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The Lives and Mishaps of Jackdaw’s Flight (gamelog + lore rambling)

Posted 2021-01-21 06:08:34 (edited)

Day 93 2021/01/21
LVLUP Liesl +6, Husk +13

  • TIL the puppy survival boost/penalty can cancel each other out if one of the food/mood stats is full but not the other. Absently fed chestnut yesterday and also today because I had a carcass with an odd number of uses somehow, so I guess someone’s still sittin’ pretty at 68%. Congrats on the lack of winter suffering…?
  • Oh shit, new page :O
  • Food update: instructions were unclear made the same mistake twice; compensated anyway but I forget that pups only take 10% a day.
  • In other “I can’t read” news, no, tawny was in fact “created” at the timestamp of recruitment too. Have I mentioned Wolvden time is slightly behind my time zone and therefore “yesterday” being the 20th for me when I was writing was accurate irl, but not onsite? God. In my defense this is what sleep deprivation gets you 😔
  • Hallow got infection from a stoat, insta-cured, aaaand that’s basically the only wolvdevelopment I have to report today!


Posted 2021-01-22 10:39:33 (edited)

Day 94 2021/01/22
LVLUP Lichen +4

^Nice, didn’t know herbalists could do this!!

  • Husk got an open wound from an unsuccessful small critter hunt that hurt everyone. The heck did you guys do.


Day 95 2021/01/23
LVLUP Liesl +7, Wickfen & Hallow +10, tawny +2

  • …accidentally fed/played with chestnut again godDAMMIT. At this rate he’ll make it to adolescence and then I’ll have to sell/chase, smh >:V
  • Also dangit, winter ends tomorrow and glaucous is in what I thiiink is her last heat? Fairly certain it would be if I bred her, at least; I forget if they go into heat immediately after cooldown ends or if it’s another few days yet. And so once again I am faced with “do I breed her with Diorite for almost-definite duds appearance-wise, but maybe cool stats, or do I take an appearance gamble with a stud even though that’d be even harder to explain?” Decisions, decisions.
  • Hm. You know what? Maybe I’ll do the same as I did for Lev and, if I don’t end up keeping any pups*, I ignore the whole affair in-lore. But LBR I’ll prooobably keep one, second party’s gonna need a finisher. If nothing else I’m hoping going for a stud with neat markings and high stats means I’ll actually be able to sell the rejects :V Sent a stud request!
  • Andesite is also in heat for one more rollover but I am simply going to ignore it. Liverducat grows up in a couple and thus commence the customizationening; then I’ll get hit with the same dang dilemma, but it really might as well be with Diorite for The Sentiment.
  • The fact it’s already taking multiple Desert scouts to level Liesl up is a bit >:T but also ayyy, at level 7 she’s at 100 STR already! I forget what level glaucous was at when she started scouting the Rainforest but it’s gotta have been higher than this. Good shit. A bit of a shame making Liesl leader will throw a wrench in that stat distribution tbh, but I hope this is reflected in battle >:V (Diorite’s at a mere 90STR, for comparison….)
  • Aaand glaucous bred! I got no room and I’m either yeeting them all or maybe keeping the one with the best stats let’s fuckin goooo
  • Last but not least (maybe?), timeline updated. Minus the hunting rank shuffles it’s been a quiet season on the Jackdaws’ front; perfect opportunity to update the bios, hint hint nudge nudge @self. But not right now. Ah, the endless list of Stuff To Do…
  • >clicks to send Liesl scouting in the Rainforest just for the heck of it >it works >


Posted 2021-01-24 06:20:39 (edited)

