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Guess The Quote!

Guess The Quote!
Posted 2021-12-01 21:02:51
Greetings! This started as a funny chat convo and now I have made it a game! Put in a quote from a book or movie or tv show, or a lyric from a song, and everybody can try to guess it! I think it'll be super fun! So I'll put one quote to start us off:

"But I am the chosen one."

Thats one of my favorite quotes, so lets see who knows!!

Tasha 🫧🌑 (NC/Semi Active)

Posted 2021-12-01 21:04:00
got no idea

Posted 2021-12-01 21:04:56 (edited)
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince?
(Ok sorry that one was a harder one here ya go maybe a little easier)
"Clever girl."


Posted 2021-12-01 21:06:10 (edited)
Jurrasic park??

Mine: Did it come overnight or did it come on slow?
Hint: Music

Posted 2021-12-01 21:33:47
It is Harry Potter and the half blood prince! Its only from the movie, but its one of the sassiest thing Harry says and it always makes me laugh haha

Tasha 🫧🌑 (NC/Semi Active)

Posted 2021-12-01 21:34:19 (edited)

can anyone guess mine

Posted 2021-12-02 09:24:37
World We Used To Know?
"Two times the cheese, two times the disease"

Posted 2021-12-02 09:32:38
yes! good job Rexxa! umm...i hv no idea tbh

Posted 2021-12-07 20:07:36 (edited)
i hv another quote if yall r up for it!

Posted 2022-01-08 09:16:12
sooooooo is this dead or????

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