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Posted 5 hours ago
Sending!!! :D

I would love:
Gc (saving to get rid of current stud)
Sentinel pose (really want!)
Any apps
Gothic/Spooky decor
Pretty Pups (preferably female)
Surprises are very much welcome!! <3


Posted 5 hours ago

Looking for:
Breed with my stud
+1 GC
Base applicators
Sex Changer
+2 Bird decors (Not feathers)
Wishlist items (I have non-custom decors on it)
Grove or special breeding items (Not fertility changers pls)
G1 or G2 natural-looking wolf (min. 7 markings, pls DM first)
+2 Racoon or Event Decors (Not Lunar, Fayre, or Halloween pls )
+2 Racoon or Event Background  (Not Lunar, Fayre, or Halloween pls )
Refunded breeding (Pls DM first, I only breed low-gen naturals and I am a bit picky with their looks)
+300 SC
+5 Smoky Chunks
+15 Nesting Materials
+30 Herbs
Surprises are welcomed, nervous abt but, let's see how it could go


Posted 5 hours ago (edited)
sending! I'd like:
- any of the attached antler decors
- 1+ GC or 300+ SC
- any uncommon decor
- wishlist item(s)
- pose(s)
- instant pup delivery
- uncommon/rare background(s)
- marking remover(s)
- marking applicator(s)
- any deer-related/themed decor/backgrounds (pls feed my obsession)

Posted 5 hours ago (edited)
sending!  STIP NINJA"ING ME ( i am STILl gifting to doe)

surprise me

@୨🧸∘˚︴ 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦

Posted 5 hours ago (edited)


Herbs (15+  Dandelion and Charcoal most needed)

Nesting Material (4+)

4+ Random Decor (no acorn bundles or bone decor)

Glowing Spores (4+)

Background (no Angel Oak)


Canine Fang/Claw (4+)

Wolf Tail

Skin/Claw/Nose Applicator

Wishlist Item

SC (300+)

Event Background (must have at least 2 uses)

Claw/Nose/Eye Pass (Eye pass most needed)

Sex Changer

Marking Removal

Marking Opacity Changer



Eye Applicator

Base Applicator (Colorful preferred)

Blue Marking Applicator


Red Fox Pelt

Gray Fox Pelt

Caribou Antler

Thick Fur Tuft


LF offers on the first T3 Bronze Zerdava in the game: link

𝒟𝓎𝓃𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓉𝑒 ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 5 hours ago (edited)
*****=Really want!
Really want wolves list :
-TORN ARGENT(not inbred low gen pls)*************

-Frontal argent (not inbred low gen)*******

-UNeven Argent (not inbred low gen)********

-Split argent(not inbred gen 5 max pls)*****

-Torn badger (not inbred  gen 5 max pls)*****

-SplIT BADGER!!!(not inbred gen 5 max pls)*****

-Female Argent (gen 5 max not inbred!)

Mottled Wolves Female Young Gen 5 max not inbred (Want it to be T3 or T* but it doesnt have to be)

Want Items List:
-GC as much as possible, 2+( 1 is also okay!)************

-Breed to my stud!!RAVEN

-Nesting Materials (10+)!**

--Immortal Jellyfish**********

-+5 Smoky Chunks


Refunded Breedings to a stud 2+(pm me first lf for one that is G2-maybe G3 max)


-RAre backgrounds (3+)

-Sex changer*********

Any apps*****

Motherly Pose

-Relaxed Pose!*****

-Sentinel Pose <3!*****

-Grove items (2+gc worth)*****

-Custom decors********

-WishList items !!

-Base/Eye app recipes!

If not sent in a day or two, I'll edit the list. No surprises pls!


Posted 5 hours ago (edited)
Omg sorry! Ignore this


Posted 5 hours ago

surprise me

@୨🧸∘˚︴ 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦

Posted 5 hours ago
(uno reverse, now i'm gifting to love >:] )

sending! I'd like:
- any of the attached antler decors
- 1+ GC or 300+ SC
- any uncommon decor
- wishlist item(s)
- pose(s)
- instant pup delivery
- uncommon/rare background(s)
- marking remover(s)
- marking applicator(s)
- any deer-related/themed decor/backgrounds (pls feed my obsession)

Posted 5 hours ago
*****=Really want!
Really want wolves list :
-TORN ARGENT(not inbred low gen pls)*************

-Frontal argent (not inbred low gen)*******

-UNeven Argent (not inbred low gen)********

-Split argent(not inbred gen 5 max pls)*****

-Torn badger (not inbred  gen 5 max pls)*****

-SplIT BADGER!!!(not inbred gen 5 max pls)*****

-Female Argent (gen 5 max not inbred!)

Mottled Wolves Female Young Gen 5 max not inbred (Want it to be T3 or T* but it doesnt have to be)

Want Items List:
-GC as much as possible, 2+( 1 is also okay!)************

-Breed to my stud!!RAVEN

-Nesting Materials (10+)!**

--Immortal Jellyfish**********

-+5 Smoky Chunks


Refunded Breedings to a stud 2+(pm me first lf for one that is G2-maybe G3 max)


-RAre backgrounds (3+)

-Sex changer*********

Any apps*****

Motherly Pose

-Relaxed Pose!*****

-Sentinel Pose <3!*****

-Grove items (2+gc worth)*****

-Custom decors********

-WishList items !!

-Base/Eye app recipes!

If not sent in a day or two, I'll edit the list. No surprises pls!


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