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Remedy #8857

Enjoy your stay :)
A little bit about me
I am a friendly person but not the most sociable, if I seem excitable, I'm probably tired. I don't sleep too well, and I socialize even less. If I go quiet on you, don't take offense to it, I just run out of mental energy quickly. I also work full-time at an animal shelter dealing with people all day, so that drains my physical and mental energy quickly. ^^'
I'm an asexual, introverted female in my mid 20's, who lives on a farm. I'm a ranch hand for my neighbors and usually have better conversations with animals than I do with people. To say I'm reclusive is an understatement.
I Am also partially blind, as well as dyslexic so if I spell or say something off it's either just me mixing words or typoing seeing as small text is the bane of my very existant
I'm usually pretty laid back, and mellow, so feel free to PM me if you want :)
I am obsessed with the Orca, panda, wing, and cougar markings. So I try to specialize in breeding for those markings altogether' Dear god I have a problem lol.

Commission for #13734

I will not tolerate art thieves.
Member Information
Name Remedy
Pack Forbidden Pack
Lead Ruse
Joined 2020-10-19
Last Active 1 hour ago
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