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Lunar Event #7! (August 20th-26th, 2021)

Posted 2021-08-19 21:43:02
So the event applicators aren't always available during the event? They only have a chance to be available for purchase in the lunar shop... At least that is my understanding of the post. Can anyone help me know what they mean when that say they will retire an applicator but it will available during the lunar event of their choice?

I've never played during the lunar event before and I'm excited to play during the event don't get me wrong. I'm just a bit confused what they mean when they retire the applicators.
The Roaming Spirit

Posted 2021-08-19 21:43:52
YasssI was waiting all monthfpr this so excited
Solar Cat

Posted 2021-08-19 21:52:10
Aw hell yeah, orcas!!! Happy august lumar event everyone!


Posted 2021-08-19 21:53:22
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This member is a Moderator. Moderator
Posted 2021-08-19 21:57:10
@The Roaming Spirit: Whenever the Lunar event occurs, new applicators are (usually) added.  The pattern tends to go with one month releasing a new base, claw, nose, and skin applicator set, and a new eye colour being released; then, the next month after that releases a marking applicator that matches the base, claw, nose, and skin set, along with another new eye colour, and so on.  Once a set has been fully released (base, claw, marking, nose, and skin), it is then removed from the Lunar Shoppe after that event ends, meaning it is "retired".  Applicators come out of retirement and are added back to the Lunar Shoppe when real life lunar events occur, such as this month's seasonal Blue Moon!

This member is an Admin. Katze

Posted 2021-08-19 22:08:30
@Katze: It's interesting way to release the applicators. Retiring them isn't what I expected... not saying it's bad if that is how the site works then it's great. I just play on other sites and retired items usually aren't ever seen again... so I suppose I took it a bit differently. I'm excited to participate during this event. Not sure I'm goin to earn enough currency to afford anything though.
The Roaming Spirit

Posted 2021-08-19 22:53:44
Amazing can't wait!


Posted 2021-08-20 00:54:36
The new backgrounds are beautiful, and I'm always a fan of glowy eyes. I do wish we'd had some warning in advance that there wouldn't be a new base this month though, as I and a lot of other people were really looking forward to it. It's a very logical move, what with all the previous applicators returning, but some warning would have been nice to avoid disappointment.

Still! Lunar event is always a good time, and I'm looking forward to grabbing all these new backgrounds.


Posted 2021-08-20 01:34:16
Definitely Agree with Spontaneite here, some warning in the future would be appreciated i myself was rather excited for a new base today then to only see none.

On another note we have no clue what your plans are for the next event after this but a poll of favorite colours would be neat (assuming lunar bases will go away from blue)


Posted 2021-08-20 02:24:54
Thirding everything Spontaneite said. Don't really have anything to add, positive or critical - they covered my thoughts pretty well.

Whirligig (Hiatus)