Day 96 2021/01/24
LVLUP Carcass +12, Micah +9, Liesl +8, Lichen +5

  • –Wait wh. Talak died? Talak died????
  • oh my god everyone else has been dying at like 7y7m, Talak turned 7y6m today and th. they just
  • MAN 8(( in this pack we gonna die young (as the mechanics will allow, ig), plays ke$ha song muffled and sadly from across the mountains
  • Forget ALL of my plans today I am drawing them right now immediately. We lost a real one today, lads… one of the dang founders…. They didn’t Do much lore-wise in their final years other than banter with Hallow that one time (and presumably thereafter) but they will be dearly missed....
  • I also did not account for the 6-month gap between Talak dying and liverducat hitting adulthood, shit. Uhhhh I don’t really want to pick up another NBW who I end up keeping; I guess I’ll swap in tawny? By now that motley crew (her, Esker, liverducat) would’ve reached the Jackdaws anyway, which I say mainly because tomorrow Lev’s pups hit adolescence and therefore it is Customization Time.
  • Even though I’m switching her in pretty quick for gameplay (shit, did I ever figure out like… a Base Personality? Are we just doing sulphur 2??), I imagine it takes like… Time, in-lore, for Hawk’s Eyes to come around to adding a new member. I don’t have much to add to that except more big 8(
  • Ha, meanwhile, got another chased in record time—although he looks like a plain ol’ NBW so I’ll probably be chasing him again soon as cooldown ends, it’s just food for my impulse control to keep the slot full for a while :V
  • All right, it ain’t fancy since -gestures towards Time- but :,3 dabs sadly… Them....
  • In unrelated news, today’s snake quest involves a caribou bull carcass. Got it from the explore snake but I wonder if the carcass quests correlate to items you can hunt? Because that was a first, and based on explore there are a lot of porcupine caribou up north.
  • Moved Esker, liverducat, and [tawny] to the Jackdaws. Again, idk what time they moved in for lore, but something something they introduce something to believe in and, while some need it (hi Husk) and others are skeptical (hi Liesl), tomorrow they’re all gonna get hit in the face with (what seems like) Bona Fide Proof and it will be what the kids call Wack.
  • Hmm, you know what I really don’t have time to do? Have another Big Lore move. You know what else I wanna do, despite all that stuff about hunting difficulty and y’know IRL time commitment? Have another big lore move. I mean, what are they gonna do, just Sit There and accept that two wolves (one of whom is young and new but the other being the got damn leader) had a magic appearance change? HELL no.
  • I mean, Liesl for one thinks the move is utterly stupid, but she’s also kinda just really jaded in general right now. And hell, most of the pack could agree that they really, really shouldn’t be moving north when it’s been tricky enough to establish themselves in the taiga; sure, maybe the Boreas wolves’ reach doesn’t extend that far, but they’ve been struggling to pick up larger prey again as-is. But noooo, they’re just gonna uproot because one lead’s got his head in the clouds and the other had a magic makeover. (One of the first things Liesl’s gonna do as lead is move them right the fuck back to the taiga or even more southward. That, and actually establish a Council so they’re not all constantly stuck obeying the lead duo’s whims.)
  • I guess it’s possible the “move” is actually just Diorite, Andesite, Esker, liverducat, and tawny trekking up north? They’d want to at least scope out the territory anyway, see if moving is at all feasible, instead of that Big Dramatic Uprootening. (And I don’t really feel like throwing another pack conflict at them to force it, tbh. The leads are upper-middle-age, they can have another voluntary move, as a treat.) And hell, even that’s a risk—answers aren’t guaranteed, and neither is the pack still being there when they get back. But they’re confident in leaving, say, glaucous, Drove, and Husk in charge; even if Something Happens, then there’s always a scent trail to follow.
  • Basically this is a question of whether Diorite and Andesite prioritize their (potential) personal fulfillment, via leaving the pack to (maybe) learn more about their origin, or if they’re willing to put the pack first even if it means they die not knowing. And actually wtf am I saying of course Diorite’s gonna go and Andesite’s gonna stay, she trusts he’ll come back. He has to.
