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Nellie and Inuk’s private RP 🦋🌲

Posted 2021-12-28 09:29:11
Dragging the carcass, Shadow and Strike stopped confused. What had happened now?
The news had soon reached them, and tho it didn't feel like a relief in the pack, the joy for them being together again was ever so slightly greater than the sadness of losing them. Ruf was at the puppies once again, and was licking each of them over. Everyone clean? Luckily they were weaned, otherwise it'd be a way bigger problem, but Ruf would now try to step up and raise them. He just hoped no one would get any puppies soon because he would get really overwhelmed. Four puppies was already a lot and- ohmygoshdon'teatthat. Yup. As he was saying, very overwhel-NODON'TCLIMBAFTERTHATWOLFTHAT'SFORSOMEREASONCLIMBINGONALITERALCLIFF! Ahem. It would certainly cut into his napti-OHMYGOSHCOMEHEREEEEE
As Ruf ran away after all of the puppies, one by one, it seemed it'd get exhausting.
As Inuk howled from far above, all the wolves joined her, putting their entire spirit into the howl. They only stopped when Inuk did, and Blue and FlutterFoot stayed there as Inuk joined them.
Luckily, he wasn't the only pupsitter here. A grey female that looked like FlutterFoot stepped out with a puppy in her mouth. She almost looked judging as she dryly dropped it in front of Ruf.
''Heyyy... Flutter.... what's up....''
The puppy rolled around from its back and ran off again. Without as much as a whimper, the other Flutter turned around and left to go after the pup.
Blue almost smiled as he stretched his neck towards the scene. ''That's my sister. Adopted, but she's still my sister. She's next after me as alpha. That is I'm the alpha, but she's the Lead. Alpha's usually stay in the den and can relax more, given that they have everything on a row, but Leads are the one usually greeting you and going to command people... well, I don't know how to explain, but there's a slight difference. She's mute, so she won't answer you, but her body language says enough. At least, I think so,'' he chuckled, as he watched Ruf walk after her and getting hit in the face by her tail as she took care of some more pups. ''She's also a pupsitter. She's strict and all, but she's okay.''

Blue stayed there for a while, looking out over the mountains. ''You know what the ironic part is?'' He then said. ''Danté is looking for a new place to move. He also had the taiga in his mind. Or the swamp, but that one's not fully scouted yet and we have to determine the danger. The other biome he had in mind is the Decidiuous Forest. He wants a place with some more water. The Forest doesn't have it, but Nellie likes fall a lot. And there's always a lot of leaves on the ground and everything. But-.'' After the 'but' he didn't say anything anymore. Almost said something wrong.
He then looked at Inuk a little shy. He was expecting her to go back any minute and he already felt terrible for ruining the first trip, but that whole thing about going back here and all.... He somehow felt something still lingering, and as he looked at Nellie... maybe there was a reason.
And as he looked back to Inuk, he still shyly looked at her and then down, avoiding eye contact. ''C-can- Uh... Can Nellie come?'' He then asked.

Posted 2021-12-28 09:36:03
(Bwahaha imagine Blue walking in with his super blue eyes. And Danté and Nellie with their spiritual blue eyes. Their whole color is, ironically (I joined Wolvden *because* of them and then experienced a Lunar Event) the same as a lot of the Lunar Event essence, Lunar Tears and that kind of stuff!
My first befriended wolf was Shadow, and then on my own I befriended FlutterFoot (I can't remember if it was with or without Tala tho) and Danté just snarled and Flutter got scared. FlutterFly is actually the daughter of Danté and Flutter, but in lore they don't have any kids, so I'm trying to get a bloodline going here through Blue, but if I do that, it doesn't fit lore anymore and if I make him alpha (which he's supposed to be at first until I found out they will always die so now I'm saving up to make him immortal instead) he'll die, so now it's gotta go through FlutterFly, however, that will give a little messy bloodline, but the pack will refuse to deny a pup just because of a sort of messy bloodline. It'll all work out eventually.
And no worries, I'm trying to go for very high stats as well, so I'm breeding a lot of high stats, I'll get there eventually ^^ I didn't expect Ashen to grow this high in stats at all, but he's also getting old, so I need a new breeding male, so I gotta find a relatively young and strong male, which'll probably come from the Fighter Cave, from the Junior Hunters hunting party. It's gonna get a little hard rn with two wolves dying, but it'll all work itself out ^^ Thank you tho, that means a lot!! If you ever need anything, lemme know!!)

