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🧵 [ OPEN | Crafting Crusade ] 📜 ALL 210/210 RECIPES / Free crafting: only send items! (NEW!)

Posted 2022-03-09 13:07:08
sent back recent orders! sorry for the delay i had something come up- which is super exciting i may share if it works out

[Slow] ☘️ Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2022-03-09 13:54:51
may i have 1x Rattlesnake Den? (ty ty ty ty)


Posted 2022-03-09 13:56:46

[Slow] ☘️ Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2022-03-09 19:00:15
Hopefully whatever it is works out! I am back to add to my background collection. Sorry in advance for the large order!

1x Desert Traveler (x10 Rock, x10 Remnant: Tortoise Shell)
1x Fallen Tree Den (x10 Branch, x10 Leaf, x10 Rock)
1x Hollow Tree Den (x10 Leaf, x10 Rock, x10 Branch)
1x Hunting Barn Owl (x20 Remnant: Owl Feather, x20 Leaf)
1x Leftover Bones (x30 Remnant: Bone)
1x Resting Grouse Flock (x10 Remnant: Grouse Feather)
1x Swimming Mallard Ducks (x10 Remnant: Duck Feather, x10 Remnant: Duck Egg)
1x Vine Growth Den (x10 Branch, x10 Leaf, x10 Rock)

Thank you!


Posted 2022-03-09 22:47:39
sent back! sorry been a lil busy doing commission work

[Slow] ☘️ Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2022-03-10 18:29:18 (edited)
No worries! Another background order (I almost have all of the craftable backgrounds now!):

Burrows Among the Roots (x15 Branch, x15 Leaf, x15 Rock)
Cozy Den (x10 Branch, x10 Leaf, x10 Rock)
Cozy Nest (x15 Branch, x15 Remnant: Essence-Covered Feather, x5 Turmeric)
Rocky Den (x30 Rock)

Now, to just get those pesky elk antlers (among other things)...

Thanks again for your services!


Posted 2022-03-10 23:45:05
sent! sorry again for the delay, was finishing up my final wd comms

[Slow] ☘️ Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2022-03-11 07:55:01
Hi. I sent the items for Swan and Owl talon necklace!


Posted 2022-03-11 13:00:18
putting updating the thread on my calendar :]

[Slow] ☘️ Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2022-03-11 14:30:49
new recipe! silvery-throated jay!
x25 remnant: blue jay feather

[Slow] ☘️ Kaziah (Kaz)

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