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FREE stuff

Posted 2024-12-11 09:02:33 (edited)
All my wolves left last ro! I spent all my SC to get them back! I still hate to be demanding but I need a lot of amuesment! TYSM in advance!!!! Sorry I am back so often!!
โœผ า‰Nettle า‰โœผ

Posted 2024-12-11 09:14:02 (edited)
In need a lot of an amusement rn! It's just disaster for all my wolves

Ellyseen [Slow Respond]

Posted 2024-12-11 10:29:15
amusement has been sent. I would reccomend that, when u are beginning, maybe keep your pack smaller? focus on getting good hunters and scouters first

๐“† ๐“†Ÿ maxwell ๐“†Ÿ ๐“†›

Posted 2024-12-11 20:31:26
Can I have some amusement items please?
Lunar Frost

Posted 2024-12-11 20:34:07
could I get like 20-30 max uses of foods pls and ty in adavnce


Posted 2024-12-11 20:54:40
Xzeno i wish I could but im redoing my hunter parties.

Could anyone else cover Xzeno?

๐“† ๐“†Ÿ maxwell ๐“†Ÿ ๐“†›

Posted 2024-12-12 06:45:16
im ok now, thank you though!!


Posted 2024-12-12 19:29:49
Could I get some amusement and food items? I'll take as much as you want to give!

Posted 2024-12-12 19:36:28
Could I get some amusement and food if possible? I have a pretty small pack soย  I don't need much

Dance Girls Dance

Posted 2024-12-12 19:41:36
Sent some stuff. LMK if you need more.
If anyone wants to toss me some herbs, it'd be much appreciated.

Alan Dracula

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