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Realistic Wolf Breeding Project

Realistic Wolf Breeding Project
Posted 2022-01-07 08:42:37 (edited)

I tried to make them look like a realistic wolf, aside from the eyes.

Wardrobe Linky
Anthro Linky Just Cuz

I zoomed out when I took the screenshot so I could record the markings incase the url gets lost or something. This results in the image being kinda blurry compared to 100% zoom.
I recommend previewing with the wardrobe link.


Posted 2022-01-07 10:36:22 (edited)

Official Plan Of Action!

News & Updates

Phase 1 [COMPLETE]
Obtain and breed the wolves necessary to start the project. The wolves I need for Phase 2 have to have the breed only marks. Deira Inuit Unders Slot 5 and Auburn Patchy Unders Slot 7.

At first I had the following NBW Pairs lined up:
Edelweiss & Larkspur
Wintersweet & Tamarack
And I was hoping the marks they had would roll the marks I needed.
Example Red Patchy Unders + Black Patchy Unders = Auburn Patchy Unders. But that hasn't really worked out in my favor.

I ended up trading for and asking around until I found the following pairs/wolves:
Aubrieta & Adonis
Which turned out better than I what I was expecting, mostly because I was just hesitant on using high generation wolves? But they're not that far up the tree, so phew hehe. 3 Breedings and 12 pups later, 4 of the pups had both Auburn Patchy Unders Slot 7 and Deira Inuit Unders Slot 5.
Aubrieta & Adonis's had 2 of those 4, brother and sister sibllings. I bred both Freesia and Yaupon to a stud named Caribou, and Freesia had the other 2 of the 4. They are also brother and sister.

Here are the Phase 2 Breeders! Woohoo!:
Spring's East & Summer's South
Winter's North & Autumn's West

They are still pups/adols and I still need to finish customizing them. But Phase 1 is finally complete!

I'm not sure if I should keep breeding my Phase 1 Pairs. If I did that then any pup lucky enough with the marks would need about 60GC each. And I don't know if that is really a viable kind of continuous expense for me.

Phase 2 [COMPLETE]
Once I have enough wolves with both of the breed only marks, I need to raise enough funds to customize them to the standard that I have set.

I still need 167 GC!
[April 13, 2022] It took a long time, but I finally was able to customize all of them.

Phase 3

Phase 3 Thread! >> Operation Wild Wolf • Lost Wolves & Rewards
Once I have my Phase 2 wolves ready to breed, I will breed them to make the Phase 3 wolves. Any puppers that fit my standard will then be chased upon aging to adulthood and hopefully get them back as 1st Generation Wolves. I suspect that I will get very few back so to keep my breeding numbers up I may have to keep the pups from their later years and, unfortunately start inbreeding them. These will probably be the only inbred wolves in my pack.


Posted 2022-02-01 18:00:15 (edited)

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Plan In Table Format
Slot 1 Cream Highlights (App)
Slot 2 Dark Brown Shepherd (App)
Slot 3 Black Dilution (App)
Slot 4 Black Carnage (App)
Slot 5 Deira Inuit Unders (Breed)
Slot 6 Honey Patchy Unders (App)
Slot 7 Auburn Patchy Unders (Breed)
Slot 8 White Spectacles (App)
Slot 9 Black Mantle (App)
Slot 10 White Urajiro (App)
Total At Least 40 GC Not including Marking Removals or Opacity Changers.
Plus 3 GC If Nose, Claw, Skin Changers are required.
Plus 10 GC For the Base if I still want or need to change it.


Posted 2022-02-12 22:25:02 (edited)

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Messy Notes!

The plan is to breed all the breedable things first then put the apps on last.


Marking Apps
White Urajiro
Black Mantle
White Spectacles
Honey Patchy Unders
Black Carnage
Black Dilution
Dark Brown Shepherd
Cream Highlights

Base App

Eye Applicator [Bioluminescent Teal]

Skin app
Nose app
Claw app

Breed Only:
Auburn Patchy Unders (Alternate could be Red Patchy Unders App?NeVEr)
Deira Inuit Unders

45GB to apply the markings alone, oof. It would be cheaper to find a replacement marking for deira inuit unders and just do the grove but maaaaaannnnnnnnnn.

More Notes!

