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Bring back the ability to train pups in raffles

Bring back the ability to train pups in raffles
Posted 2021-10-05 05:58:23
Prior to today, pups who were raffle prizes could be trained, same as any other pups. This was a great feature! Pup training gives an enormous stat bonus (+63), and a pup who doesn't receive their training loses out hugely. Lack of training can cut short a pup's leaderboard dreams before they even become an adolescent, and also makes them a less effective hunter or rainforest/glacier scout.

For trades, it's possible to take down a trade daily to train a pup so they don't lose out. However, raffles are necessarily multi-day affairs. Therefore, I thought it was a wonderful feature that raffle prize pups could be trained - a necessary thing given the lengthy nature of raffles.

Today, I tried to train my raffle pups as normal and received an error message saying they could not be trained because they were in a raffle. (It was a raffle of hunter pups. Without training, they're basically hamstrung for life in comparison to trained pups.) I immediately ended the raffle so the new owner can train them. But I'd like it to return to the old way where I could just train my raffle pups. Otherwise, it's impossible to put pups in raffles without severely harming their value.


Posted 2021-10-05 06:27:45
Unfortunately, it was not intentional that pups in raffles could be trained. Raffles are meant to function as trades do, whereby you are unable to interact with/modify a wolf while they are being offered on (whether in a trade or in a raffle). Aside from the fact that this affects the result of what someone is bidding on, there is also the issue of what happens to a training session if a raffle completes in the middle of it. The best case scenario is that the training session is interrupted and a day is lost.

In a case like this, if you wish to continue training the pups, it may be best to use a placeholder item for the wolf and raffle that off. The winner of which can be sent the actual wolf.

I hope this makes sense!

This member is an Admin. Michael