[LOST BROOK] lore + dnp
[LOST BROOK] lore + dnp
Posted 2020-10-20 12:29:39 (edited)
✝ CONTENTS. i. the old world. ii. pack roles and allegiance. iii. the wolf law iv. traditions. v. rituals vii. territory, landmarks, and npc locations. viii. lore bits, stories, ect. |
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Posted 2020-10-20 21:23:41 (edited)
THE OLD WORLD. From Earthmaker's song came the sky. From his heart he made Sunbringer, Moonchaser, and Starwalker. So happy were Sunbringer and Moonchaser to be alive that they threw themselves into a great chase from horizon to horizon, turning the day to night and back again. Behind them, Starwalker wandered, and where her paws touched light came into being, which shined brightly in the sky. After the creation of his children, Earthmaker fell into a great sleep. His body created the land, his ears and broad shoulders the mountains, his back the grasslands, his heaving sides the forests and jungles, his legs and tail the swamps and wetlands, his cold breath the taigas and tundras. His kin surrounded him, and took wolf forms in his honor, as they were sacred to him. They swore to protect the Earth for the rest of time, and took their places orbiting around it. - IMPORTANT FIGURES. Earthmaker: Deity of the earth and creation. Other names include Earth, Maker, The Ancient One. All wolves are seen as favored by Earthmaker, but wolves with brown coats are especially so. Sunbringer: Deity of the sun, day, light, leadership, and destiny. Other names include Sun, The Teller, The Bringer. Wolves with red, gold, and cream fur are seen as favored by this God. Moonchaser: Deity of the moon, night, hunting, protection, and motherhood. Other names include Moon, Great Chaser, Protector, The Mother. Wolves with white and grey fur are seen as favored by this Goddess. Starwatcher: Deity of the stars, lone wolves, pathfinding, and Watchers. Other names include Star, Stars, The Watcher, Pathfinder. Wolves with black fur are favored by Starwatcher. Kodav: A goddess that the bears worship. Herbalists often work closely with her and may worship her more than wolf entities. She is known to send dreams and prophecies to Herbalists. Herdma: A goddess prey animals worship. Not much is known about Herdma. |
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Posted 2020-10-21 09:02:56 (edited)
PACK ROLES. Teller: The leader of the pack. When a wolf becomes a Teller, they must make the treacherous journey to Maker Peak, where they may receive a blessing from Earthmaker. If they are blessed, they must take the suffix -teller. - Current Teller: Coyoteteller Herbalist The healer of the pack. Trained in the way of herbs and healing, they deal with sickness, injuries, and pregnancy. Healers are chosen as a pup to be separated from their litter and given to the current herbalist bear, who is blessed by Kodav, the bear goddess. They have the choice to keep the name their mentor gave them or take the name the Teller gives them. - Current Healer: Doeprance Watchers: Act as advisors to the Teller. They must have knowledge of the whole territory, and be versatile, intelligent, and incredibly brave. They are in charge of protecting and patrolling the territory. There can be two Watchers at a time, and they are required to go through The Watcher's Trial to become a Watcher. - Current Watchers: Harebellgaze Watcher Trainees: Adolescents training to be Watchers. - Current Watcher Trainees: N/A. Head Hunter: The head of a hunting patrol. Act as an advisor to the Teller. Specializes in the movement and migration patterns of prey. Must be fast and strong. They train hunters from adolescence to become a part of the patrol. Must go through The Buffalo Trial to become a Head Hunter. - Current Lead Hunters: Mistfall, Poppysplash, Ashsight Hunters: Members of the hunting patrol. The most common rank within the pack. Watchers often accompany patrols, but they are expected to know how to protect themselves and their packmates. They take down prey and provide food for the pack. Separated into Stalkers, Chasers, and Finishers. - Current Hunters: Nightfang, Shrikewing, Primrosesnap, Owlswoop, Squirreldash, Warblercry Hunter Trainees: Adolescents training to be Hunters. - Current Hunter Trainees: N/A Guardians: Wolves tasked with raising the pups, and passing on the history and laws of the pack. - Current Guardians: Lynxwhisker Guardian Trainees: Adolescents training to be Guardians. - Current Singer Trainees: N/A. |
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Posted 2020-10-25 16:35:46 (edited)
THE WOLF LAW. The Wolf Laws: The Wolf Law is the word of Sunbringer, and sacred above all else. Consequences for breaking these laws depend on the current Teller and the severity of the crime. - The health and protection of the pack is important above all else. - Wolves are to be loyal to their own pack. Relationships outside of the pack is permitted, but family is valued above outsiders. - Only kill prey for food. They are blessed by Herdma, goddess of prey, and therefore sacred, so wolves must thank her for the life they have taken. - The future Teller must make the journey to Maker's Peak and gain his blessing before they can become a Teller. If it is found that they have not gained Earthmaker's blessing, they are to be exiled or killed. - Pups are precious and protected under the eyes of the Moon. No harm shall come to them from another wolf, or the pack must take their life. - Herbalists are chosen by the Herbalist Bear at the time of their weaning. They are to live with the Herbalist Bear until they reach adulthood, at which time they return to the pack. A pup is taken for training when Kodav, the bear goddess, sends a vision to the current Herbalist. - Dogs or wolves with dog blood are not allowed in the pack. Their blood has been poisoned by Man, and they have been cast from the eye of Earthmaker. If a wolf is found to bear the marking of Man, they are to be cast out of the pack and chased from the forest. |
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Posted 2020-10-28 21:15:47 (edited)
TRADITIONS. Naming Pups: Wolves only have one name until they become a full member of the pack. Pups are often named after things that can be found within the territory, including animals, plants, and other objects. Tellers are ultimately responsible for giving wolves their full names, but receive input from the wolf's parents and their patrol leader. Full names are meant to describe the wolf in some way, or honor their achievements during training. Ex. Cougarleap, Mossfang, Foxfoot.