Auburn Patchy Unders & Deira Inuit Unders are both combo markings. I think.

Possible Combo Colours and Combinations to Get Them (Says Grouse House)
Auburn: Black + Red
Deira: Beige + Honey

Just need to figure out the marking shapes I need.

Combos found via search:
Red Patchy Unders Slot 3 Gen 1 + Black Forehead Slot 3 Gen 1= Auburn Patchy Unders Slot 3 Gen 2
Red Smoke Slot 7 Gen 1 + Black Patchy Unders Slot 7 Gen 3 = Auburn Patchy Unders Slot 7 Gen 4

Auburn Patchy Unders seems easy given I can do Black Patchy Unders + Red Patchy Unders.

Inuit Unders is a tier 7 marking that has a chance to be applied when using the Random Marking App?


Posted 2022-02-16 11:41:37 (edited)

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I really want to avoid inbreeding while increasing the population of wolves that look like this so here is my research on that. May not be the best research but eh, it's a start.

I'm not sure how many wolves would be considered enough for a stable population in Wolvden or if I should even be using resources up on this kind of thing in the game at all.

I'm probably going just link the article here for reference.
Why populations can't be saved by a single breeding pair


Posted 2022-02-19 04:32:39 (edited)

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Alternate Plan?

Maybe I could not worry about stats yet and try breeding as many wolves as I can that have the marks I need. App them.
And then breed them together to get a bunch of similar wolves then chase them and try my darnedest to get them back. Then work on stats when I get the chased ones back.
This plan seems pretty risky though as there is no guarantee I can get them back?

If I went this route then I wouldn't need to even find starter NBWs with the marks which would make things easier and I could get anyone with the marks no matter their lineage or stats. Set up a breeding male with a set of marks and have a bunch of females with the other set of marks.

One test breeding resulted to nothing I needed out of 4 pups with Larkspur and Edelwiess, indicating that this may he more difficult than I thought with only 2 wolves.

>:D I don't have to do this, at least not yet hehehehahahahahaha!


Posted 2022-03-01 12:20:13 (edited)

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Breeding Outcomes

Wintersweet + TamarackPup Outcomes
Gold Darker
Base GeneticsWarm Medium II
Monochrome Dark I
Monochrome Medium II
Warm Medium I
Muted Medium I
Warm Dark II
Slot 1Zircon Elbow Patch (24%)
Beige Underfur (80%)
Zircon Elbow Patch (43%)
Beige Underfur (58%)
Slot 2White Inuit Unders (47%)
White Inuit Unders (24%)
White Inuit Unders (30%)
Slot 3Gray Tamaskan Unders (22%)
Gray Tamaskan Unders (16%)
Gray Tamaskan Unders (8%)
Slot 4None
Slot 5Beige Tamaskan Unders (48%)
Honey Low Bottoms (73%)
Honey Low Bottoms (59%)
Honey Low Bottoms (69%)
Slot 6None
Gray Unders (42%)
Gray Unders (25%)
Gray Unders (30%)
Gray Unders (27%)
Slot 7Black Patchy Unders (65%)
Red Patchy Unders (73%)
Red Patchy Unders (73%)
Red Patchy Unders (71%)
Red Patchy Unders (71%)
Slot 8Gray Half Saddle (63%)
Gray Half Saddle (22%)
Gray Half Saddle (31%)
Gray Half Saddle (27%)
Gray Half Saddle (40%)
Slot 9Gray Undersides (43%)
Gray Undersides (28%)
Gray Undersides (31%)
Slot 10Black Shepherd (24%)
Black Shepherd (22%)
Black Shepherd (8%)
Black Shepherd (8%)

Edelweis & Larkspur
3 Pups on March 16 and they all had no markings. None. Wonder if this is an odd chance or some kind of glitch.


Posted 2022-03-09 20:14:49 (edited)

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This whole thread is a mess lol. Back to top.

[March 10, 2022]
But I managed to get not one, but two pups with both Deira Inuit Unders Slot 5 and Auburn Patchy Unders Slot 7!
They are the only 2 wolves in game atm with those 2 specific marks in those slots.
It was 2 out of 8 pups in all. I had to chase most of the pups that didn't inherit the marks away. I didn't think I had enough resources for them plus not sure anyone would be interested in potatoes. