🙐GroveClan: Signups🙓
🙐GroveClan: Signups🙓
Posted 2021-09-14 17:46:05 (edited)
🙐GroveClan:Outgrown🙓 🙐 OOC 🙒 Roleplay[not posted yet] 🙓 ![]() There is a solitary clan, nearly as old as the oaks they hunt beneath, that now faces a harsh struggle. GroveClan began as just a small band of strays, and over generations grew into a large, thriving clan. As their numbers have increased, so has their notoriety. Rogues and kittypets gossip about the mighty warriors, or more often the "tyrannical bone-munchers who chase off anyone who oversteps their invisible lines". Predators, too, have taken notice: an increase of foxes and badgers has kept patrols on edge; Two-legs set traps and poison their prey. With leaf-fall setting in, GroveClan finds itself surrounded on all sides. Have they outgrown their bounds, or will they reinforce their place in their home? 🙐🙒🙓 🙐A Little About GroveClan🙓 is a bit different from many clans you may have seen. Cats of any rank or gender may choose a mate and bare kits if they wish. Due to the clan's size, there may be up to three medicine cats at a time in case one becomes sick or injured themselves, or passes on without sharing all of their knowledge. Medicine cats may also hunt or patrol if time permits. Finally, they're particularly good stalkers and climbers due to the lack of undergrowth in their territory. 🙐🙒🙓 🙐Character Creation Rules🙓 🙐The standard: no mary sues or overpowered OCs 🙒Keep genders even. 🙓No romantic relationships between your own cats. 🙐No purebred cats [without in-story reason]. 🙒Keep appearances realistic. —🙓No purple eyes, heart markings, male calicos, etc. —🙐A good judge of this rule is if you are not able to find a picture of a real cat with that appearance, it may be unrealistic. 🙒Please make your forms detailed! This reflects your roleplaying abilities. —🙓No biographies/personalities such as "find out" or "doesn't talk about it". You're welcome to make a character that doesn't share these things about themself, but this can simply be included in the written facts of your OC. 🙐Add a fun fact to your cat's "other" section if you've read the rules. 🙒No unrealistic, unnecessarily long, or complex names. —🙓Ex. Dragonflame, Murderkit, Dogwoodwatcher, etc. 🙒I will PM you to let you know when your character is accepted! 🙐🙒🙓 🙐Character Form🙓 *Feel free to deviate from this, as long as you give most of the same information* 🙐Basics🙓 Name: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Rank: Desired Rank: (optional) Relationships: 🙐Appearance🙓 Description: Eye Color: Pelt Color(s): Scars/Other Features: 🙐Characteristics🙓 Personality: Biography: Image: (optional) Source: Other: 🙐🙒🙓 🙐Current GroveClan Ranks🙓 Leader—CLOSED Deputy—Open [0/1] Medicine Cats—Open [1/2] Medicine Cat Apprentice—Open [0/1] Warriors Open [3/∞] Scorchface—A sleek, dark pointed tom with scars. Crownight—Long furred charcoal and black tom with a white chest. Apprentices Open [1/2*] Queens Open [0/1*] Elders Open [0/∞] Rogues Open [0/2] Kittypets Open [1/2] |
![]() 🏳🌈ɓσωɦεα∂ɓσყ🏳🌈 #610 |
Posted 2021-09-14 17:47:41 (edited)
Name: Scorchface Age: 3 years 1 moon Gender: Cis Male - He/Him Sexuality: Questioning, homoflexible Rank: Warrior Relationships: Stormstripe - Father - Strained - Warrior, Alive [NPC] Otterdusk - Mother - Close - Warrior, Alive [NPC] Crownight - Half Brother - Strained - Warrior, Alive Unnamed kits - Siblings - Deceased 🙐Appearance🙓 Description: Before the fire, Scorchface was quite handsome. With a sleek, shining pelt and dazzling eyes, he was the envy of almost every one of his denmates. He quite resembles an oriental shorthair, with a very slim build, an angular face, and large triangular ears. His coat is a rich umber with darker points and a pale lower belly. A handful of flecks along his neck are also paler in color due to scarring. His ears are frayed, with holes and ragged edges. He also has two large scars across his shoulder from a border skirmish with a rogue. His eyes are angular, colored a brilliant turquoise. Eye Color: Turquoise green Pelt Color(s): Umber, seal, and off white Scars/Other Features: Two large slashes over his shoulder, frayed ears, and a rough voice. 