  • TL;DR Tomorrow Things Happen even though I probably won’t have time to write it all out. Also, seeing as I never got around to naming the second hunting party, maybe they end up named after $inexplicableEvent they all witness that leads to Andesite and liverducat Changing. Realism is dead and we are skipping gallivantly over the idea that maybe it could have been a slower/gradual change over time—
  • —unless we don’t, actually, but it’d still be wild because this is a world where wolves don’t need to grow into their adult colors or have seasonal coat changes apparently. So even liverducat changing colors as he grows is pretty remarkable, never mind Andesite suddenly gaining striking markings despite being well into adulthood. It could also explain why things have been oddly quiet with the Jackdaws lately; not only are they settling in, they’re like “what the FUCK is going on” wrt Andesite’s new look coming in.
  • I still want some kinda Inexplicable Event to happen though, hmm. Coincidental lightning strike that seems like an omen, all things considered? They’re wolves, they don’t have science, it can be a totally natural phenomena that they happen to interpret differently. (Though ofc there’s no realistic way to explain the makeovers. There Just Isn’t.)
  • Unrelated to all that, noticed a white shaded gal I’ve had my eyes on in the TC runs tomorrow, so you know what big change of gameplay plan too: chased the chased, bought her, and when I inevitably need yet another space for liverducat to grow up, I’ll “retire” Leveret :V Not sure if I’ll keep her in the dynasty for reasons I’ve already rambled about, but she’ll be getting pretty old at that point anyway.
    • Erm, small correction: offered on the trade because it’s a GC buyout and I’m stingy. But if it gets close to rollover with no response then I’ll cave.
  • Anyway, one last thing before I go buckle down and focus on things, lore recap for the past few days (and tomorrow’s plans):
    • Liesl & Jackrabbit hit adolescence and start hunting with Hawk’s Eyes and the second party (then just Wickfen & Zephyr), respectively
    • Leveret leaves, Diorite has an outburst but Andesite makes him chill. There’s talk about establishing more rules or a council or something but it simply does not happen
    • Idril resumes hunting, now with Hallow with the idea she can put a good word in for him to join Hawk’s Eyes
    • Andesite joins Wickfen and Zephyr to help hunt and interact with the pack on a more personal level
    • Meanwhile, Leveret does a breeding; towards the end of the season she meets Esker, who sticks around to help
  • End of summer; start autumn
    • Idril dies; Hallow joins Hawk’s Eyes
    • Leveret’s pups born
    • Lichen (from the feline pack) catches up with the Jackdaws; territory established?
    • [henna] killed by ??humans
    • Insert mysterious coat change stuff here, both for Andesite and liverducat
  • End of autumn; start winter
    • Leveret’s remaining pups (chestnut1, liver, chestnut2) weaned
    • chestnut1 killed by coyotes
      • ^maybe this motivates Esker taking liverducat and yeeting? not sure on what terms they left but it wasn’t necessarily amicable, come to think of it
    • Liesl and Jackrabbit reach adolescence; Jackrabbit leaves (for Boreas?), Liesl becomes scout
    • glaucous switches to hunter with Wickfen, Zephyr, and Andesite
    • enter [tawny]
    • Lichen joins the second hunting party
    • glaucous does a breeding
  • Aaand almost forgot to mention, but spring started today!
    • Talak dies semi-unexpectedly (like Idril, it was comin’, but perhaps less anticipated than either Aspen)
    • tawny will join the second hunting party as soon as the hunts remaining even out
    • tomorrow: customizations-I-mean-mysterious-makeovers-I-mean-ah-whatever complete, Something Dramatic happens with the second party, it’s taken as an omen, Diorite and aurora crew (Esker, liverducat, and tawny) may or may not trek north for the glacier depending on gameplay stuff
  • Officially added tawny to Hawk’s Eyes \o/ Lore-wise though, again, there’s a break, not to mention she’ll be heading out with aurora crew soon. Maybe she just isn’t on the team at all yet, actually.
  • >does that >looks at her some more >am suddenly not sure if I want to keep long-term—although, didn’t I say I might sell her eventually anyway, but for now she might as well get hunting proficiency? Yeah, something like that.
  • -dabs- i have received Her may or may not get lore but white shaded hell let’s goooo
  • —Oh fucking hell I just noticed she’s stoic and has good strength. I thiiink glaucous’ pups are gonna be higher anyway but it wouldn’t hurt to have her as uh, Backup 🤔 (zero days since last thinking emoji) We’ll see; starting tomorrow she can make a new non-lore hunting party with Esker, at least.


