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fight GC prices rise

Posted 2021-09-07 12:39:29
So I understand the frustration with people buying and reselling higher, but the fact that people did that does not mean that the GC price didn't raise naturally.  The people who chose to buy and resell did it because they understood the inevitable changes in market, and capitalized on them.  GC is worth more SC because there's more SC available.  If that wasn't the case the price would eventually go back down because of a discrepancy in supply vs demand, the high prices wouldn't be able to sell because people would lower their own to compete with the low demand for GC.  The resellers may have sped up the transition in the TC from one price to the other, but I'd bet that it wouldn't have taken long without them.

TLDR: the resellers are a consequence of the increased worth of GC, not the cause.


Posted 2021-09-07 13:20:54
I'm kinda iffy about asking the devs to release more content. It's a lot of work, it's already planned, and, like, of course more content is always good? That's not very useful feedback, honestly it's not like content is lacking. And I mean, they did release new decor in the very same release the quest system was overhauled.
About the "more SC sinks" thing: one easy way to implement it would be to simply raise raccoon prices (specifically for backgrounds and decors).

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-09-07 13:46:14
"Understood what would happen eventually and made it happen now" does kinda look like a cause.

At some point I got fed up with people selling weasels for 5sc (because they were my main money source) and got into reselling (for what I deemed a fair price, 20 or 30sc, I don't remember). I only stopped because it takes way too much time, and prices went down again. But as long as I spent the time curating prices, it worked. So I know you can artificially change the market, as long as there are not too many other sellers.

Hmm... I understand that the issue is that few people sell GC, because SC is not desirable enough. Yeah, ok, I'm more convinced about the SC sink argument.

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-09-07 13:53:37
Yeah, ok, if the solution to GC inflation is to raise SC prices, maybe it's not worth changing anything. It was nice when it was at 100:1(easier conversion), but, whatever.

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-09-07 15:25:08 (edited)
Actually, there is a problem with SC prices on the market right now. Seeing as GC is currently worth around 300SC, it makes sense to buy SC for... a lot more than the current 100SC to be bought out for 1GC. It's just breaking the market more. When the prices were at 1GC:~150SC, I was selling SC for 111SC for 1GC. Part of fixing the GC inflation is fixing the broken side of the what is essentially the WD stock market

Edit: added some images to show what I mean

Breezy [Hiatus]

Posted 2021-09-07 15:33:08 (edited)
I think it's fine to have some disparity as a kind of impatience tax. If you gotta have GC right now, you pay the higher price. If you're willing to wait and bump a trade for a day or two, you get a better deal.

It's also important to note that the trades you see on the TC are ones that haven't been bought, so they might not be a true picture of where the market is actually at. For instance, I go to the TC right now and see a lot of GC for SC trades at 300:1, but is anyone actually buying those? (Honest question. I don't know. I haven't bought GC since prices were like 1:70, I always sell SC.) If there is runaway price fixing of GC prices, then it makes sense for SC sellers to batten down the hatches, make trades at close-to-normal prices, and wait for the market to stop freaking out.

Likewise it's my guess that the 1:100 SC sales just aren't going to get bought (much as I wish prices would return to that level).

(edited in response to Breezy's edit)


Posted 2021-09-07 15:36:56
The problem is, is that the trades don't go above 200SC:1GC for several pages and the SC market isn't adapting at all

Breezy [Hiatus]

Posted 2021-09-07 15:44:23
I'm sure not adapting! Well, I've adapted slightly, I've gone from 1:100 (which was not selling at all) to 1:130. But I intend to hold that position for a week or two to see if the price spike will go back down. I'm not in a hurry and I'm hopeful (perhaps unreasonably so) that this is just a temporary panic and things will normalize in time. The new quest system didn't put that much more sc in the economy.


Posted 2021-09-07 15:48:40 (edited)
Unfortunately, no support from me. The natural consequence of adding more ways to earn SC means that people who sell GC are going to want more in return. A potential solution is to add more SC sinks, sure, but I don't think that's going to change much when it comes to GC. At the end of the day,  GC is the more valuable currency because it has real-world conversion. And honestly? With the ability to earn more SC per day, the higher GC prices reflect about the same amount of time needed to save to buy the same/similar amounts of GC.

Edit: I would argue the new quest system did add quite a bit of SC into the economy. Without selling to the racoon, I earn about 200-300 SC from quests daily, up from an average of 100-150. That's about double. Personally I'm not surprised GC prices have also doubled as a result.


Posted 2021-09-07 16:00:01
@breezy @lionel: hm, interesting.

Oh, I just thought of something: maybe the devs were aware making SC more plentiful would mean imbalance with GC and unstable market, and they released the new decor specifically to counterbalance it. And maybe it didn't work, or not as well as it should have, because of custom decor. More specifically, because of the 5GC tax on custom decor.
People who buy a lot of decor probably buy at least about half of custom ones, if only because there are so many of them - because there are so many people producing them. Which means that decor-buyers have a good part of their purchases that are GC-only, or mostly GC. Because of that, decor as an SC sink doesn't really work.

Fal - semi hiatus

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