🙐Characteristics🙓 Personality: Scorchface is a loner and a perfectionist, happiest doing things his own way. Naturally, border patrols are not his favorite task. While not a fan of working with others, Scorchface is always polite and respectful to his clanmates. This can become strained in regards to his brother and father, or anyone else who manages to push his buttons. He would never admit that he has low self-esteem, but Scorchface often projects his insecurities onto others and criticizes them internally. This isn't with ill intent, as he truly wants his clanmates' friendship and admiration. Biography: Scorchface, born as Duskkit, was born to an outwardly normal pair of warriors who had long struggled to have kits. Things changed quickly though, when Stormstripe arrived at camp late one evening with a kittypet and her kit. It quickly became clear that Magpie was his mate, and the kit his son. Otterdusk was heartbroken and moved her nest to the medicine den in order to avoid Magpie and her former mate's lovechild. Duskkit wasn't too bothered by the move, being somewhat of a loner already. Crowkit constantly vied for his attention, which he avoided like white-cough. Sometimes the younger tom wore him down, and he accidentally enjoyed his company. This resulted in many mixed emotions, as Duskkit watched Crowkit enjoy their father's company while the traitor avoided his spurned mate's kit. He enjoyed a short respite when he was apprenticed first, focusing on absorbing all that his mentor could teach him. He struggled socially, and abandoned most possible friendships when Crowpaw swooned them all towards him. Thanks to his dedication to his training, he was set to earn his warrior name quite young when tragedy struck. He was at the farthest border when a violent storm came. Lightning struck in quick succession and the trees caught fire. Duskpaw ran for his life, but he struggled to navigate among the smoke and flames. He felt his ears burning and cinders sear his nape as he came to a halt at a dead end. He swayed on his feet, lightheaded. Suddenly, a voice called out to him. It was Stormstripe, and with his help Duskpaw made it back to camp alive. The young tom was far from unscathed, however. His ears were tattered, several spots along his neck were burned, and he suffered from smoke inhalation. His recovery was slow and his voice was forever coarse. While he was grateful that he was able to relax and to spend time uninterrupted with his kin and friends, he was also heartbroken to have his ceremony pushed back. It stung even more when his younger brother received his name. After moons of recovery and regaining his strength, Duskpaw's new name was announced: Scorchface. No one chanted, and Stormstripe began to protest when the new warrior interrupted. Pretty name or not, Scorchface was proud to wear the marks of his survival, and his father's bravery in saving him. Finally feeling accomplished, the young tom relaxed. His relationships with his father and brother have remained somewhat rocky. He attempts to be more socially apt, and wishes to find a mate. Other: His pelt color is inspired by Burmese cats 🙐Basics🙓 Name: Crownight Age: 2 years 10 moons Gender: Masculine - He/they Sexuality: Pansexual Rank: Warrior Relationships: Stormstripe - Father - Close - Warrior, Alive [NPC] Magpie - Mother - Close - Kittypet, Alive [NPC] Scorchface - Half Brother - Strained - Warrior, Alive Unnamed Kits - Half Siblings - Deceased 🙐Appearance🙓 Description: Crownight has a long, slim head with fluffy cheeks. His eyes are large and forest green, giving him an air of innocence. His fur is mostly charcoal with a large black patch on his haunches. This leads to his tail tipped with white. Flecks of black trail up his back to his cheeks. His chest fur is especially full and predominantly white. His ears and the soles of his paws are also black. Remarkably, he has avoided any major scars so far. Eye Color: Forest green Pelt Color(s): Black, charcoal, white Scars/Other Features: White patch on chest 🙐Characteristics🙓 Personality: Crownight is quite the social butterfly, happiest when he's joking around with his clanmates. He's very physically affectionate as well, although he tries to respect other's boundaries, and he's a quick learner when he applies himself. Crownight has never bothered attempting to fit in, and doesn't want to. His greatest flaw is his rebellious streak, content to break the code if he doesn't agree with it. He knows too well how his clan would disapprove, and disguises his actions appropriately. Biography: Crownight was born to a kittypet, and brought to GroveClan when he was nearly a moon old. His father briefly refused that Crowkit was his, but the truth was too obvious to hide. The kit's already brilliant green eyes were a dead