I like the idea of Processing. It's sort of a pain in the butt to have to feed wolves from each carcass individually. And it would be a nice alternative to Feed All! A random drop would definitely be fun, please do that <3 I support taking acorns away from FAPA. That was always painful. Once I had 100 acorns. Then I FAPAed and cringed when I realized what I did. Further customizing FAPA I support!
I think a lot of the issue lies in the Hoard layout. I'm having a hard time envisioning what Processing will look like in a way that doesn't make everything cluttered and more visually busy, taking just as much time to sort through as feeding does right now.
Perhaps a wireframe could be produced to better see how some player ideas will actually function?
I'm unsure about either of the choices as I have never used FAPA.
As for the toys bit.. For me, I craft quite often and leave one use for most items to convert into other things. I have about 17 male and well over 35 female wolves to breed monthly.
So getting every amusement use I can out of say (feathers) then turning the last use into nesting materials is essential for me. After that batch has been crafted. I'll use other items I can't or don't craft with as often for amusement, while simultaneously collecting more feathers and other items in explore to replenish for the next breeding month.
Perhaps making certain items a bit more specific. Herbs only for medicine making. Amusement and toys just for amusement. Crafting items just for crafting. The hoard could be set up automatically to use the food closest to rotting and displaying it on the first page instead of clicking on the carcass and then having to go back?
I'd like there to be an indicator or way to specifically take care of nursing mothers and pups. That way people can preserve their food/amusement for longer if they need to while still taking care of the wolves that need daily attention. ---- Saeginko #11137
This could be addressed by one of the things I've wondered.
When a Lead is exploring in their home biome & kills a large animal like a Moose, Muskox, Horse, etc why can't they call the pack to the carcass as happens in the wild? As it stands now, maybe they take away a random size chunk of meat, but always leave the rest of the large carcass to simply rot.
My suggestion:
Restrict this to the pack's Home biome/territory.
Clicking on "Call the Pack" wouldn't end the Lead's Exploring. It would enable available adults, Pupsitters and/or Mentors, to carry back a bellyful of fresh meat to feed nursing mothers & weaned pups.
It could be handled like the Lessons as it teaches pups & adols how to care for the pack when they're adults. Just add a description box stating that it was done. Which eliminates players being required to click on each action to accomplish the task.
I think this would benefit everyone, especially newer players when their hunting team isn't bringing anything larger than a grouse back to the den after expending so much energy.
It would be interesting. Maybe have it as an option to do rather than a permanent this-will-all-be-processed-forever, I don't know if that's what y'all are saying already or not. Also, I really need the serving size to stay an option. I struggle for food and if I don't have that option I'll have wolves leave all of the time. I think getting more items from a processed carcass would be cool and exciting. Feeding does feel like it takes a while, both since it's not all in one spot to choose from and I have to go by serving size. Also, this is just a game to me. I don't care about feeling connected or disconnected from my wolves by wether or not I feed them on their page bc I often can't do that. Being able to select which items are for amusement or not (like disable for amusement) would be a really nice feature so I don't use trophies or acorns to play with on accident when I do get the chance to feed each wolf on its own page. Well, that my two cents. Summary: keep serving size; select the option to disable for food/amusement; I would like the chance for other drops when salvaging or processing
I don't like the idea of processing because it's not very... wolfy. Having a few wolves tear into a deer carcass while the main bulk of the pack horks down chunks of bison and the pups share a walrus is a fun way to envision feeding right now. Imagining that the lead wolf 'processes' all the meat down into samey chunks is not. Why would they even tear the meat into shreds before eating it? It just takes some of the color and flavor out of the game for me, although I do think that it sounds like it could be an improvement functionality-wise.