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Embers' Stud Design Contest - Closed! 15 GC Prize. Winner Announced!

Embers' Stud Design Contest - Closed! 15 GC Prize. Winner Announced!
Posted 2021-10-20 07:31:12 (edited)

Embers' Stud Design Contest

Contest over - congrats to maukkis for their winning design!

The wolf will be going as a rotation stud on the 1st of December, and will be training as a chaser until then. They'll be swapped in or out every 30 days with my other new stud!

1st place Prize - 15 GC!

Hello and welcome to my Stud Design Contest! I've been working on a G2 Chased Chaser Stud project for the last few months and the chosen pup has finally been born. It's been a long road to get here - I picked up a pair of chased yearlings, trained them as chasers their whole lives, and finally bred them and blasted the best pup with RMAs. The result is a G2 chaser pup with 5x rare marks that I'm incredibly proud of.

I want to make this pup the best stud that I've ever had, and one of the main things I want to do is nail down a good design for them. I like designing wolves, but I wanted to get a lot of input and thought a design contest would be the best thing to do! If people start submitting designs, I will give 15 GC to my favourite posted before 23:59 WD time on the 28th of October. (I may tweak the winning design for the stud, but I will pick my favourite based on what I would be most likely to use!)

Below is a link to the pup and some rules & guidance.


  • Please submit a wardrobe link to the design in your post
  • Maximum two entries per person
  • Entries must not have any decor or backgrounds - just the design please!
  • Entries must be submitted by 23:59 Wolvden Time on the 28th of October 2021
  • Submissions can be edited if you miss out a requirement, but please don't change the design after that. Comment if you need to change something!
  • No Reserved Posts
  • No additional RMA marks in design - so no added combo marks or RMA/NBW/Raffle exclusive marks. All added marks must be available from the event apps in Resources or from a basic marking applicator!

Must Have:

  • Fox Base
  • 10x marks
  • At least 5x rare marks (combo, event, etc.)

Would Like:

  • Auburn mark to be visible & at high opacity. I love Auburn <3
  • Autumnal designs! The event apps listed can be used for contrast, but the wolf should mostly be a warm colour.
  • Some sort of lighter underside. Preferably white or cream, but if you have a good design that's different I'd love to see it!


I have saved up a number of applicators that I would be open to using on this stud. None of these are manditory except for the fox base, but don't feel you need to use them all! I'd rather have a pretty wolf than a rare mess

Fox Base Applicator (manditory)

Lusxnei Claws

Lusxnei Skin

Lusxnei Nose

Azure Eyes

Luna Mark

Selene Mark

Selene Mark

Current entries will be listed on the post below, good luck to all! =D


Posted 2021-10-20 08:38:10 (edited)

Current Entries (part 1)

Name: Snail(lights on!)

ID: 32593

Name: Berenos

ID: 2759

Name: JollyWay{L-On🕯}

ID: 11405

Name: Fal - Lights on

ID: 43456

Name: Jericho

ID: 982

Name: Elkie

ID: 36694

Name: Bad Wolfittude

ID: 14499

Name: akeliza

ID: 10011

Name: Lionel

ID: 34199

Name: maukkis

ID: 47829

Name: CircleE

ID: 47324

Name: Salem

ID: 21506


Posted 2021-10-22 07:47:38
Ohh yay it's open! saw this earlier and got excited.

Here is one entry for now :) , I'll probably send a second later when I have more time, if thats okay(also I did move some opacities on the rare markings around, mostly up not down, but if I messed with anything too much let me know!)

Posted 2021-10-22 08:10:03
@Snail(lights on!) #32593

Thats totally fine! I don't mind the opacities being shifted at all, whatever you think looks best ^ ^ I'll add the entry to the post in a wee bit!


Posted 2021-10-22 08:23:05 (edited)
I'm not sure what you mean by rare marks, but I left those that seem to be customizer or breed only colors and tweaked what was left before adding to it to end up with this


Posted 2021-10-22 09:49:57 (edited)
Here's my first on for now. I'll do an other one in a bit!

link  Design 1 (Okay I fixed it, sorry I'm kinda dumb :3)

2 design (it's more autumn compared to the first)
{I believe you can add the grey highlights but if not let me know and I'll Change it)

Good luck everyone


Posted 2021-10-22 09:59:41 (edited)
@ Berenos #2759
Yeah rare marks is combo marks, event marks, breed only marks, etc. I'll update the main post to make that clearer ^ ^

@ JollyWay{L-On🕯} #11405
A couple of the marks have been shifted in a way I wouldn't be able to do - the Dinar Shaded has been moved from slot 2 > 9 and the Dinar Back Heavy Patch has moved from 5 > 4. I'm guessing they just got shuffled while you were trying stuff out so it's cool for you to fix that and re-enter it! *°▽°* (it'd still be the first entry no worries)


Posted 2021-10-22 10:09:12
Oh man I totally forgot to add no new RMA marks huh haha, adding that to the main post. Sorry guys! ^ ^"


Posted 2021-10-22 10:09:58 (edited)
@ Embers #3501 
ahh sorry I'll fix that! Sorry again


Posted 2021-10-22 10:33:12
@ JollyWay{L-On🕯} #11405
Perfect, thannks! =D


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