Breed to my stud .+Raven+. (Mela carrier!)

Art OF MY LEAD OR STUD!!!! *********

-Nesting Materials (10+)!

--Immortal Jellyfish(1+)

- Smoky Chunks(5+)


Refunded Breedings to a stud 2+(pm me first lf for one that is G2-maybe G3 max)


-Sex changer*********

Any apps*****

Motherly Pose

-Relaxed Pose!*****

-Sentinel Pose <3!*****

-Grove items (2+gc worth)*****

-Custom decors********

-IF Wishlistitems [bgs 3+, decors(4+) Custom decors(1+) if any other items then it doesnt matter how much<3]

-Base/Eye app recipes!

If not sent in a day or two, I'll edit the list. No surprises pls!!!!


Posted 3 hours ago
Refund breeding!

Looking for:
Breed with my stud
+1 GC
Base applicators
Sex Changer
+2 Bird decors (Not feathers)
Wishlist items (I have non-custom decors on it)
Grove or special breeding items (Not fertility changers pls)
G1 or G2 natural-looking wolf (Min. 6 markings, pls DM first)
+2 Racoon or Event Decors (Not Lunar, Fayre, or Halloween pls )
+2 Racoon or Event Background  (Not Lunar, Fayre, or Halloween pls )
Refunded breeding (Pls DM first, I only breed low-gen naturals and I am a bit picky with their looks)
+400 SC
+5 Smoky Chunks
+15 Nesting Materials
+30 Herbs
Surprises are welcomed, nervous abt but, let's see how it could go


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