giveaway. Magpie, the kittypet queen, was begrudgingly taken in. She was tasked with providing for herself and her son until he was an apprentice as a way to prove her dedication to GroveClan. Clan life proved not to suit her, and she returned to her two-legs once Crowkit was weaned. In her absence, her task was transferred to Stormstripe as punishment for breaking the code. Although Crowkit was lonely, homesick, and aware of his clanmates' distaste for his mixed blood, he was more focused on finally having a brother. He chased after Scorchface, at the time Duskkit, attempting to start a game of mossball or chase. Sometimes his brother would give in, and actually have fun, but just as often his longer legs would carry him behind a den and out of sight. Luckily—subjectively—with his father hunting for him and practically ostracized by the rest of the clan, Crowkit could spend the rest of his time with Stormstripe. Crowpaw was apprenticed shortly after Duskpaw, and things settled down a bit. The clan had begun to forgive Stormstripe, and Crowpaw's personality had won many cats over. The other apprentices loved playfighting and sharing tongues with him, while Duskpaw became more withdrawn. Crowpaw attempted to strengthen their bond, inviting him to practice their training and routing for him before every assessment. Crowpaw's greatest flaw became apparent early in his apprenticeship. He convinced Stormstripe to show him to his mother's two-leg nest, and afterwards visited her regularly. He came to regret involving his father, as Duskpaw followed them and told the clan leader. Stormstripe was put on trial all over again, but he denied that he had continued to meet the kittypet. Crowpaw spoke out, telling his clanmates the truth. As punishment, he had to clean the elder's den for a month, but his training continued without issue. However, he had no intention of severing his rekindled bond with his other parent. Out loud, he agreed not to return. After Duskpaw was injured in the fire, his brother visited him often. He always brought him fresh-kill and new moss for his nest. While the medicine cats were ecstatic with Duskpaw's progress, he was restless and depressed. To Crowpaw's disappointment, his brother didn't attend his naming ceremony. When Duskpaw finally received his own warrior name, Crownight couldn't bring himself to chant his brother's new name. He found it ugly and insulting, but it wasn't his to contest; Scorchface himself didn't want to. For a few weeks, he refrained from using a name at all, but it became unavoidable. With some success, Crownight has continued to work at his relationship with his kin while coasting under the radar as a decent but not overachieving warrior. Other: Crownight is baby |
![]() 🏳🌈ɓσωɦεα∂ɓσყ🏳🌈 #610 |
Posted 2021-09-15 18:00:48
Basics Name: Batstar Nicknames: Bat, Batty Age: 4 years 5 moons Gender: Male (cis) Sexuality: Questioning, bi (?) Rank: Leader Appearance Description: A tall, lanky tom with large ears and short fur. Bat's pelt is an array of monochrome colors. He has a white underbelly and gray back, with a black gradient down his spine to his tail. His tail is lengthy as well, dragging across the ground if he does not hold it up. Bat also has specks of black on his face and tips of his ears. His eyes are a light, leafy green. The male has long whiskers and large paws. Scent: Strong, sharp. Of mint and oregano. Scars: A scar across his nose from a skirmish when he was younger. Extras: N/A Relations Mother: Hareslip (NPC, alive) Father: Stormpelt (NPC, alive) Siblings: Elkfur (NPC, alive) Mate: N/A Interest(s): N/A Offspring: N/A Characteristics Personality: Upon first glance, there is something off about Bat. He seems to hold a lot of backstory to him, and doesn't open up all that much. Bat is ambitious, always aiming for the clouds- and he's quite intelligent. He gets along with other cats rather easily, leading him to be pretty charming- and also persuasive, able to convince others that what he's saying is correct. When he grows close to others, Bat can often become overprotective of them and slightly controlling. He's pretty paranoid, fearing that everyone will leave him one day as they have in the past. This tom is also pretty closed off and mysterious, not talking about his emotions all that much or his backstory. He's particular about the ways things are done, and believes that those who cannot do things properly should not be doing them at all. Batstar, with his charming