Posted 2021-01-24 06:20:39 (edited)
Day 96 2021/01/24 LVLUP Carcass +12, Micah +9, Liesl +8, Lichen +5
- –Wait wh. Talak died? Talak died????
- oh my god everyone else has been dying at like 7y7m, Talak turned 7y6m today and th. they just
- MAN 8(( in this pack we gonna die young (as the mechanics will allow, ig), plays ke$ha song muffled and sadly from across the mountains
- Forget ALL of my plans today I am drawing them right now immediately. We lost a real one today, lads… one of the dang founders…. They didn’t Do much lore-wise in their final years other than banter with Hallow that one time (and presumably thereafter) but they will be dearly missed....
- I also did not account for the 6-month gap between Talak dying and liverducat hitting adulthood, shit. Uhhhh I don’t really want to pick up another NBW who I end up keeping; I guess I’ll swap in tawny? By now that motley crew (her, Esker, liverducat) would’ve reached the Jackdaws anyway, which I say mainly because tomorrow Lev’s pups hit adolescence and therefore it is Customization Time.
- Even though I’m switching her in pretty quick for gameplay (shit, did I ever figure out like… a Base Personality? Are we just doing sulphur 2??), I imagine it takes like… Time, in-lore, for Hawk’s Eyes to come around to adding a new member. I don’t have much to add to that except more big 8(
- Ha, meanwhile, got another chased in record time—although he looks like a plain ol’ NBW so I’ll probably be chasing him again soon as cooldown ends, it’s just food for my impulse control to keep the slot full for a while :V
- All right, it ain’t fancy since -gestures towards Time- but :,3 dabs sadly… Them....
- In unrelated news, today’s snake quest involves a caribou bull carcass. Got it from the explore snake but I wonder if the carcass quests correlate to items you can hunt? Because that was a first, and based on explore there are a lot of porcupine caribou up north.
- Moved Esker, liverducat, and [tawny] to the Jackdaws. Again, idk what time they moved in for lore, but something something they introduce something to believe in and, while some need it (hi Husk) and others are skeptical (hi Liesl), tomorrow they’re all gonna get hit in the face with (what seems like) Bona Fide Proof and it will be what the kids call Wack.
- Hmm, you know what I really don’t have time to do? Have another Big Lore move. You know what else I wanna do, despite all that stuff about hunting difficulty and y’know IRL time commitment? Have another big lore move. I mean, what are they gonna do, just Sit There and accept that two wolves (one of whom is young and new but the other being the got damn leader) had a magic appearance change? HELL no.
- I mean, Liesl for one thinks the move is utterly stupid, but she’s also kinda just really jaded in general right now. And hell, most of the pack could agree that they really, really shouldn’t be moving north when it’s been tricky enough to establish themselves in the taiga; sure, maybe the Boreas wolves’ reach doesn’t extend that far, but they’ve been struggling to pick up larger prey again as-is. But noooo, they’re just gonna uproot because one lead’s got his head in the clouds and the other had a magic makeover. (One of the first things Liesl’s gonna do as lead is move them right the fuck back to the taiga or even more southward. That, and actually establish a Council so they’re not all constantly stuck obeying the lead duo’s whims.)
- I guess it’s possible the “move” is actually just Diorite, Andesite, Esker, liverducat, and tawny trekking up north? They’d want to at least scope out the territory anyway, see if moving is at all feasible, instead of that Big Dramatic Uprootening. (And I don’t really feel like throwing another pack conflict at them to force it, tbh. The leads are upper-middle-age, they can have another voluntary move, as a treat.) And hell, even that’s a risk—answers aren’t guaranteed, and neither is the pack still being there when they get back. But they’re confident in leaving, say, glaucous, Drove, and Husk in charge; even if Something Happens, then there’s always a scent trail to follow.
- Basically this is a question of whether Diorite and Andesite prioritize their (potential) personal fulfillment, via leaving the pack to (maybe) learn more about their origin, or if they’re willing to put the pack first even if it means they die not knowing. And actually wtf am I saying of course Diorite’s gonna go and Andesite’s gonna stay, she trusts he’ll come back. He has to.