Posted 2021-12-28 10:46:14
Inuk grinned as she showed up beside Flutterfoot and the others, and bowed her head after the joined howl from everyone. As she rested beside them, she chuckled lightly as a gray female passed where they were, with a small pup in her mouth, returning them to Ruf, with- not much success as usual, the pup was off again in less than a few seconds, and Inuk gave grin to the female as she ran off after the little one.
Inuk turned to Blue as he gave a little introduction for the female. Oh! His sister, how sweet, Inuk thought. And she nodded to him as she mentioned she was mute. And she also perked up as he mentioned that they weren't exactly related but were still siblings, and Inuk smiled. "Actually, all of my sons and daughters are adopted as of now, I took the care upon myself for a lot of the little ones that joined us from other packs, I have not had a chance to have some from my own blood, but they are my kin non the less" she smiled. "She looks like she's some good help for Ruf" she chuckled.
Inuk listened for a moment as he explained the leader dynamic within their pack, and Inuk was intrigued, "well that's quite interesting actually. It's a little different in my pack, myself, being the alpha takes care of all the important matters and work, I give all the major commands, but I have a council who are granted to give orders as well, being they are betas and deltas. But my mate Caeden, is the lead wolf in my absence, and sometimes referred to as the queen. All other members are subordinates and follow under the higher ranking wolves, with the exception of those on Dahmahaw's council. But all voices are heard non the less"
Inuk turned back to him and curled her tail around herself as Blue looked around for a moment than spoke of Dante. Inuk listened closely as he spoke of the potential move of their pack to a new territory, and Inuk responded after he stopped speaking suddenly. "Is that so?, well I must warn you, although it has much better fishing conditions, the Taiga is not as easy to live in as the mountains, when hunting, you'll usually only find critters and small prey, with it being almost impossible to find medium and large game. You'd need some very skilled wolves.. this is why my pack dosent live there completely, we go between the taiga and the mountains. I've sometimes thought of the riparian woodland, it has many rivers and streams."
Inuk looked back at him as he almost, lowly gazed up to her, and Inuk tilted her head as she waited for him to speak.
She perked her ears as he looked down and asked a question of her. "Back to my pack's territory? In the taiga? She asked quietly. Inuk thought for a moment on what it would all mean.


Posted 2021-12-28 11:11:59
Ruf was nervously running after all the pups; why were they running in all different directions?!
Meanwhile. FlutterFly didn't run at all. She just walked, gave strict looks every now and then and looked annoyed at Ruf, who was not in shape. At all. He was panting, and often had to stop.
This continued until the pups got tired and the male and female layed down close to each other, and the pups crawled in between them. FlutterFly shoot an annoyed look at Ruf before promptly turning away from him and also taking a nap. Ruf looked a little silly at that but... hey... naptime.
Blue just nodded at that. He wasn't saying much after asking about Nellie, and he was still nervously waiting on an answer. He didnt even realize her mate was a female, which would be no problem with this pack, it simply just hadn't happened yet here. (But it definitely will because I ship gay wolves and want to use this game function) He'd definitely be surprised, but in a good way. In fact, he'd find it cool.
Flutter did look concerned at that. She'd feared this, fishing alone wouldn't be enough to maintain the pack's hunger. Well, she guessed it was gonna be Decidiuous Forest then. She should somehow get that message across, since she didn't talk in the same way some wolves in this pack did, but she showed gratitude nonetheless with, after a shocked sharp look, a bow of her herad with a grateful look in her eyes. She made a mental note of it to herself and swiped her tail from left to right now. Ah. This was good. This was nice.
Blue hesitated and almost looked up, but he didn't at the last moment. ''Y...Yeah...'' he then said, ''I really don't wanna go without her anymore...''