demeanor, can easily manipulate others into believing what he wants. He also believes in punishing those who break rules, as that is how he learned growing up. He's not soft with punishments, and does not have favorites. Biography: Batkit was born within Groveclan from his parents, Hareslip and Stormpelt. It was a rough winter when he was born, and the tom only had one sibling survive- his brother, Elkkit. The pair had a fairly normal kithood, and they both were inseparable throughout their young months. Their parents were quite protective, often projecting their worries onto their kits. Batkit's confidence and curiosity was grandiose when he was young, and Elk was often seen trailing behind his brother. At the age of apprentices, Batpaw and Elkpaw were assigned their designated mentors- with Bat being assigned Antlersnap, a strict she-cat who knew how to work apprentices. Batpaw did his best to please her, putting in all of his energy to becoming the best warrior he could. He neglected his personal relationships with both his parents and his brother. The pair became warriors at the same time, now Batwing and Elkfur. Batwing became close to many different cats throughout his warriorhood, and he often had trouble choosing who to trust and who not to trust. Rosebriar was his first love, a she-cat who he fell hard for- until she disappeared one day, never to return to Groveclan. Darkflame was another cat that Batwing grew to be close with, however, whatever they had never lasted. Batwing began to put all of his efforts into Groveclan- working hard on bringing in prey, checking the borders, and keeping himself busy all day. He was seen in the clan's eyes as a pretty responsible cat, but did not have anything necessarily 'special' about him. After putting in many moons of hard work, he was promoted to deputy when their old leader passed. Some were not supportive of their leader's decision, and when a sickness ravaged their past leader, they passed quite early. Batwing then became Batstar, being granted his nine lives. He's older now, yet still feels rather inexperienced in his leader position. Groveclan is all Bat has, and the only thing he can rely on being there for him until he dies. Other - Batstar's favorite prey are voles! - He dislikes the winter due to how lanky he is. Lack of a thick pelt makes cold days hard on his muscles. Interactions To be added as interactions begin! :) |
![]() Moona #976 |
Posted 2021-09-15 20:53:24
Basics Name: Spider Age: Just over a year Gender: Female Sexuality: Bicurious. Rank: Kittypet but thinking she could possibly join Groveclan or hang out with them. Desired Rank: (optional) If she does join GroveClan Warrior :
Description: Spider is a tortise-shell she-cat. She has short silky black and orange fur that is always impeccably smooth and clean. She is also a tiny girl. She has stubby legs and a stubby body. But she isn't a dwarf. The reason for her stubbyness, is the fact that she as some Munchkin in her, which causes her legs to be quite small. So all in all, she a funky little cat. Eye Color: They are a deep amber/gold colour, though if she stares at the sun for too long a time, they seem to turn blue. Scars/Other Features: Stubby legs, no scars. Characteristics Personality: Like her appearance, Spider acts like and overgrown, or under grown child. She is very bouncy and playful, so most cat's mistake her for a kitten. She is always zooming around and annoying the hell out of everyone. But it's oddly endearing, she fills an empty space with random questions and lots of bouncing up and down to try and reach eye level of the other cats. But, underneath all of that though, she is very sensitive and sulks when she is reprimanded. Biography: Spider was born in a big two-leg to a pair of loners. She never knew her father and she was taken away from her mother as soon as she was old enough. She had been found by some two-legs a week after she was kitted and brought to some shelter. She had tons of litter-mates, but the ones that Spider remembered most was her big brother Romeo and her Big sister Scratch. They were the ones that where always with her. The others didn't really get her, they were all too quiet and gentle so they stayed away from her. Romeo and Scratch were her protectors of sorts. When Two-legs came too see the litter, they always kept her safe from the grabbing hands off two-leg kit's. When they were token away from her, another two-leg came and took her to. There began her new life as a kitty-pet. Her owner was a kind two-leg and they soon came to a agreement. Spider could leave the house when she wanted, but she had to return before the building was locked for the night. That worked for awhile. Until Spider started going deeper and deeper into the, wherever she was and she got to a river. She found a way across and began to lurk through the woods. ( More TBA) Extra's Other: Relationships TBA when le rp starts (( Name | Relationship Status | Interaction Notes )) |
