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A Leader's Questions...

Posted 2021-03-02 12:24:15

Metis huffed, the silver female turned her grey gaze to meet the wolf who had asked the previous question, Amaris.

"Personally I'm not one for elements, but if I had to pick, It would be earth.  If you think deeply about it, It includes almost every element. But, if people really wanted to make sense, they should just start calling it Terrain."  

She stopped herself, realizing how much she had rambled on, most likely annoying the other leaders that swarmed among them. She swiftly took in her surroundings, scanning for a wolf to ask a question to, when she locked her eyes onto them.

"If you could go back in time to do anything, what would you do, where and when would you go to?"

d r a g o n f r u i t

Posted 2021-03-03 08:00:00

Hëlindris glanced up at the sky before diverting her eyes down to the ground.

"Sometimes I think I would go back and stop my mother comitting the terrible crimes she made that landed us, her children, here. But," she looked up "we've all learnt so much here. I don't think we would have had this chance if time hadn't flown the way it did."

She smiled at the wolf nearest. "Who is the best singer amongst your pack? Do they have the loudest howl, or the sweetest, or most melodic?"


Posted 2021-03-03 20:51:07

Inen tilts his head, pondering about it, "Well I'd say Story. She sings to the pups at night."

He turns his focus to the next leader.

"Who's the rowdiest of your pack?"


Posted 2021-03-03 21:27:38

Aced eyes widened as it came to him. His tongue flopped around freely aa he turned to face the last wolf to speak. 

“Oo! Oo! It’d be Dunes! Shes always so wild!” He barked, sounding more like a pup then an older leader. His mate, Tip, groaned in disappointment behind him. 

His head snapped to the next leader. “Whats your favourite fe-“ He asked, before Tip cut him off. “Whats your favourite wolf of the pack?”


Posted 2021-03-03 21:45:34

Kal'ivar's tail started to wag softly, my, what a question

"Well, I am partial to Virvaugen, heh, she bothers with few trivialities, always doing, ah. We fit well together" Kal'ivar gets a bit of dreamy look in her eyes, but shakes it out quickly, be professional darling, "Parewan may be the most valuable among us though, she's starting to develop some, ah, unique prophetic abilities, I am curious to see where they lead"

She tilts her head ever so slightly to eye the next in line, "Why have you chosen to settle your pack where they are? What benefits might I be missing out on?" She doesn't seem as curious as more greedy.


Posted 2021-03-03 21:57:01 (edited)

@ Bluefire

Birch looks over at the leader and clears his throat.

well a couple years back,

I was planning to move the pack into the rainforest or swamp, however when we moved to the swamp during fall it was too harsh of hunting & soggy for my pack so we’ve moved to the prairie instead for better hunting chances to feed our pack. 

The prairie is really relaxing to stay at tbh, there is a lot of activity going on there from a lot of small canines like foxes & coyotes to very large deer like bisons & Elk. You should visit the prairie sometime. 😊

Birch looks over at the nearest wolf to him and asks,

whats your favorite climate when it comes to exploring?


Posted 2021-03-04 09:40:32

Aced looked over once again, bouncing with excitement as Tip stepped back away from him. "Ooo! The cold, definitely! Its so cozy once you get back home for-" He paused, 'snuggles' didn't seem like the best choice to say in a serious setting, let alone any setting. "For a fresh, still warm feast!" He grinned, a tad flushed but otherwise excited. He looked toward the next wolf.

"Whats the best part about hunting in your opinion? Beside the eating part, anyways," He chuckled lightly, reeling his tongue back into his mouth, as it shockingly fit.


Posted 2021-03-04 10:36:08

Zara has come to this meeting of the Leaders once more. It is the Season of the Moon, more known as the Lunar Event, when all the packs gather to share knowledge and try to understand their past, present and future.

,,Every part. The tracking, when the most of curious but patient wolves may shine the brightest. The chase, when each and every pack member gives their all, in both stamina and speed, rushing like the winds and flowing swiftly across the open fields of Grasslands, just like the fresh streams. And ofcourse, the take-down, when mightiest and strongest of us all finish-off the prey, jumping upon it in a magnificent mix of voices, sounds, bashing and fur flying everywhere.", Zara talked a long time, stuck in her imagination of a hunt with her beloved pack.

,,But, all in all, to the Space Shifters Pack, a hunt is as good as any time and place to bond."

As she cleared her throut, Zara thought quickly what she'd ask the next wolf.

,,Say, what is your legend of how the Wolf and the Pack first became?"


Posted 2021-03-04 17:35:05

Rain had been silent for a while, but decided to respond to this question. Her head tipped slightly as she recalled the tale. "The tale I've been told, and has been passed down for millennia, goes back to the age of cold. Thousands of years ago, when we were still young, wolves were loners. Life was stable, the weather warm and the seasons predictable, no-one had reason to work together, clashes were common." She began, her blue gaze focused on the ground. "Then, the cold came. Seemingly overnight, glaciers came, making the cold colder and warm dryer. The environment became unpredictable, and the prey with it. Wolves, guided by omens of the stars, starting teaming up, and after a tragic near-death of a goddess, formed into packs." The shewolf raised her head, ears perked. "The wolves would soon find out, packs were their greatest advantage. You see, when they came, men on two legs, they started destroying everything. An unprotected wolf would be dead if they got too close. The dires were too stubborn, too unwilling to adapt their lives to the humans' presence." She finished swiftly with a sweeping gaze, "And that is why we are here, and they are not." 

Rain had finished her speech, and moved on. She picked a wolf at random, and caught their attention. "Since we're on the topic, care to share any myths? Tales of heros? Creation of the world? Moral tales? Do tell." 


Posted 2021-03-04 17:48:10 (edited)

Zara couldn't ressist:

,,There is a tale of the Space Shifters. It's how our pack became. The legend says that our pack has had a past, but in some strange way - it first became not so long ago.

 You see, the Leader is know as Whitestar, a wolf with pure white fur, wings of an artic eagle, eyes of a golden sunrise and icicle shards comming out of her fur and feathers. She wore a crown that was accually a three-thick-string frost, straight and sharp, coming aroung the outer sides of her ears and a shorter one starting at her forehead and stoping somewhere inbetween the ears.

 Whitstar will come back into this world when most needed, for she does die and yet - she stays alive. We still await her return!", Zara finally finished the story.

,,Now, who will tell me what do they think of how the Lunar Event first became?"


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