Posted 2021-01-25 05:37:25 (edited)

Day 97 2021/01/25
LVLUP tawny Skipper +3, Liesl +9, Esker +5, choc-shaded +2

  • Congrats to precise chestnut for Inexplicably Not Dying. That’s it that’s the note
  • SOO yeah precise chestnut and dedicated liver hit adolescence and meanwhile white shaded is an adult and I’m pairing & breeding her with Esker immediately* because if they are not churning out as many white shaded pups as possible then what is the point. Some Day they will maybe even make a lethal, or die trying. Also they’re hunting together now.
    • *I FORGOT ABOUT THE ROLLOVER COUNT, GAH. Oh well, second heat it’ll be then >:V
  • For now uhhhhh -sends a stud request- this is fine! And since today is apparently going to be a Big GC Spending Day (and opacity changers are a mere 1GC?? nice), kicked that marking up to 100%; stud doesn’t have it in that slot and the former percentage was a measly 22%.
  • Tbh I have half a mind to stack this like those quad merles but for white shaded because I’m mildly obsessed and Really Really Want A Lethal (cough conjoined twins cough) With That Marking Fuck Everything Else. Maybe if I get back on the art/ywh scene I’ll be one of those fancy people who swaps in new studs constantly to expedite the Process, but for now these two (Esker and chocolate) will do.
  • Incidentally this little project can also keep my slots full, which is prooobably for  the best? Easier than keeping up with the endless NBW cycle and having to make them stragglers because I can’t think of lore right off the bat.
  • Anyway, messing with profile notes and behold… the ideal man.
  • [7 hours later] ALRIGHT CUSTOMIZATION GO TIME. Andesite officially looks more striking than Diorite (although I still like my mottled boy plenty), and liverducat is now just ducat \o/
  • …I like how it has a special message “Your chosen wolf admires their fresh, new fur! Go and see $name (#ID)!” for the base changer but Absolutely Nothing for a full Grove overhaul, amazing. But yeah, in lore these two got nearly hit by lightning or something and I think that’s beautiful :3
  • Did I ever mention the name Moulin? He wasn’t born anywhere near the glacier (in-lore) but I’m naming the kid Moulin now. And so my pack continues to be overrun by -en(-sounding) names, but again I’ll probably change Lichen’s when I get around to her next round of Character Development.
  • For tawny though, uhhhh… actually IDEK what her character is doing anymore but turns out I found her in the Coniferous Forest. But her dutiful personality does fit the recycled sulphur lore. Was gonna say she’s from further north but uh, she was a whole entire one (1) year old when found, so that’s Unlikely. Another feline pack runaway? (Geez, guys, what is happening over there.) In any case, sticking with the Warriors ripoff kinda-theme, and thus bestowing her with the name -throws dart at Ailuronymy- Skipper. (Yes, really; no, not the penguin.) I mean, she might still sell, ~we shall see~ and all (although ngl I might just yeet Leveret the more I think about it, makes more sense from a gameplay standpoint since I don’t plan on breeding her again), but I still roll to give her a name.
  • Whoa, didn’t nab a screenshot, but Andesite found a medium trail (and nothing else) >:O We’ll see if they catch it but that’s a first!


  • Speaking of her, see left >;3 Diorite looks extremely plain in comparison now but I didn’t think his warranted a redraw. Not yet, anyway. As for Moulin… what can I say, the obligatory dreamworks face wolf slot was open. Also something something he’s kinda pompous as a coping mechanism after his upbringing and being literally #hashtagBlessed just gave it a boost.
  • Dangit, they lost the trail. To be fair, it’s hard to focus on finishing a hunt when one of your wolves gets hit by lightning.
  • …Wow, shit, I did not mean to make Andesite that zoomed-in compared to everyone else. Not thrilled with her expression either do maybe I’ll redo it later [shrug emoji]
  • Oh yeah, the stud request on chocolate gal got accepted early. Commence breeding hell no gods no masters.


