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[CLOSED]🎟️WINNERS DRAWN 🎟️NIB Losna Male (Not Bred)🎟️Cheap tickets!! (Food, Toys, SC, etc.)

[CLOSED]🎟️WINNERS DRAWN 🎟️NIB Losna Male (Not Bred)🎟️Cheap tickets!! (Food, Toys, SC, etc.)
Posted 2021-08-22 08:48:41 (edited)

1st Place - Drake
2nd Place - 2 refunded breedings to Gavriel
3rd Place - 1 refunded breedings to Gavriel

Drake is another handsome pup bred by my stud Gavriel. He's not inbred and has a beautiful Losna base with 4 marks including Honey Tamaskan Unders and Lusxnei nose and claws. Here is what he will look like as a full grown yearling when this raffle is over. 💜

The Boring But Necessary Rules

  1. I reserve the right to cancel this raffle if I believe I haven't gotten enough entries. But that's only going to be if only, like two, people participate. A final decision regarding cancellation will be made by 9/15/2021. Items and/or Currency will be refunded upon cancellation, however please do not request refunds during or after the raffle.Decision made - This raffle will not be cancelled.

  2. This raffle ends when Drake becomes an Adult on 9/15/2021.

  3. To enter, send a gift titled 'Raffle Entry' with your items and/or currency. I will log all entries in the post below. If you can't find yourself or the information inI have logged is incorrect, please message me immediately.

  4. On 9/15/2021, I'll be using Random Name Picker to generate 3 random winners. To keep this raffle fair for everyone, no  player will win more than once. Winners will be announced by 18:00 Wolvden time.


Herbs = 2 tickets each
Amusement Items = 3 tickets per use
Food = 3 tickets per use
Healing Salves = 10 tickets per use
Lucy foot = 10 tickets each
Nesting Materials – 50 tickets each
Any regular decor = 10 tickets per use
Any background = 15 tickets per use
10 SC = 10 tickets
1 GC = 200 tickets

*Feel free to ask about anything not listed! Or ask me any questions you may have!


Posted 2021-08-22 08:49:08 (edited)


CircleE #47324 - 420 tickets
Snowprincess #38691 - 268 tickets
ShinyWolf2021 #48057 - 352 tickets
Seven #46806 - 350 tickets
Moon2109 #46938 - 320 tickets
Crims #28092 - 30 tickets
Snap #48542 - 124 tickets
ʚ vault ɞ #42604 - 650 tickets


Posted 2021-08-22 08:49:11 (edited)


1st Place - Drake

2nd Place - 2 refunded breedings to Gavriel

Refunded Breeding #1) 9/17/21
Refunded Breeding #2)10/21/21

3rd Place - 1 refunded breedings to Gavriel

Refunded Breeding #1) 10/1/21


Posted 2021-09-06 16:19:18
Would butterfly decor be considered regular decor?


Posted 2021-09-06 16:27:48
Hi @CircleE! Thank you for your interest. It would!


Posted 2021-09-07 00:49:12 (edited)
Cool! Sending in my entries ^^


Posted 2021-09-07 04:31:11
Thank you! I've added you to the participants.


Posted 2021-09-07 09:24:01 (edited)
Sending Food ^^ i want send a legendary fish :0 have 18 uses soo: 54 ticktes? :)
🌹Jujuba🌹 (Leaving)

Posted 2021-09-07 09:26:31
You are correct!


Posted 2021-09-07 09:27:30
Tyy again for the chnace! Also i added 2 nest ^^
🌹Jujuba🌹 (Leaving)

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