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Roleplay with Cypress

Posted 2022-01-06 15:42:26
Heron smiled, he only nodded. He settled himself in one of the nests carefully, trying his hardest not to hurt himself.

Posted 2022-01-06 15:44:07
Prince glared at Raimu as she padded out of the den. "I hate her when she calls me that," He growled. He looked at Heron. "So, how'd you meet Rai?"

Posted 2022-01-06 15:48:01
Heron looked to him, "We just happened to run into each other..." He says simply.

Posted 2022-01-06 15:55:21 (edited)
"Have you 'run into' Cypress?" Prince asked. Under his breath he muttered, "I mean- mom?"
(if that's ok with you if Cypress is secretly Prince & Raimu's mom. if no, he said "I hate her")

Posted 2022-01-06 15:58:17
That actually works... but not Butch's children, there can be another male for that...

Heron perked his ears, he looked flustered, "Mom... what do you mean by that?" He asks.

Posted 2022-01-06 16:22:33
"I- did I say that?" Prince stammered.

Thanks! :)

Posted 2022-01-06 16:28:00
No problem, their father can be Hogan... he's currently a pup in my pack but I'm just going to say that he's not for the rp...

Heron nodds, "Yes, Yes y... what do you mean by mother..." Heron asks again.

Posted 2022-01-06 16:28:59
"I-" Prince stuttered. "Rai told me not to tell you if I let it slip." Raimu hunted.

Posted 2022-01-06 16:39:21
Heron blinked then looked away, "I do not care what Raimu told you, Prince, I need to know..." Heron says.

Posted 2022-01-06 16:40:01
"I can't disobey my own sister!" Prince half-snapped, flinch at his own tone. "Sorry."

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