Posted 2020-12-09 13:10:45 (edited)
[edited to un-highlight a couple reminders & fix formatting] Day 50 2020/12/09 - Nothing to report from rollover but oh hey, ended up doing the rest of that interview last night ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Just gotta format the doc but yeah, have more ~character development~
- Anyway, went and tried fighting a lvl10 snowy owl at about half energy and full HP, got beat to shit. And picked up influenza! Lovely!! That is the one cure I haven’t learned, and the only one besides distemper that I don’t have the herbs for :^D I got more than enough to trade for it but lemme check the prices real quick…
- Update: OK COOL 90SC is fine. A lil steep but whatever, I Am Hte Rich now so that’s doable. Healed!
Day 51 2020/12/10 LVLUP glaucous +15 - Alright, found yet another data-tracking thread, and the userlog is all messed up from my wolves with placeholder “hunter” names (originally hunter2, who’s now “[h2:stalker]”, and now “[pupsitter/hunter]” SO while it doesn’t apply retroactively it is about time I get some good heckin names.
- I kept liking the sound of O names and eventually landed on Oriole—and whaddaya know, there’s a subspecies named after a military shoulder ornament! Oriole Epaulet it is. Which also means I get to think of surnames now apparently maybe, if the idea catches on \o”/ Some of them would probably like the idea of a family name more than others....
- Other considerations: Layla, Isra, Ode, Olve, Orel, Cedric, Octavia. Bit of a range on this one!
- Obligatory cutesy pup name: “Ori.” (Or “riri”?) Like “myrmyr” we’ll see if this goes down the generations or if it’s more unique to her, but I feel like Ori would stick as a nickname anyway.
- Figures that no one else has a distinctive shoulder marking (Andesite not included because her design’s a mess and I may or may not succumb to customization eventually) because the Epaulet surname could totally pass on to them. Maybe if any future pups get one it can be named after her? On second thought a family name doesn’t make much sense anyway, since the concept of biological family is kinda not much of a thing here, but It’s A Thought.
- I do like the idea of a second name indicating something about the wolf’s background, though.... Diorite and Andesite wouldn’t have one for obvious reasons, and same goes for Talak since they disowned/were disowned by wherever they came from, but the rest? 🤔
- And oh hey, that’d fit well with the “give yourself a name” aspect of lore; a wolf might not want to wipe the slate and get a brand new one, but (if they want) they can totally get a surname after something significant to them. Hmmm....
- So, pups are given a name at birth for practical reasons, which they may or may not keep, BUT at any later stage in their life they can give themselves a second name, typically after something or someone significant to them. It’s not a mandatory rite of passage or anything (yet), but the idea has caught on to some extent. I imagine Husk would’ve been enthusiastic at least, even if she hasn’t decided what hers will be yet. (Would “Hawkeye” be too on-the-nose? And/or “Epaulet” just because? —Huh, actually, no one had to say There Can Only Be One. Husk Epaulet-Hawkeye, for the wolf who raised her and then the hunting party?)
- Talak Jackdaw-Hawkeye, for their mountain home and of course the party. I’ll stick with Diorite and Andesite not having any, for now, although if pressed Andesite would give Andesite Jackdaw. (Mostly they just wouldn’t want to make it sound like they own or know the entire mountain, even if that’s what the pack is called.) Glaucous is… “[glaucous]”, still, and it really might as well be her official name with a capital G at this point. Drove and Leveret miiight’ve been hesitant to jump on the surname bandwagon, since they were raised without and don’t feel a strong affiliation with either their past or current packs. (Maybe Drove will “succumb” to Hawkeye someday, but no promises.) Carcass is also from a pack without. Micah Myrson sounds a lil on-the-nose but it’s up to him whether he wants to take up the surname tradition or not; he miiight want to, just because he was raised by & subsequently wants to honor them both? Aaand finally, pale IDK.
- I’m keeping the short names in the spreadsheet just because this could get very long very fast, but I’ll add a bio note to the relevant wolves for record-keeping >:3 New little tradition Get!
- . . . Meanwhile, Drove hit 0 HP, nooo… the EXP bar’s nearly full (4923/5203 94%) but not Enough.... Uhh, crap. I think I’ll let him recover for a day or two, only send the party out once a day if memory serves, and hope the rollover bonus negates any further hunting wounds. I could switch in Oriole but I don’t really want to deal with the synergy nuke, blegh >:V
- Oh, one last name note: Moriche can be the bro’s name ;V (Man, between him, Monsoon, and Myrtle/Micah, lots of M names around here.)
- Now to scrounge for a name for hunter2, but note for later: her and Oriole making a new surname, y/y? Yeah. Maybe Micah can take that, too, since they were both pupsitting when he grew up.
- Oh, actually: changed Husk’s first surname to Orilet, since the full Epaulet is significant to… wherever Oriole came from, and Husk wouldn’t want to intrude on that.
- In other news, I totally spaced out on the 10-adult overcrowding issue, huh. Uhh, for now we’ll just say they can barely fit Micah, and pale’s just been like “uhhh I can sleep outside it’s okay I’m used to that anyway.” They’re both young/growing anyway, so this can work, but the pack will need to move if they want to take in any more lasting members. And/or if they’re forced out. Ha, incorporating the den size limit into lore was genius of me actually—now I can’t get complacent and keep them here without retconning a fairly significant thing!! (The names are “retcons” too kinda, but it’s not like, an event-impacting change like the “pups gotta yeet” thing.)
- Note to self for later: add lost pups to the parent bio(s)!! Just a scry is fine until/unless I make a site and have more informative pages to link.
- Some Wikipedia scouring later:
- human names: Idalia, Idril, Zenzi, Ziba, Zina, Ziska, Elvira (from a rat), Eliza
- animals: chital, roe (deer), hutia, clade, jird, various rats (water rat, shrew-rat, wading rat, rabbit rat, cloud rat, mountain rati), melomys, vole, doormouse, shrew
- The rodents are mostly for pale, since I think a “small sinewy rodent” name would fit him; I’ll see which are found in the prairie (real or Wolvden, maybe skim the item guide). Cervids can be the pups with Fallow, maybe? But for hunter2 herself I’m really leaning towards the “human” names; I just like the sounds.
- In the interest of not repeating sounds (Micah’s got a claim on the “-a”): Idril! Idril Hawkeye (she finally caved), plus the name with Oriole.
- AHAHAHA glaucous NBWs strike again: this lad popped up in the desert at level 16–but with a measly 192 stats, 1y3.5m old. Kind of a weird recruitment path: wag tail (aggressive), snarl, stare down; I would’ve thought tail-wagging was a friendly gesture? In any case, I’ll try selling him just for the looks; I like the orange eyes + faint honey dilution against the cool glaucous base. Sold or chased, it’s a neat scry for the records.
- Prairie > fen > Wicken Fen > Wickfen?? Weird but I also kinda dig it, which is basically how I feel about his appearance. Name get!
- Oh dang, that’s everyone. Finally :D …except glaucous but you know what? Screw it, she’s (selectively?) mute, her “name” is probably an unpronounceable sound or gesture or something. For linguistics’ sake however her Official:tm: name is now Glaucous.
- It would be fitting alongside Diorite too; they both have (current) base names, even if Diorite’s was unintentional.
- …Huh, I was reviewing the moving info and I was totally forgetting a move involves slaying wolves. As noted before, I can totally skim over and/or rewrite this as pacifism or something, but I’m already down the “Diorite kills” rabbit hole and this seems like a Culmination. And despite what I said earlier about keeping the desert unlocked, there’s a 10HP encounter in the glacier too, and the temptation is real 👀 Glacier and/or tundra; the latter at least offers two options for scouting, at least at the start. Plus, glacier/tundra aesthetics fit the “monochrome camouflage” thing more. HMMM.
- Tentative plan, then: once some of the older wolves die (RIP) and maybe I sell Leveret (and maaaaybe Drove?), the pack moves north. Bought wolves and/or NBWs fill the ranks, and I try to divide the wolf-slaying quest per biome going up, as an extra challenge. I am also not allowed to buy new slots, and maybe have to explore exclusively in a given biome, until completing that portion of the wolf-slaying.
- Lore-wise, the move is necessitated by lack of space and tensions spilling over with the neighboring pack; maybe with Wickfen’s addition, the pack tentatively tries establishing borders to snag a lil more territory? Prior to this, their out-and-about nature meant all they really needed was the Maw, and the neighbors could deal with that; they’re less enthusiastic about this attempt at expansion. But Wickfen isn’t leaving (for all his sputtering nervousness he doesn’t actually volunteer to go, nor does anyone have the heart to force it), and maybe it’s best to go now before a fight breaks out. None of them have experience with war and don’t plan to start.
- Also, I’d kinda love if all this drama correlated with Andesite customization, and/or maaaaybe getting my hands on a lethal. You know, for Drama:tm:. Add a supernatural element or two, flesh out the founding duo’s backstories. >:3ccc
- I still have work to do BUT it all ends Monday, which I thiiink is the start of summer? Warm weather sounds like the best time to move. And/or, hell, I could even stagger it, going up one biome at a time—which is more realistic, works better with the “gotta stay here a while” idea, and means I (probably) won’t get stuck having to move back because the hunters can’t take the difficulty spike. The tundra/glacier can be a long-term goal.
- As far as weather + biomes are concerned lore-wise, the mountain range snakes allll the way up the left side of the map, and only levels out around the tundra/glacier border. For all intents and purposes the pack never actually has to leave the mountains, they’re just going to different kinds of mountains. But it still wouldn’t make much sense to rush into the coldest part of the map… during the coldest season, so they can settle in the coniferous forest/taiga while waiting out the winter, and finally reach the north when it’s warm again. That also gives them a chance to scope out the tundra territory before moving there wholesale.
- Oh, and the pack name? Have I mentioned Jackdaw’s Flight before? Jackdaw’s Flight. Nice. (Also, I might take advantage of the shift to “archive” that google doc, which is like >20 pages and getting unwieldly. I’ll probably still use another until/unless I get that dang site up, but it’d just feel Nice to have a fresh start. This whole thing is shaping up to be like, new year’s, but with pixel wolves. Exciting!)
- The only thing stopping me (and the pack, in-lore) from moving right now immediately, then, is that Myrtle is old but still kicking, and it feels mean to drag her away towards an uncertain future when she could die any day now. This doesn’t necessarily mean she’s weak and dying in-lore, but she is indeed Old. (As are Idril and Oriole, but they’re the type to insist on moving anyway.) But once she’s laid to rest? Out we go.