- TL;DR Tomorrow Things Happen even though I probably won’t have time to write it all out. Also, seeing as I never got around to naming the second hunting party, maybe they end up named after $inexplicableEvent they all witness that leads to Andesite and liverducat Changing. Realism is dead and we are skipping gallivantly over the idea that maybe it could have been a slower/gradual change over time—
- —unless we don’t, actually, but it’d still be wild because this is a world where wolves don’t need to grow into their adult colors or have seasonal coat changes apparently. So even liverducat changing colors as he grows is pretty remarkable, never mind Andesite suddenly gaining striking markings despite being well into adulthood. It could also explain why things have been oddly quiet with the Jackdaws lately; not only are they settling in, they’re like “what the FUCK is going on” wrt Andesite’s new look coming in.
- I still want some kinda Inexplicable Event to happen though, hmm. Coincidental lightning strike that seems like an omen, all things considered? They’re wolves, they don’t have science, it can be a totally natural phenomena that they happen to interpret differently. (Though ofc there’s no realistic way to explain the makeovers. There Just Isn’t.)
- Unrelated to all that, noticed a white shaded gal I’ve had my eyes on in the TC runs tomorrow, so you know what big change of gameplay plan too: chased the chased, bought her, and when I inevitably need yet another space for liverducat to grow up, I’ll “retire” Leveret :V Not sure if I’ll keep her in the dynasty for reasons I’ve already rambled about, but she’ll be getting pretty old at that point anyway.
- Erm, small correction: offered on the trade because it’s a GC buyout and I’m stingy. But if it gets close to rollover with no response then I’ll cave.
- Anyway, one last thing before I go buckle down and focus on things, lore recap for the past few days (and tomorrow’s plans):
- Liesl & Jackrabbit hit adolescence and start hunting with Hawk’s Eyes and the second party (then just Wickfen & Zephyr), respectively
- Leveret leaves, Diorite has an outburst but Andesite makes him chill. There’s talk about establishing more rules or a council or something but it simply does not happen
- Idril resumes hunting, now with Hallow with the idea she can put a good word in for him to join Hawk’s Eyes
- Andesite joins Wickfen and Zephyr to help hunt and interact with the pack on a more personal level
- Meanwhile, Leveret does a breeding; towards the end of the season she meets Esker, who sticks around to help
- End of summer; start autumn
- Idril dies; Hallow joins Hawk’s Eyes
- Leveret’s pups born
- Lichen (from the feline pack) catches up with the Jackdaws; territory established?
- [henna] killed by ??humans
- Insert mysterious coat change stuff here, both for Andesite and liverducat
- End of autumn; start winter
- Leveret’s remaining pups (chestnut1, liver, chestnut2) weaned
- chestnut1 killed by coyotes
- ^maybe this motivates Esker taking liverducat and yeeting? not sure on what terms they left but it wasn’t necessarily amicable, come to think of it
- Liesl and Jackrabbit reach adolescence; Jackrabbit leaves (for Boreas?), Liesl becomes scout
- glaucous switches to hunter with Wickfen, Zephyr, and Andesite
- enter [tawny]
- Lichen joins the second hunting party
- glaucous does a breeding
- Aaand almost forgot to mention, but spring started today!
- Talak dies semi-unexpectedly (like Idril, it was comin’, but perhaps less anticipated than either Aspen)
- tawny will join the second hunting party as soon as the hunts remaining even out
- tomorrow: customizations-I-mean-mysterious-makeovers-I-mean-ah-whatever complete, Something Dramatic happens with the second party, it’s taken as an omen, Diorite and aurora crew (Esker, liverducat, and tawny) may or may not trek north for the glacier depending on gameplay stuff
- Officially added tawny to Hawk’s Eyes \o/ Lore-wise though, again, there’s a break, not to mention she’ll be heading out with aurora crew soon. Maybe she just isn’t on the team at all yet, actually.
- >does that >looks at her some more >am suddenly not sure if I want to keep long-term—although, didn’t I say I might sell her eventually anyway, but for now she might as well get hunting proficiency? Yeah, something like that.
- -dabs- i have received Her… may or may not get lore but white shaded hell let’s goooo
- —Oh fucking hell I just noticed she’s stoic and has good strength. I thiiink glaucous’ pups are gonna be higher anyway but it wouldn’t hurt to have her as uh, Backup 🤔 (zero days since last thinking emoji) We’ll see; starting tomorrow she can make a new non-lore hunting party with Esker, at least.