Posted 2021-01-26 04:38:04 (edited)

Day 98 2021/01/26
LVLUP Skipper +4

  • Glaucous nesting now 👀 Also look at this lovely art, what a good Andesite.
  • Wow, super slow and uneventful day (wolv-wise) and then I come back to a news post! Also sold chestnut, so that’s cool \o/ Don’t have much to say about either thing because I am tired but I didn’t expect more news before February, neat.
  • Oh yeah, wanted to actually name the shaded project wolves; even if they don’t get lore, it’s a lil more elegant than [bases in brackets]. Chocolate gal is now named Drukqs, which is not a word I understand but the music’s neat; I’m thinking for every generation I’ll do a different track from the linked album. That’s at least 30 tracks and I am hoping it doesn’t take that many generations, but I’m sure the RNG is fickle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • …Oh god, the catch-and-hold is so gonna throw me off next time I play Minecraft. I dunno how worthwhile this is time/SC-wise, but something something Diorite learning to fish in-lore would be cool.
  • —Hello, I am an #IgnorantAmerican and oh cool, Canada/the taiga has aspen forests. And it only took looking through the new backgrounds for me to realize that!! So much for having a mountains pack but I think they will live in the forest now, and in fact have been living in the forest for a few months now. It’s like ~a sign~ from Idril and Oriole’s spirits, or something. Further development ready to go whenever But Yeah!
  • Alternatively, if they haven’t settled in the aspen forest now, it’s very much on the table for later. cough LIESL MOVES THEM cough


Posted 2021-01-27 05:42:46 (edited)

Day 99 2021/01/27
LVLUP Drukqs +3, Skipper +5, Lichen +6

  • glaucous’ pups were born! Two, female and male, first one has more markings from the second—and they both have OVER 400 STATS WHAT THE FUCK BRO. NICE. They were both born with a whopping 114 strength!! God!!! That’s exactly what Liesl has right now at level N I N E.
  • A shame the one with higher stats and darker skin (I think it looks nicer on grayscale wolves) also has fewer markings, but they are both cool and funky naturals so I have no complaints. Man, it’d be cool to keep both tbh, but I know how my track record’s been :V
  • …I really do like the looks of the (slightly-)lower-stat female though, gdi. I could try selling both but with those stats I’d like to think there’ll be interest, and that would, idk, defeat the point of having bred glaucous (replacement finisher). Much to think about.
  • Anyway I’ll add the previews later but for now Esker’s pupsitting again (just as soon as he gets onnnne hunt in, so Drukqs can get in a lil proficiency today).
  • Meanwhile, I cannot justify glaucous having more biological pups if I tried, especially not with a rando, so we will simply say she Found Them and they followed her back or something. (They look more like their dad than her anyway, other than… nose and eyes and the female’s skin, actually. ~What a coincidence~)
  • Oh, meanwhile in gameplay, glaucous got an open wound. If I end up having to kill retire her or someone else prematurely to keep a pup, I guess I can use this….
  • Alright anywho here’s the new kids:

imaginative female

418 stats 114 STR / 93 SPE / 73 AGI / 67 WIS / 71 SMA
9 markings Black Carnage 56% / Black Agouti 51% / Black Cross 43% / Black Full Mask 58% / Black Dorsal 47% / White Dilution 52% / Black Mantle 50% / Gray Highlights 42% / Black Dilution 45%

pessimistic male

423 stats 114 STR / 95 SPE / 75 AGI / 67 WIS / 72 SMA
3 markings Black Carnage 41% / Black Agouti 49% / Black Cross 57% / Black Dilution 59%

  • Alright now Esker’s pupsitting for real this time. In lore I guess everyone is chipping in or something since he’s not, y’know, There.
  • —WAIT. WAIT NO Leveret still has 43 proficiency, it’ll be her. Huh, wonder if I should use this in lore; precise chestnut just… wandered off, or something, and she ended up wandering north again ~for no real reason~? Although given ages and distance it seems unlikely she’d actually reach the Jackdaws again, ah well. But hey, she’s having a hell of a sightseeing hike.
  • Oh cool, speaking of precise chestnut, look who got customized >:O What the fuck, isn’t Tamaskan Unders a RMA-exclusive?? Congrats on the makeover, kiddo!
  • Hm. I actually could keep both? Sue me if I don’t, but Drove’s getting old and while Liesl was originally gonna replace him, I kinda want to keep her scouting in hopes of hitting 16+ by the time Diorite kicks it. And then I wanna see how high I can buff the strength before then, just for the heck of it. HMMM. This could very well depend on how Andesite’s pups turn out, and after being treated to these 400+ babs I probably won’t be breeding her with Diorite either.
  • Oop, found someone who’ll probably be down to buy Skipper when she’s in heat tomorrow. Man, picking up Tier II NBWs could be a pretty lucrative affair…
  • So I guess that means she’s getting Retcon’d™ out of the lore too, but she barely had a character to begin with so that’s no big deal. I kinda like the thought of Moulin having these imaginary friends mom substitutes as he grows, though. Traumatized by the abrupt and brutal deaths of your siblings? Feel like your mother is being negligent so you go off on a big journey with your mentor-guardian-figure towards some vague concept of destiny, leaving her and your other living sibling behind forever? Get your own Coping TII Female NBW Today!
  • …Oh my god, the golden wolf as a goddess figure. The golden wolf who Moulin just makes up as an imaginary friend/coping mechanism as a goddess figurrrreeee, because Esker hears about it and has half a brain cell and is like “sounds like an Omen;” Moulin either doesn’t have the heart or the likes the attention too much (maybe both) to say otherwise.


