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can I search for a wolf with 8 markings, etc?

can I search for a wolf with 8 markings, etc?
Posted 2020-10-20 09:17:04

I'm having trouble using the wolf trade search in any sensible manner.  Mostly I don't need a specific marking, I just want nice-looking wolves with say 6-8 markings, and there doesn't seem to be a way to search by marking number at all? I thought if I did "select all" on the markings and then input 6 slots, that would find me wolves with any 6 markings, but that doesn't seem to be how it works.

What do you usually do if you want to find interesting wolves and aren't set on a specific marking?  How do you search wolf trades in general?  (Or do you just stick with the forums if you don't know exactly what you want?)  I'm just trying to figure out any good way to do wolf trade searches.


Posted 2020-10-20 09:28:44 (edited)

Currently you're unable to choose to search by the number of markings in the trading center under the wolf search menu.

I would recommend typing in "6m" or something along the lines of however many markings you're looking for in the keywords section under the general search tab. I was able to find multiple 5 and 6 marking pups for sale that way!

You can click here if you want to see the current pups/wolves that have "6m" in their name that are in the trading center!


Posted 2020-10-20 09:33:33

Oh! That makes sense, thank you! Will do.


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