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Warm Coat Champions

Posted 2020-10-29 19:52:57

@harry- Oh i like his desgin


Posted 2020-10-29 22:47:54

Hi question does anyone want this Pup they are a warm dark breed only base he is free just do not have room for them anymore


Posted 2020-10-30 12:57:52

No thank you Arlo, but I appreciate the offer <3

Also, I just had my 300 stat lady go into heat! Anyone have studs they may want to go with her?


Posted 2020-10-30 15:06:45 (edited)


Sulfur (0.16%) Warm Medium Aggressive male with 338 stats as of Oct. 30, 2020. Skyline has 8 markings 1. Honey Dilution 37% 2. Beige Marbled Unders 26% 3. Black Dilution 72% 4. Brown Back Half Patch 48% 5. Black Tail Tip 85% 6. Dark Brown Back 28% 7. Cream Irish 63% 9. Yellow Marbled Unders 59%. He's only had one litter so far with one on the way. I crossed him with my Warm Light Gold Lighter female finisher. It was a large litter with 5 healthy pups. 1 Largest Female Warm Light Gold Lighter, 2 Warm Light Tumbleweed females, 1 Runt Brass Warm Medium male, and 1 Red Warm Medium female. All four female pups stats are above 250 and the runt male is still in the 230s. I'm expecting a litter off of my Black Monochrome Dark I chaser female that I'm very excited about!

Inteus BloodFang

Posted 2020-11-05 08:57:19

It's becoming apparent that I have a 'type'. These are all the puppers I've acquired recently. Yellowish bases with grey/black markings are A+


Posted 2020-11-10 14:32:29

I started out without big breeding plans in mind, but warm bases have really captured my fancy recently! Just bred my sulphur stud to a rust female, so my fingers are crossed for some warm t2 pups, but I'm not sure what I want to aim for in terms of markings, if anything. Guess we'll see how this batch turns out!

If "yellowish & gray/black" is what you fancy, Briarwood, check out Cavalcade! Happy to refund the stud fee for any folks on this thread looking for lovely warm pups out of him.


Posted 2020-11-10 20:41:38

Those are stunning! I want a warm based pack so want to come back to this thread later


Posted 2020-11-13 09:51:51

Just bred Skyline (Sulfer) to Supra (Tawny), 4 pups expected. Hoping for at least 1 teir II. I also have 8 Warm pups all 250+ stats. Holding back a 280+ warm female pup I had this morning. Have 7 Warm Pups for sale all with 2+ markings male and female.

Inteus BloodFang

Posted 2020-11-14 16:58:33

Oh yay! I'm thinking of base changing one of my ladies to tier 2 so higher chance of pretty puppies!


Posted 2020-11-14 19:25:45

Yay i finally got a teir 2 warm medium Pup 


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