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Embers #3501


Hi there!

My name's Embers (any pronouns are cool, but I usually use she/they!), and I'm 27 years old. I like video games and reading, and have been on here since early access!

I focus on mostly on stats and data gathering. Right now I'm in a bit of a lull with gameplay, though I'm still rolling every day.

Thanks for dropping by! =D


Timezone: GMT / BST - 7 hours ahead in the Winter, 8 hours ahead in the Summer. I'm a perma-roller, so I'll be on at some point every day.

I'm not very good at responding to messages, so please only send them if you need to get in contact about something (ex if I find your chased and you want them back, let me know!)

Member Information
Name Embers
Pack The Pack of North Haven
Pack Leader Somber
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 6 hours ago
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