Rose #45762 |
Posted 2021-09-17 00:28:32 (edited)
Prussia #3189 |
Posted 2021-09-17 08:24:52 (edited)
Name: Quietpaw {To be Queitstream} Age: 7 ½ moons Gender: Female Sexuality: Questioning Rank: Apprentice Desired Rank: (optional) Simple Warrior Relationships: Unknown - Mother - Disappeared Unknown - Father - ? ? ? (more to be formed in RP) 🙐Appearance🙓 Description: Quietpaw is a rather pretty fae, she has a muted cream base with a tabby mask and tabby markings on her ears, tail, and legs. A small white fleck breaks the cream from her brown mask, which covers her beautiful mist blue eyes. She has medium length fur and rather fluffy ears, giving her little tufts at the top. Eye Color: Mist blue Pelt Color(s): Cream, White, Brown Scars/Other Features: She has been untouched by war so far 🙐Characteristics🙓 Personality: Quietpaw is rather social, and even though her appearance may give off the impression that she is a preppy spoiled brat she is practically the opposite. She enjoys taking large risks and causing mischief amongst the clan. She tries to stay loyal to the clan however, there are many things that she disagrees with within the code. One of Quietpaw's favorite things to do is run along the creek attempting to catch fish and clambering across rocks she comes across. She takes pride in her stealth and good balance and likes to make small challenges for herself, testing her boundaries. Biography: Quietpaw was found beside a calm stream with her mother nowhere to be found. When the clan came across her they found she was playing around in the shallow end of the stream, she was still fairly young and probably shouldn't be doing that, but she didn't really care, it was fun! However her fun was quickly ruined, as the clan took her in and raised her. Quietpaw could still vaguely remember that day, but it is very foggy and she tries to forget about it. Quietpaw remembers her mother fondly, she remembers her being a caring protective mother always trying her best for her, she isn't quite sure why she left her, but she hopes it was for a good reason. Image: (optional) ![]() Source: The name was from a random generator but everything else came from my head. Other: Quietpaw's favorite food is fish and birds |
Floofboi #47396 |
Posted 2021-09-17 08:30:57 (edited)
Floofboi #47396 |
Posted 2021-09-20 01:42:29
Name: Moonheart Age: ~ 2 Years Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Rank: Warrior Desired Rank: She's ambitious enough to probably want to be deputy one day. Relationships: Mother | Ferntail - Warrior - Light Cream w/ Lynx Points Father | Silvertalon - Kittypet Turned Warrior - Blue Bengal w/ Large Talon-like Claws Brother | Freezefang - Warrior - Silver Tabby w/ Scattered, Faded Bengal-like Spotting Sister | Fishleap - Warrior - Cream w/ Darker Tabby-Muddied Bengal Points 🙐Appearance🙓 Description: Moonheart is a petite, blue-grey-furred she-cat with a muddied mixture of bengal and tabby markings as if her parents' genetics had been in the middle of a fight when her coat was decided upon. It's as though the dark stripes along her flanks, belly and legs decided to separate into spots at the last moment. Hers is a relatively short coat, and Moon definitely cleans up quite well, but at this point in her spunky, just-finished-her-first-year-as-a-warrior life it is usually sticking out in tufts in all directions. She has slightly longer and lighter fur at her scruff, underbelly and tail which tends to collect dust or mud depending on the weather she is scuffling or slinking around in. When she does get cleaned up she is a pretty little cat with white toes, the brightest green eyes and a smile that is almost guaranteed to receive one in return. Eye Color: Bright Green Pelt Color(s): Blue-Grey, White Scars/Other Features: A notch in her ear & a couple scattered swipes here and there from training with her brother. 