Posted 2021-01-28 06:23:48 (edited)

Day 100 2021/01/28
LVLUP Drove +14, Liesl +10

  • Jesus christ, it’s been a hundred days. That’s like a third of the year. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. What th
  • Sold Skipper, hope she helps the breeding project \o/ Also, I didn’t record the synergy change but I actually think it was a gain?? Aww, the older four are just used to hunting together and it remembers the drop is from a new wolf, that’s neat. I wonder what would happen if you dropped and re-added the same wolf; alas though I didn’t notice what went down when Idril took a break, and don’t plan on testing again.
  • Ayy, somewhere along the line I picked up another Pineapple Leaf so Micah can finally learn the Influenza Cure \o/ My boy… gotta learn ‘em all....

Day 101 2021/01/29
LVLUP Lichen +7

  • So Drukqs’ pups were born, female and male. Female inherited glass eyes but obly one shaded, male has blue eyes but two shaded. Which makes two times in a row now that both pups have separate pros and that makes me very >:Vc
  • On further thought, the glass eyes aren’t important, cool as they are; the goal pup has black eyes and glass doesn’t fit the Look. I’ll protect ‘em both though because she might be useful to someone else.
  • As for who’s doing the protecting, I’llsplit the whiteshaded hunting party again (after onnnnne more hunt) so Esker and Drukqs can watch one pup eqch. glaucous’ are at 99% even without a pupsitter now but I ain’t taking any chances.
  • Oh hey, with a moment of silence for my space, found a shaded adol female with very low fertility 👀 Bought her, and remind me to add a space for $$$ spent to the spreadsheet because this is gonna add up fast, I can feel it.
  • Hell, she grows up in two days. The slots don’t line up but maybe I’ll breed her and Esker just for the heck of it; when I inevitably need space, whether the resulting pups are duds or not, he might be next to go. Or maybe I’ll kill off one or the Jackdaws prematurely [shrug emoticon] Rip to their slot dominance but it’s not like I’ve had much time for lore development lately anyway.
  • Aaand switched Esker & Drukqs to pupsitting officially \o/ …Also boy, if new adol grows up in a couple days that also means she’ll be breedable immediately. My space cannot take this, and yet,,
  • Meanwhile, open wound on Wickfen >:V Insta-cured, healed in a short duration, you know the drill.
  • Added a tab to the spreadsheet with my project costs because I apparently love to throw cones to the wind u_u I mean, who knows how much I’ve already spent on mutie scrying (I have not checked and am afraid to ask), but it’ll be neat to see how much this sucker really costs.
  • Anyway, finishing off the evening, the obligatory* pup previews (*apparently I never did these for glaucous’ first kids, smh; they make a nice quick visual reference for thread-skimming purposes):

glass-eyed obnoxious chestnut ♀

283 stats 78 STR / 58 SPE / 50 AGI / 49 WIS / 48 SMA
6 markings 3: Beige Inner Ear 16% / 4: Gray Half Cape 65% / 5: White Shaded 27% / 6: White Spectacles 22% / 9: White Urajiro 43% / 10: Black Rump 31%

Jynweythek (precise ♂)

279 stats 78 STR / 54 SPE / 52 AGI / 47 WIS / 48 SMA
5 markings 3: Beige Inner Ear 16% / 5: White Shaded 29% / 8: White Shaded 53% / 9: White Cross 35% / 10: Black Rump 37%

