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Looking for someone to write my wolves' biography/s

Looking for someone to write my wolves' biography/s
Posted 2021-10-19 12:23:19 (edited)
wolves done:
crusty chicken

ok so this is kind of a weird request, but i have quite a few wolves that i've been wanting to give bios but im burnt out and have no ideas for their biographies. i'm not big on lore, in fact i dislike it for something like WD because its hard to keep track of.
so here's what i'm looking for:

i would love for anyone to write bios for one or more of my wolves. i wanna see satire, cringe, and grotesque biography content. anything you think would make someone absolutely hate or fall in love with the wolf. an example of a bio i want would be this:

he growled as thunder struck...the sound crashed through the field...he roared and spit poison onto his neemy....his name is cutthroat. dont get on cutthroats bad side...hes so bad he doesnt care who he hurts or even kills...he remains calm and always has a face like :/....he doesnt show emotion...he is the only dragon fit to lead. he is a leader. he doesnt take no for an answer....dont tell him no or else u wont wake up tomorrow...cutthroat isnt called cutthroat for nothing....hahaha.... anyway...cutthroat walked up to the acid covered opponent...and then he smirked. he walked away as the acid ate away the rivsl dragons reveal his skull. thos was his 7000th kill, his lucky he gets more luck with kills...thats his other ability

THIS is top tier poetry. THIS is the kind of lore i need for my pack; epic, godlike, cringe-worthy crap. i don't care how long you make it as long as its around the example's length. thanks :D

if you are skilled in this area, i can offer you basically anything from this list:
◽healing salve
◽large branch
◽large rock
◽large leaf
◽food (i have too much)
◽recipe: cozy nest
◽amusement items (name how many uses u want)
◽SC (name your price, cant be over 200 SC tho)

reply to this thread or PM me if you wanna do it! :D you can choose which wolf you'd like to write a bio for


Posted 2021-10-20 09:09:45
id like to give it a go? I write actual stories a lot but this good sounds fun


Posted 2021-10-20 09:18:15
sure thing! you can choose which adult wolf to write it for out of this cave!


Posted 2021-10-20 20:19:23
I choose Smurffette :3
Also for foods. my pack are horrible hunters


Posted 2021-10-20 21:03:18
neat! just dm me when ur finished with it or want any guidelines :D
and ofc, cant relate mine are great


Posted 2021-10-22 20:30:11
this sounds really fun, are you still looking for some bios or have you gotten all you need?


Posted 2021-10-23 11:44:45
yes! im still looking


Posted 2021-10-23 11:49:00
i'd love to write some horrible bios for you, would you mind if i did?


Posted 2021-10-23 11:52:56
go ahead! you can DM me who ur gonna write for and what you want for it :)


Posted 2021-10-27 09:09:05 (edited)
Over in the land of annoying misfits
Best way to get outta cold* saskatoon?
She pulled one over on all the dimwits
Together with the local racoon
A counterfeit crime she commits
Golden cones in trade for fake doubloons
One betrayal later finds her the nitwit
On trial since her word they impugn
Now she's left hoping the jury acquits

*drops mic* i am the lyrical genius of our generation

also very little rhymes with obstagoon or misfits. >_>

*edited to remove a word that is both a euphemism for a buttock, and a word for a donkey, because I don't remember the rules for profanity on the forum. :O


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