High Sun: A celebration to recognize that Sunbringer's eyes are upon the Earth, and all the blessings that brings. High Sun is celebrated on the summer solstice, and goes from sunrise to sunset. The pack is expected to spend the whole day together, and they often use the extra sunlight to play, hold friendly competitions, and hunt. When the sun is at the highest point in the sky, the pack comes together and sings the Sun Song, led by the Tellers. Moonchaser's Eye: If a wolf is found to be pregnant, they may choose to perform the Moon Ritual. Here they lay in the middle of the camp, under the direct light of the full moon. They are to be touched by each member of the pack, and given a blessing. If the Moon lays her eyes upon the wolf with good will, it is said the wolf will have a healthy litter. If, during the night, a cloud obscures the light of the moon, it is seen as a bad omen, and something will go wrong with the pregnancy, or the litter itself. First Bloom: One of the few holidays that does not involve a deity. The First Bloom celebration is held the first flowers of spring are spotted. Wolves often go to the flower field to play among the buds, pray for a plentiful spring, and in general celebrate the end of winter. First Snow: The First Snow is a solemn and quiet celebration. While younger wolves may be excited for the snow and ice, this tradition forces the pack to look back at the year, and plan for a long and hard winter. Members of the pack are expected to help collect materials for the coming winter, and pray for their passed packmates. The First Snow is a day of endings and remembrance. The Singing Moon: The moon is an important entity to the Lost Brook pack. While Moonchaser is worshipped in all of her forms, the appearance of the full moon is especially coveted. The pack sees it as a sign that the Goddess is looking down at them with full attention. Through the night of the full moon, the pack sings songs for praise and prayer to her. |
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Posted 2021-01-24 18:44:40 (edited)
RITUALS. The Maker's Ritual: When the position of Teller opens up, two wolves within the pack may be chosen by its members to make the journey to Maker's Peak. The way is treacherous and long, and many wolves have lost their lives on the path to the peak. Wolves have reported terrible blizzards, avalanches, rock slides, and trees falling. At the end of the trail a great cave opens up, going deep into the earth. It is believed that this is Earthmaker's last resting place, and his heart still beats at the core of the tunnels. The wolves must find their way through the maze, avoiding sharp stones, endless chasms, and a deep, blinding darkness. It is said that at the core of the tunnels, a cavern of crystals sits, glowing blue and pulsing like a heart. The wolves begin their spiritual journey here, where they fall into a dream and meet Earthmaker himself. Each experience is different between wolves; some say they must recite the Wolf Laws, or defeat Earthmaker in a battle. When they have gained his favor and awaken, they may make their way back down the mountain, seemingly less dangerous than the way up. The Watcher's Trial: When a wolf decides to become a Lead Watcher, a Teller leads them far out of the territory, all through the day and night. The wolf is blindfolded with strong smelling herbs to take away their sense of sight and smell. Once they arrive at their destination, they must wait two days to officially start their trial. Their task is to take a souvenir from the place they had been left at, and make their way back to their pack within two days. If they make their way back, they take the title of Lead Scout, while on the other hand, if they cannot make it back, they are not allowed back within the pack lands. The Buffalo Trial: If a wolf decides to become a Lead Hunter, they must succeed in leading a patrol in taking down a bull buffalo. The bull buffalo is considered to be the hardest prey to take down, due to their sheer size and strength. The wolf must first prove to be a capable leader, able to control their patrol while tracking, stalking, and taking down the prey. They must finish off the buffalo themselves, and sing the song of Herdma, the prey goddess. If they can take down the bull buffalo, they may take the title of Lead Hunter. If they do not succeed, they must be chased out of the pack lands by their patrol. The Sun Trial: The final measurement of a Trainee's skills. After a year of training, Trainees are tasked to either scout a new part of the territory or catch any kind of prey, depending on the area of pack life they have been training for. When they succeed, they are given their suffix, and considered full members of the pack. |
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Posted 2021-01-24 19:05:46
TERRITORY. wip. Little Willow Grove: Settled in the very heart of Lost Brook, Little Willow Grove is the main camp of the pack. Resting on the bank of the brook, the grove forms a circular clearing where the pack can rest, play, and grow. Dens are dung into the roots of the trees, with a fallen tree at the center of the clearing used as a meeting place. In general, the Tellers, Guardians, Healer, and pups live here. Cathedral Valley: Following Lost Brook down the mountain leads to Cathedral Valley. Overlooking the forest is an old church, long abandoned by humans and weathered by the elements. This is the Watchers' headquarters, where the Head Watcher can train trainees and the patrol can secure their borders from potential threats. Hanging Man's Cabin: To the south is the prairie, where Hanging Man's Cabin lay at the base of the mountain. It was found by the Hunters, and has since become their den. It is surrounded by the few trees the prairie has, and is even more decrepit than the church in Cathedral Valley. Here the Head Hunter trains Hunter trainees, and hunting patrols plan out strategies and track the herds. |
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