  • Oh huh, didn’t notice they were both chestnut. That base just keeps Happening.
  • ALSO, in the interest of keeping up the name thing (and also maybe because it’ll help me keep track of lineages)… uhhhh -throws dart- Cycles, not in the slightest because I suspect I’ll be breeding her a lot. Unless I get a multi-shaded gal with very/extremely low fertility, and/or gray smoke in slot 1. You now, since I’m apparently obsessed with saving lost pup wardrobe links, maybe I’ll just use all these weird-ass instrumental names on the ones who get chased too. This album specifically has some prime candidates. What the hell is this thread honestly.
  • Okay, last thing ~for real~ again: timeline updated, since spring ends tomorrow. Where did that week go?
  • …Forgot Micah can make two new cures now >:o The Cure-For-All and Rich Healing Salve take frankly way too many herbs to be worth making regularly, but it’ll be neat to have an herbalist who knows everything this round.


Posted 2021-01-30 06:12:02 (edited)

Day 102 2021/01/30  
LVLUP Liesl +11

  • Micah has learned Everything \o/ Also BRUH

  • What a start to summer >:O Also forget anything I said about not fishing often; I ain’t glued to it but i Gotta max out the 100SC. Not sure if I’ll incorporate it into lore but I dig the idea of Diorite returning to the pack, still knowing jack shit, but carrying a Nice Big Fish.
  • Andesite found another medium trail but the party had no luck, and Lichen got an open wound 😔


Posted 2021-01-31 05:52:57 (edited)

Day 103 2021/01/31
LVLUP Drukqs +4, Hallow +11

  • Cycles grew up! Immediately sent out a stud request because I have no impulse control and love to perish. Didn’t bother with an opacity changer this round; both she and the stud have different markings in each others’ shaded slots so I thiiink it’s about a 50/50 either way. god, watch Something Neat happen and it doesn’t even have shaded, that would be my luck,,
  • Also assigned her pupsitter; there are no pups to sit atm but there will be, both hers and probably glaucous’ when Leveret dies in just over a week (or less if I need the space). Space is fun to manage, you guys!!
  • Meanwhile, open wound on Andesite. Maybe it’s just between today and yesterday but it feels like we’ve been getting a lot of those lately, gdi; maybe A Sign the prey is too tricky for the hunters to reasonably catch, even if they’re still small trails? Still, guys,,,
  • Ayyy, Cycles bred and it looks like it only took 20% energy \o/

Day 104 2021/02/01
LVLUP Wickfen +11

  • glaucous’ pups weaned! Aaand that’s about it this rollover.
  • Open wound on Carcass, invisible as ever.

Day 105 2021/02/01

  • Lichen picked up distemper over rollover, good job!! Had a 1-use cure onhand and juuust enough herbs to make a replacement (exploring the Rainforest has been such a good idea), but RIP.
  • Meanwhile, Andesite’s back in heat, but in light of the season and also all these dang pups, I’ll pass this round.
  • [several hours later] Speaking of Andesite, GUESS WHOSE TEAM GOT A MEDIUM CARCASS FOR THE FIRST TIME.
  • Anyway, big oof, GC prices are back up to 75:1 minimum 😬 Thanks, custom decor! (I mean, I’m not surprised and only expect the ratio to rise with time, so this isn’t a serious complaint or anything. But Still.)
  • Speaking of market stuff, I’ve had the albinism/melanism TC search bookmarked for a while and it’s been fascinating to watch those GC minimums drop. Multiple times in the past week or so, I’ve seen trades with 35GC buyouts. Got no intentions on splurging unless one happens to come up like, dirt cheap (10GC or lower, and it’d probably be a misprice if so) but I Just Think It’s Interesting.