Posted 2021-12-28 11:23:11
(got another salmon, sending it over as soon as I can submit it)

Posted 2021-12-28 11:51:43 (edited)
Inuk sat for a moment, looked down in thought, than returned her gaze back to Blue and to Flutterfoot, who also looked like she was deep in thought. She was making many body gestures, which made sense, as she didn't communicate by speaking out loud. Inuk got distracted by this for a moment than looked back to Blue as he nodded.
"I see.. well I don't see it as any problem, I know you would like to have her with you from now on." Inuk smiled to him.
"If Nellie is able to go a long distance with us that is..If you feel she is capable than I will accept. I suppose that means the trip will be a bit longer since we won't be running, humans don't have a lot of stamina right?"
Inuk looked over to Nellie for a moment than out past the cliffs towards the direction of the Taiga.
"I will still have to go back to our mountain home to meet with the others, so we will be travelling with a few extra wolves. I can only assume Hawke sent the rest of them to the Taiga already. So they will be waiting for us"

(Holy lol I don't have much luck fishing in the mountains, but I always have good luck in the taiga)


Posted 2021-12-28 11:55:28
(I didn't know Taiga was tough to hunt, but I remember seeing something about it, so even if it was only in roleplay, thanks for the warning LOL. I'll have to get more skilled Hunters before moving there, so Deciduos Forest it is!
Also a heads up, Nellie, in her lore, is going to go through some pretty rough stuff. If wolves turn against a human for a reason that could have been her fault, but she didn't directly do it, would Inuk turn on the human too? I can explain it more if you like and I submitted the salmon now so here you go)

Posted 2021-12-28 11:59:42 (edited)
(Yes believe me lol, I have hunting parties with close to full synergy, and high proficiency wolves and I've not found anything over small prey, I'm pretty sure you need like really high stat wolves, And Inuk wouldn't directly turn on Nellie, if Nellie did anything that hurt a wolf she knew or something, but it wasn't her fault exactly, Inuk would probably keep the others away from her, but she might feel some "distrust" towards Nellie, but she would never attack her. Only If like- Nellie attacked one of her packmates without reason lol)


Posted 2021-12-28 12:07:50
As she said this, Blue lit up, sitting up taller, stretching his neck and wagging his tail as his tongue got out of his mouth. ''Oh! Oh boy oh boy, do you hear that Nellie? You get to come, you get to come! I asked, you get to come! Yay! This'll be so much fun!''
The last was said whilst getting up and circling her. ''Oh!'' Nellie chuckled, a bit surprised. She didn't understand a thing of course, but still made a joke towards Inuk. ''Geez, what'd you tell him?'' She laughed, as Blue jumped around her and licked her a bit. He certainly seemed better now that he knew Nellie won't leave his side anymore.
''No, she's fine! She's got great stamina, but not really for running. Although you should see her run after prey!'' He then replied, standing infront of her as he looked at Inuk. ''But she's fine, she can hold herself. As long as she's not in wolf form tho, she can't run for long times. But I think Nellie will go as she is. Do you wanna pack? We can pack! Nellie and me can help you, appearantly some fish was caught whilst we were gone. There's delicate meat and all! We even got a Hellbender, but it got away to another pack. At least, it's reserved that is. Whenever we don't use items, and others don't need them, well... we don't have any allies, so when we don't use items, they go straight to the Trading Center, and we can make a bit of money! Small stuff goes to that weird Raccoon. Have you met him? He's weird. But he's got nice trinkets!''
Blue couldn't stop talking as he now started tugging Nellie's sleeve with playful growls. ''Hey, calm down, you're gonna rip it,'' she said, before she stood up and Blue trotted away.
''Cmon! Let's pack! I'm sure Nellie has a few satchels here!!''
And off he was, with a chuckling Nellie after him, after she shot the other wolf an apolegetic look.

Posted 2021-12-28 12:10:44
(Hmmm I don't know if I should put it in then so I'll explain;
Nellie, as Danté, joined a pack and she went hunting. But she accidentally went hunting in an area that was near a human farm, and she didn't know that. The wolves found out, and wanted to let her just go and get hunted by the hunter who lived there, but one wolf disagreed and went after her. He got hunted. She feels horrible and is hearbroken, and she was bannished from the pack. She got onto a mystery tho, as more and more wolves started having weird stuff happening to them, and a stranger told her of a potion that could help with such mysteries, and for the info they only asked she bring the potion, that you could easily find whilst exploring as it found you, back when she was done with it. She agreed and found it, then drank it, and got cursed. Tho I feel now that in Wolvden lore, it is best done with the Coigreach event LOL. Maybe it comes back in the roleplay? Idk tho only if you wanna ^^)

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