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Private roleplay for KM2021 and Zoe

Posted 2021-09-14 12:10:47
" I didn't want to leave you"


Posted 2021-09-14 12:13:38
"But Rose, what about the pack?" I cry.


Posted 2021-09-14 12:14:39
" I am sure they can manage until we get back"


Posted 2021-09-14 12:17:33
" Do you think we will get back? " I ask with a whine.


Posted 2021-09-14 12:18:44
" maybe" rose shifted, her swollen belly hurting


Posted 2021-09-15 06:10:39 (edited)
Soon the van stops abruptly and i go flying into the door, i yelp blood running from my skull onto my muzzle. i look at Rose, who was tied down in her net.


Posted 2021-09-15 06:16:55
Rose whimpered loudly as the doors opened


Posted 2021-09-15 07:08:36
Black spots run across Whispers vision, and she could no longer see much. The doors open and she is thrown to the ground, she snarls in pain. As they unload Rose, Whisper watches helplessly.


Posted 2021-09-15 07:37:37
Both wolves were dragged into some sort of white building


Posted 2021-09-15 07:52:05 (edited)
They pull the net off Whispers head and clamps on a muzzle. They put a metal clamp collar on Whispers neck and attach a chain. They do the same to Rose.


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