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A Leader's Questions...

Posted 2021-03-27 21:45:12

Skuld lifts her head from the bone she'd been stripping meat from at the question, noting the monochrome leader's olive eyes on her. Taking that as her cue that her turn has come she straightens up and licks specks of blood from her muzzle. Her grey eyebrows narrow slightly as she thinks and then she huffs. "The most important law within my pack is that everyone must pull their weight once they reach adulthood. Those who cannot do so or are too weak to be a benefit to the pack are chased immediately upon proving their incompetence." Her upper lip curls upwards slightly on the last word and her voice adds a harsh edge to it. As if the word 'incompetence' will stain her just from speaking it.

The desert-colored wolf places a paw on her bone, looking to the wolf next to her and pushing her ears forward to address them. "What do you do with those who break your laws?" Her eyes narrow as she speaks, seeming to judge the next wolf even before they open their maw.


Posted 2021-03-28 03:42:58 (edited)

Moonwatcher tilted her head and began speaking. ''Uh, thus far, none of my pack members have broken any rules yet. Our pack doesn't have very strict rules, though.'' She smiled. ''Any rule breakers would receive a warning. If they keep breaking a rule, they will have to be banned from the pack.''

''Anyways, the following question!'' She walked over to the wolf besides her. ''What would you do if a very lethal illness suddenly spread over your pack members?''

Stefanie 🦌

Posted 2021-03-28 17:18:37

Aced gulped. “Our herbalist would try their best to cure it. If too many lives are lost even with quarantine methods in place however,” His voice began to grow more grim, almost trembling as he stumbled over his words. “All those that are beyond saving, will be put out of their misery in a last attempt to keep the pack alive.” He sighed, looking to the next wolf.

”What has your pack done that your not proud of?”


Posted 2021-04-05 00:42:38

The young female stepped forward, not quite used to being her pack's queen just yet. Her nerves showed for all but a second before the proud and independent she-wolf found her footing. Her tail flicked dismissively. "There are few things to speak of thankfully. Most were in our early days, and more minor than anything." She started, before frowning. "I think the biggest mistake though was the fact that my father, our previous king took the role of our breeding male. Because of it, there's been a few problems. Some of my more aggressive half-siblings feel they should take the throne."

She swallowed and grimaced," The fact that I have so many siblings, both half and full-blooded, will lead to breeding problems in the future. I hope to nip it in the bud, with a few less than pleasant ways." She shook her head, and Rakkaua much like her father became stone-faced.

"What was it like during your first few moons as your pack leader? Was the change from normal pack-member or loner strange and challenging for you?" Rakkaua asked, tilting her head in question.


Posted 2021-04-05 06:08:19

Stonethroat's pelt grew hot with embarrassment.

"Well, I still don't know, because today's my first day as leader"

She shuffled her paws nervously, then shook herself and added:

"It feels wrong and fitting at the same time, it's very confusing, but I want to make my pack proud, so I'll do my best"

She looked at a wolf who was sitting under a maple tree and asked:

"Do you go for the big prey when hunting, or go for smaller animals?"


Posted 2021-04-05 06:25:41 (edited)
Moonwatcher stood up and began speaking. ''Depends, sometimes it is more convenient to catch smaller prey when conditions are tougher, for example in winter. But I prefer going for the bigger prey animals. My pack has to be properly fed after all.''

She turned to the next wolf in line. ''Have you ever thought about what would happen to your pack if you'd suddenly die?'' She quickly looked away, hoping this question wasn't too difficult.

Stefanie 🦌

Posted 2021-04-05 08:01:15

Starwing smirked.

"My pack knows that if I were to die suddenly, my son, Mishanti would be the next leader, and if he couldn't, then my other son, Myrrglosch. WE have it planned" He swished his tail arrogantly.

"Well",-he said- "Now it's time to ask... How do you choose your mate? Does your mate last or you change them with the season?"

With that, he and Mishanti settled down on the frosty ground.

Night Mare

Posted 2021-04-05 09:01:13

Accalia looked quizzically at the leader beside her, before answering the question.  “I choose a mate for life of course. If I ever did take on a mate, though, is a different question.”

Her cold and calm eyes settled upon the next leader. “Now, famine comes on the whims of the stars. What do you do when food is short, when famine is at your door, per se?”

With that she propped herself up and waited.


Posted 2021-04-07 23:16:42

Aced froze up and shuffled as it came to be his turn, on a slightly too personal note for him. “Everyone steps up, and does their part, or they go hungry. Their choice, of course.” He said semi-sarcastically but had a venomous edge to his voice as his pale eyes shifted to the next. 

“What do you do if two wolves of yours get into, lets say a physical altercation?” He asked, taking a deep breath and settling down.


Posted 2021-04-08 02:59:22 (edited)

"Break it up," Amaranth says, raising her head. "Talk it out. We're no half-ferals, and spirits willing, I should hope that every wolf in my pack feels their duty both to themselves and one another. Find out what's wrong and getting in the way of that. Take them aside to talk if I have to. And if they refuse to stop being a problem, well - a wolf who only thinks of themself has no need for a pack, wouldn't you agree?" She gives a tight-lipped smile and inclines her chin a bit.

Turning to the next wolf, Amaranth says, "We just had our first winter as a pack, and it's remarkable how scarce game becomes. What do you do to prepare for the winter months?"


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