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Private roleplay for KM2021 and Zoe

Posted 2021-09-15 07:55:57
Rose tried to growl but she was quickly put onto a table


Posted 2021-09-15 08:06:10
Whisper was put onto a table beside Rose, the net fully removed.


Posted 2021-09-15 08:09:45
Rose bared her teeth as a hooded person have her a check over. The only words she could pick out were" they'll do... Early on... Both pregnant"


Posted 2021-09-15 09:06:22
Whisper cranes her head to look at Rose. She saw Rose bare her teeth at the hooded figure. "Rose what are they saying?" I ask unable to hear anything.


Posted 2021-09-15 14:16:32
Rose shook her head" hold on"


Posted 2021-09-16 05:48:48
I whine and snarl as a needle is slipped into my paw. "Rose?" I ask


Posted 2021-09-16 06:30:26
Rose was slowly sinking to the floor


Posted 2021-09-16 06:48:47
I become drowsy and tired and soon im a heap on the ground


Posted 2021-09-16 06:49:17
Rose passed out and felt herself be dragged away


Posted 2021-09-16 06:50:26
Im left on the ground in a an uncomfortable heap. I pass out to the sound of a sharp laugh.


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