Hello! Welcome to my Christmas Raffle!
I did one last year, and I'm planning to make this an annual thing.
I know its a bit early to be starting to think about Christmas, when Halloween hasn't even happened yet, however I wanted to give this one more time so that anyone, particularly newer users who are starting out with less stuff, have time to gather things. I'd like everyone to have a chance to participate!
With my raffles, I like to also have random "events" that will award you extra tickets for certain items turned in, but these events only last for a limited time. So keep you eye out for any announcement post about special events!
All the info in bold is the rule, any in italics following it is an explanation. Its not required to read the additional information but it may help :3
↠ You can only win one prize.
↠ There is no ticket cap, buy as many as you want!
↠ Tickets are non-refundable.
Please make sure you truly wish to enter before sending any items/currency.
↠ Only accepting things from the list below!
↠ End Date is December 25th at 5pm (17:00) server time
↠ First person drawn wins the grand prize, all other prizes are listed within a prize pool.
After the grand prize is given out, winners will pick from the prize pool in the order in which they were drawn. Winners will be drawn until all unlocked prizes are claimed.
↠ If you are a prize pool winner you have 3 days (72 hours) from when I PM you to pick your prize. If you do not reply, you forfeit any prize, the next person in line will pick, and another user will be drawn to take your place.
Again this is 3 days (72 hours) from when I PM you not from when your name is drawn. Because all prize pool prizes are taken in pick order, it may take a couple days for you to get your pick, depending on how quickly the users ahead of you respond.
More rules may be added as needed.
GRAND PRIZE: 20,000 and 100
Yeah you read the right. Grand prize winner gets both currencies!
Currency Proof: here
Selene Base + Marking Applicator Set (one of each app)
Luna Base + Marking Applicator Set (one of each app)
Losna Base + Marking Applicator Set (one of each app)
Moonlight Base + Marking Applicator Set (one of each app)
Nightglow Eye Applicator
Lux Eye Applicator
1 copy of my custom decor, Aging Dragon Companion
Seasonal Blue Moon Background
Wild Toucans Background
These prizes have certain requirements to be met before they are unlocked and able to be won. If their requirements are not met by the end of the raffle, these prizes will not be given out.
Any that are listed in red are currently locked.
An additional 20,000 prize.
Progress: 1200 / 20,000
An additional Selene Base + Marking applicator set.
REQUIREMENT TO UNLOCK: 6 white sages entered
Insanity Wolf with full uses
Courage Wolf with full uses
An additional 100
REQUIREMENT TO UNLOCK: 25,000 tickets purchased.
Progress: 126 / 25,000
November/Decembers Base + Marking applicator set.
REQUIREMENT TO UNLOCK: This one can only be unlocked by me. It is only locked because these apps have not yet been released.
50 = 1 Ticket
1 = 10 Tickets
Lucky Foot = 1 Ticket
Food Bundle = 2 Tickets
Toy Bundle = 2 Tickets
Nesting Material = 1 Ticket
Any trophy item (excluding Owl talon/meats) = 5 Tickets
Healing Salve = 1 Ticket per use
Blue Sage = 350 Tickets
White Sage = 650 Tickets