A Leader's Questions...
Posted 2020-12-27 23:08:29
A thoughtful growl rumbled in his throat, as the male tilted his head. There were many things he wished to experience. He nodded to himself and smiled. "I wish to live long enough to see my grandpups become adults. Three of my pups have formed pair bonds, and two of them are currently expecting their first litter. But most of my little ones have yet to form a pair bond, or grown to an age where they could." Lips turning up slightly the male turned his gaze around to the others. Tilting his head, his mind wandered, searching for another question. Suddenly a question popped into his head, causing him to chuckle. "This is a question, one of our young pups asked us a few days ago. If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?" |
≋ ПIƧΉΛ ≋ #12663 |
Posted 2020-12-27 23:15:59
Magic the turns her head to the wolf. " if i could be anything.i would want to be great leader. i want other wolf packs to remember i am a great leader to my pack" she says. Magic doesn't mind young pups asking leaders questions. for she knows asking questions is good thing to do. Magic asks " what is one thing you want your pack to remember about you when you pass on"? she knows every leader will pass on. |
magicwhitewolf #25645 |
Posted 2020-12-28 00:59:32
Magnolia, the new Queen of the Prophet, decided to answer. "Not specifically me, but my beta and I think we should carry on Blossoming Flowers' stories and name with our pack." She lowered her head, the past Queen's death was sudden and a shocker for everyone. She looked around the rather large circle of wolves and felt uneasy. "Has a death in your pack hit different for you?" She was still mourning for her role model. |
o-kay #9404 |
Posted 2020-12-28 01:10:45
Magic turn her head to wolf. " we lost our pup Silver Fog during the night. Koi our herbalist did her best to stop the infection from the insect bites. we are still trying to figure out how he got bitten by insects. " she says. She pauses. " losing a pup is tough especially during the winter months when we keep the pups inside the cave in their pup sitters". " we were hoping that Silver Fog could be a strong pack member for us. we always want out pups to survive " she says. turning her head to Magnolia she says " if you ever need me to help you to reach out to your role model. i will be to help you see her spirit and talk to her. she waits for her response. Magic hopes that her powers that lets her help others connect to spirits doesn't scare her. turning her head to wolves in the area. " what is one thing you look for in a new pack member"? She is curious to see what other packs look for in a new member rather they born in pack , from the trading center , or while exploring. |
magicwhitewolf #25645 |
Posted 2020-12-28 01:15:25
Magnolia shot a snarky glare at Magic before answering. "We haven't taken in any new packmates since I started as Queen, but we still look for the same Blossoming Flower did; appearance, loyalty, and proficiencies were a key factor in the pack." "Have you ever doubted a loyalty of a packmate?" She glanced at Magic. |
o-kay #9404 |
Posted 2020-12-28 01:19:22 (edited)
N e v e r m I n d |
LeapingDoe #2007 |
Posted 2020-12-28 01:19:38
Magic wasn't trying to get Magnolia angry her. Just trying to be nice to her. " yes i have. i'm doubting the loyalty of Sparkle. Sparkle forced Flame to breed with her. Me and Flame are grandparents from her mother's side. She knew in breeding is against our pack law. for now she is staying in separate cave from the rest of the pack" she says. Lowering her head. " Magnolia i'm sorry i didn't mean to offend you. i was trying to offer you a way to speak with your role model. but i hope we can be friends and get along". |
magicwhitewolf #25645 |
Posted 2020-12-28 02:05:26
Scathos huffed glaring at the two females, "No matter you two. Let us get on with this meeting." He snapped, Vartus smite me now. "Give advise and offer alliances in private." He added with a sneer in Magic direction. "And since you did not offer out another question, Magic. I will also answer Magnolia's question as well." The male sat down, curling his tail neatly around his paws. "There is someone I'm wary of at the moment. My son, Masca has been rather aggressive with his half-siblings for the past seven months. Mostly squabbles with his older siblings, and those who are old enough to tussle with." He paused. "But in the last few days, he's been glaring at his stepmother, and his younger half-siblings." He cleared his throat. " It is worry-some." Shaking his head the male looked up, stance stiff. " What is one rule in your pack - or another pack - that you, in general, disagree with? And for what reason?" |
≋ ПIƧΉΛ ≋ #12663 |
Posted 2020-12-28 02:16:58
Sry about not asking a question. " in my pack we have several rules. i haven't heard of rule in another pack i disagree with, that could change" she says. pausing for a moment. " what is one rule in your pack all members have to follow"? she asks. |
magicwhitewolf #25645 |
Posted 2020-12-28 02:29:10
Mystic slowly raises her head, ears pricking. She glances around the circle of wolves, as if waiting for an answer before sighing and standing up. "All my wolves are really free to do what they want," she says confidently. "I trust them all. But they have to be willing to let some wolves go if there isn't enough space. They struggle with that rule a lot." Mystic's yellow and white coat shimmers in the moonlight. A tear runs down her cheek, quickly brushed, as if she was remembering a sad memory, and then buried it in her mind once again. Then she stands up and faces the other wolves, finishing her reply. "My wolves are free to roam and be curious, as long as they are kind to each other, as I cannot abide violence and hate in this pack." She sits down on the sand once again, and asks, "Do your wolves enjoy breeding pups, and have they had any successful breeding projects? Maybe even obtained a rare base?" |
Abby #13289 |