Posted 2021-02-03 06:00:21 (edited)

Day 106 2021/02/03
LVLUP Esker +6, Lichen +8, Liesl +12, Husk +14, Zephyr +13

  • Drukqs’ pups weaned and I am really feelin the “too many pups” squeeze, boy :D Also had a dream last night Cycles had a polymelia pup, amazing. I sure hope that doesn’t happen or anything,,
  • The hunting dropdown finally auto-assigns Andesite to stalker and Wickfen to chaser \o/ They have the same proficiency (83%), dang.
  • Husk now has >500 stats, dang! And is two levels over Carcass >:0 She’s been doing hunting double duty lately; I wonder if their levels will line up if/when I eventually breed them?
  • It’s a good day for leveling in general, apparently. Zephyr hit 500 stats on the dot, and Liesl’s now getting 1,000EXP with each Rainforest scout >:3
  • I see that bump 👀 Whatcha doin…

Day 107 2021/02/04
LVLUP Carcass +13

  • Cycles had three pups! And Husk got an open wound from a hunt before I could even check, amazing.
  • One is khaki and boring so I’m chasing right after the obligatory preview spam, but the other two are neat monochromes :o “Alas” only one got shaded but that just makes my pick-of-the-litter job easier. Also holy shit, they all have ~340 stats like their mom—probably because the stud has 726 (possibly less when bred, looks like he just hit lvl19), dang.
  • Have hereby dubbed the keeper lad Cobwebs, and assigned Cycles to pupsitter over him and the monochrome gal. Khaki I will spare my usual “let ‘em die for lore” trials but yeah.
  • …Aw shit, oh boy, ah heck, Cycles can only bring ‘em from 60% to 90%. I guess if Cobwebs dies it won’t be the worst tragedy because I have Jyn for not one but two shaded, but I thiiink if they both make it through a rollover or two the boost should be fine.

conceited jet ♀

341 stats 76 STR / 63 SPE+AGI / 75 WIS / 64 SMA
6 markings 1: White Blaze 48% / 2: Black Agouti 77% / 3: White Marbled Unders 49% / 5: Gray Smudge Heavy 33% / 6: White Tail Tip / 7: Black Cross 72%

Cobwebs (charming ashen ♂)

348 stats 74 STR / 66 SPE / 63 AGI / 76 WIS / 69 SMA
5 markings 2: Black Agouti 77% / 5: Gray Smudge Heavy 40% / 6: White Tail Tip 52% / 9: White Cape Ticking 54% / 10: White Shaded 49%

trusting khaki ♂

345 stats 78 STR / 64 SPE / 63 AGI / 74 WIS / 66 SMA
4 markings 1: Black Belly Stripe 58% / 3: White Marbled Unders 50% / 5: Gray Smudge Heavy 25% / 7: Black Cross 71%

  • And with that, yeeted khaki. Maybe someday I will keep a green wolf but today is not that day.
  • In unrelated news, happened to check on some of the sold adults and aww, sulphur got herself a name (currently Sunshine) :D Skipper’s was wiped for the player’s ID number but all five of her pups are still kickin’; just for the heck of it: dravite, goldenrod, henna, liver, sarder. In any case, nice to see they’re both still being used!
  • Oi, you. Thread bumper the second (that I’ve noticed, anyway). Hewwo 👀
  • On that note I’ve been reminded people actually read this thread (which is still very ?!????!!!!, in a good way) and it has been a Haute Minute since I’ve used it for like, lore development. I can unfortunately still make no promises (and that site becomes more outdated by the day, gah) but I guess it’s been quiet in the $jackdawTerritory lately anyway. Diorite returns from his little glacier trip with Esker and Moulin at some point this season (summer) with absolutely no answers but also, consider: he has a big fish.
  • In any case, they settled here innnnn what, autumn-ish of last year? So it’ll be a whole full year since territory establishment, wherever they are >:o glaucous’ pups are actually growing up unharmed this time and Moulin’s almost old enough to join Hawk’s Eyes. (Did I toss around the idea of some kind of adulthood ceremony before, with the Aspens? Presumably Jackrabbit leaving would’ve thrown a wrench in that regardless, but Moulin’s sticking around For Sure, so.) Life is good. Which means it’d be the perfect time to spice things up if I actually had time to develop woof adventures, but I don’t, so they’re spared for a while yet (unless/until I retcon some kinda drama into this timeframe later, who knows).
  • In any case x2, a gif for those reading :3
  • Updated the timeline again while I have a spare minute and it’s already the end of summer, where did that week go??? Even if the bio dump is in dire need of an update, at least that doc has stayed timely >:V


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