🙐Characteristics🙓 Personality: In a few words, Moonheart is a spunky, friendly, ambitious, fun-loving little cat with a penchant for mischief. In a few more: + | Well-Meaning, Determined, Optimistic, Hardworking, Trusting - | Oblivious, Flighty, Stubborn, Childish, Too-Trusting Biography: Moonheart was born to a pair of warriors in GroveClan on a perfectly ordinary, lovely day. Her father, Silvertalon, alternated between sitting outside the queens' den with his eyes squeezed shut and his ears pinned firmly back, and pacing a rut into the camp floor while spitting out all the choicest curses he had learned upon becoming a forest cat. The other toms who had gone through the same thing tried to calm him for what seemed like an age before the medicine cats' smiling faces poked out of the den entrance and called the frantic silver warrior over. All he could do was stare at them, bright green eyes wide. When he finally did snap back to reality he went to meet his kits and fall in love a second time... Moon's parents met in the forest. It was a rainy day and her mother, Ferntail was attempting an odd, high-stepping trudge back to camp so as not to get her longish fur too terribly muddied. She was making decent progress when she heard a high-pitched wailing coming from just ahead. Not wanting to drop to the ground for a traditional slink in this weather, she tried the edging-around-the-brush method until she spied across a clearing a large, spotted silver tomcat balanced on an exposed tree root trying pitifully to shake the mud off one of his front paws. When this halfhearted attempt did nothing at all he let out another surprisingly high-pitched yowl which caused the incredulous she-cat to burst into laughter. The tom scrunched his face into a scowl, and, feeling quite badly about the poor baby's predicament, Ferntail started toward him with a mind to offer him shelter for the night... Image: (optional) Source: Other: Moonheart is the character I played way back when I used to do warrior cat rps :D (With sufficient changes and tweaks to make this new and different, of course!) (Also I may end up signing up as her siblings but I'm gonna start with one for now ^^') (Also! I am so sorry for the just absolute chunk of backstory. I got way into it heh) |
![]() ❀ Fish! ❀ #12066 |
Posted 2021-10-16 19:38:28
Age: 26 Moons (2.2 years) Gender: Male Sexuality: Gay Rank: Warrior Desired rank: TroutSplash has always admired herbs over fighting, med-cat. Relationships Mother: RainDrop (Alive, NPC loner) Father: JackalHiss (Deceased) Siblings: BengalHopper (Alive, NPC loner) . . Appearence Description: Troutsplash is a Gray tabby with white socks, cream belly, chin, and unders, darker tip of his ears, dark striped tail with white tip, he has faded orange on his forehead and snout, which earned him his name, since his parents seemed to think he looked like a trout. his form is slender and flexible, made for fishing and swimming, like an otter. his fur is shorter with fluffier unders. Eye color: Seafoam green Pelt color: Gray tabby Other features: Nothing much . . Characteristics Personiality: TroutSplash is a timid tom who seems to enjoy time by myself, he still has patients and respect for others, however. hes loyal to his leader, and would do anything a clan demands of him, besides fighting. one of his downfalls, is that when theres a fight, he wont be anywhere in site. another downfall is hes easily manipulated, always thinking no one would bother using him for much, like hes got anything to be controlled over or used for. Bio: TroutSplash was born in Groveclan, but his father soon wandered off, uninterested in clan life anymore, and his body was found around the twoleg place, with the scent of dog sorounding the broken body. He was raised by his mom and sister, who wondered off before he c=became a warrior, and both mother and daughter have assumingly became kittypets or made there own small she-group. Troutsplash is often found around the river, either fishing or swimming. he seems to sense the growth of the clan, and hanging around all those cats for to long might just make him sick. he is insecure about his small size, but has found ways to manipulate it. he often feels guilt that hes just a burden to the clan, and wants to make up for it, maybe by asking the leader to become a med-cat. . Image(Optional): Ive been working on drawing him, but its still in progress, ill update later. Other: I play this character in roblox's 'Warrior cats: Ultimate Edition' quite often in river clan. |
Wolf #13143 |
Posted 2021-12-01 15:32:43
![]() LaYLa🍄 #35680 |