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A Leader's Questions...

Posted 2021-08-19 13:52:23
Nazshauus stepped forward one whiskered brow raised. "Roles are dependant on one's stats and birth. Someone of a Common bloodline may be either a hunter or a pupsitter. Our herbalists are specially chosen, by our Sage. There are very few ways for a common-born to gain a higher rank. Either they are chosen to become the next breeding males and are sent to scout to gain experience and skill. They may be chosen by our gods to be our next sage, or the pack leaders chose one to be a new lord or lady after the death of the previous one. Being mated to the heir will also gain a wolf a new rank." She said, quite plainly. The she-wolf shrugged, then continued, "Retirement is rare within our pack, most keep their rank until death."
The female gave a hum. "That being said, we like our wolves well rounded, as pups we train the pup's weakest stats unless they are to be given a certain rank, like herbalist."

She blinked her orange eyes as they snapped to another. "Speaking of death, how does your pack handle the death of a pack-mate?"


Posted 2021-08-19 14:35:58
A large shadow shifts, revealing a massive near-black wolf with glowing gold eyes. "Our pack has yet to see any death among the grown wolves. Instead, they have chosen to stand alongside the ancestors with a silver tithe to add among the stars. We do not include pups among that count if they are too weak to survive." They blink, the glow flickering, before turning to their mate who whispers a question. With a nod, the wolf focuses back on the gathering of leaders. "What or who does your pack consider to be a deity or an object of belief?"

OleanderOmen [Prev. Ori]

Posted 2021-08-20 11:13:33
Mirzam was a newcomer to the gathering, his face still soft with optimism and youth, but at this question his ears pricked up. He rose to his feet and stepped forward, a light shining in his eyes. "My pack is yet small," he said, "but those who walk with me also serve the Heart of all things." His voice grew in strength as he spoke. "The Heart's the fire in your limbs and chest when you run with your packmates. It's the love you feel for a mate, or for your pups, or for a dear friend. It's in the bonds that nurture and guide us.

"When geese and sparrows fly in patterns, or when grackles move across the fields in waves, it's the Heart that holds them together. It's in the warmth of the sun and the patterns in the stars, and in the roots of the trees, the way that everything flows together, is drawn together..." His jaws parted in a gentle smile. "I believe it's the Heart that has called us all together here, so that we can share our ideas and learn from one another. But forgive me; in my enthusiasm I've spoken too long."

With a soft chuckle and a wave of his tail, he looked back and forth between the other leaders. "Since I have shared my passion...what about you? What passion drives you to lead, and would you give up that position, if it might benefit your people? As we are all here in a spirit of friendly communication, I promise not to judge any speaker too harshly."


Posted 2021-08-22 15:15:47
Evening swayed, she stepped out to answer Mirzam's question. She smiled, closing her old eyes to refocus on the surrounding wolves.
"First off, your name is very cool, Mirzam," she laughed, then continued, "Passion that drives me to lead, hm? All I've ever wanted was to protect this pack. But, I believe I didn't do too well. I found out nothing about the Dreamlands, and the pack has gone through so many struggles these past few years, we're cut down to half out pack size."

She shook her head, "But I still am trying my best. We're getting better now, and I think our wolves are closer than ever. I lead to keep this pack alive and keep Oliver's legacy. We will become a safety net for any wolf who wishes to join us. And yes, I would give up my position if it benefited my people. I would do anything for them."

Another wolf, sandy in color, butted in next to Evening. "So would I! I'm more of a 'second-in-command', but I vouch for everything we've done to get through these past years.
"Anyway," Evening butted back in, "Do you have any celebrations or holidays you celebrate with your pack? Do they mean anything special?"


Posted 2021-09-03 07:31:59
(Using my wolf Elio instead of my lead :'))
Elio huffed softly in amusement at the sandy wolf's interruption, but paused briefly to consider Evening's question.
"The summer solstice is celebrated within our pack. The sun brings life to all beings, and so the nourishing light of it is worshipped within our pack. The festivities and games on the summer solstice are dedicated to showing our gratitude for everything we have been given by the sun. Without it, we are nothing."
His uncharacteristic solemn expression was quickly replaced by an easy-going pant as he turned to the next wolf. "What roles or ranks among your pack do you deem most important?"


Posted 2021-09-03 09:21:35
"I believe the hunters to be the most important," Frostpath said proudly. "They keep the pack fed after all." He looked to the wolf next to him. "What is the best wolf you have ever had in your pack?"

Kira.APK (Chatwalker)

Posted 2021-09-03 12:36:34
The bluish wolf whispered something to his deputy, and she replied something back. They both nodded and then Blizzardstar said: "We've had many, but I'm going to name two of them: Stormstar and Slatesomke." Blizzardstar's eyes shined with pride and sighed. "Stormstar was the founder of our Clan, she's a legend to us, and Slatesmoke was the best scout you could think of". -The blusih wolf whined softly and whispered: "He died half a solar cycle ago from old age. But anyways, on to the question! How do you choose the next leader? Do they have to gain it or is it hereditary?"


Posted 2021-09-03 13:49:56
Shy Fawn's Moon looked at Electric Eel, her daughter and said" In the Deep Ocean pack our next leaders are always descendants of Starwing, the wolf who founded our pack. So yes, it's hereditary." She looked around her, and, squinting her eyes, glanced at another wolf under a Raspberry bush. " Do you go for large prey always or it depends? I'm curious". With that, the old she-wolf lied down, her daughter sitting next to her.
Night Mare

Posted 2021-09-03 14:49:29
The Selene-tinged female stepped forward, the light blue-gray form of her mate by her side. "It depends on a few things. A hunting party with at least a sixty percent chance of catching large prey is the only one allowed to go hunt large prey. That being said, skilled hunting parties rarely go hunting during the Blossompeak as that is when we begin training those not as skilled. Once Sunwake arrives, we start to transition to more skilled groups, and in Ambergrasp we start to stalk up on all the large prey we can. During Snowcall we only use our large prey carcasses unless we've exhausted our parties, and there is not other prey left for us to eat in the storage."

Nazshauus and her mate shared a look, "When choosing the pack next leader, what is the deciding factor? Do you look for high stats? Rare markings, or maybe a rare coat or eye color?" She asked, knowing her own answer to the question.


Posted 2021-09-06 18:13:32
Rose had just stepped back into the circle after a little while. "Pups choose their own path here. A few aspire to be the leader. If they pass rigorous testing, they may be declared Leader-In-Waiting and train with me personally."

Rose turned to another pack leader. "How does your pack feel about same-sex pairings?"
The Abnormal Mind

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