NIB (aka "Clean") Breeding?
Posted 2020-10-11 12:59:31 (edited)
To my knowledge it was first proposed by Khoshehk. They have a thread about it here. |
Coal #476 |
Posted 2020-10-11 13:09:58
How would one confirm NIB over multiple generations when it is possible for wolves to have the same names? Just by manually inspecting every single wolf in every branch down the tree? |
bonibaru #369 |
Posted 2020-10-11 13:10:44
This is what i did so far. Open to more ideas! The Different Terms of Lineage/Heritage On Wolveden, there is no health/genetic risk for IB,In-breeding, however some players want to be realistic or want to have goal/challenge to not do IB. Also, please do not hate on players who choose to IB. (Information Sourced from VagueShapes #828 ) NIB (No-Line Bred) - This when a wolf does not have any related ancestors in their Heritage. LB (Line-Bred) - Wolves who do have instances of inbreeding, but not between first degree relatives. So no mother/son, father/daughter, brother/sister pairings, for instance, but cousins would technically be fine OCR (Outcrossed) - A wolves' parents that share a very distant ancestor in their family tree. IB (In-breeding) - This is when the same wolf/or more appear throughout the heritage. HW (Heirloom Wolves) - This when players don't modify their wolves with GC items, like shuffle/applicator markings/or delete markings, and continue breeding NIB wolves. This term was created by Khoshehk #5362 and their forum can be found at Heirloom Wolves Need to Do List: - Code the thread - Subgroups for the different terms -Figure out a name for the "King Studs". They will be the most common wolf ancestors found in trees. |
Elliebird #3597 |
Posted 2020-10-11 13:11:45
@Coal- Sounds like the harder version of Hard Mode, haha. Since my clan is based on lore plus a little realism, I don't think GR would qualify as a term for "All my lead wolves are related to the starting pair" and I definitely think we should have one for that. I can't really think of a good enough word or term right now, but it makes me think of royalty or certain animal breeders, where certain lines and their descendants have been going for years |
VagueShapes #828 |
Posted 2020-10-11 13:16:56
Maybe "Alpha Bred", ALB? Since the lead wolves are sorta like Alphas? |
Elliebird #3597 |
Posted 2020-10-11 13:19:20
@VagueShapes I agree that heirloom breeding is a different thing to what you're describing, where all wolves are related to a founding pair. Personally I think grounded works well as a term for that, though it could also be called... "Bloodline"? "Pedigree"? Not sure - it's up to you really! Of course someone could theoretically be an heirloom breeder and a grounded breeder, if they wanted to have all wolves related to a founding pair and avoided customisation items, but like with clean/NIB breeding and heirloom breeding, they're actually independent of each other (e.g. I'll be an heirloom breeder, but not a grounded breeder) |
Coal #476 |
Posted 2020-10-11 13:22:18
I'd like to stay away from the Alpha terminology, personally. How about these: OGL (Original Lead), or OGP (Original Pair). Also maybe DBP (Dominant Breeding Pair), LPD (Leading Pair Descendant). |
AshPaw #1643 |
Posted 2020-10-11 13:22:39 (edited)
@bonibaru that is really good argument since not even your studs dont have unique names like on LD... I know that problem will happen with Newly Befriended Wolves too if they are dead and you cant confirm it was a different one |
Sienna Snow #402 |
Posted 2020-10-11 13:24:34
Maybe Wolvden can get the little "instances of inbreeding" text box at the bottom of family trees, like on Lioden? |
AshPaw #1643 |
Posted 2020-10-11 13:26:33 (edited)
I mean a Chased NBW is a completely new wolf, stats wiped, heritage wiped, and I think I read last night that NBWs might have recessive carried mutations wiped or new ones added ... I'll have to go and check. So other than for surface appearance, a Chased NBW should be considered equal to an NBW for breeding purposes IMO. But I keep seeing people talking about tracking inbreeding and unless they genuinely plan to sit and go manually through every wolf in a new pedigree each time, when you start to get beyond 4 or 5 generations down the line this is going to become a fairly labor intensive task because of the non-unique naming convention allowed on WD vs LD. |
bonibaru #369 |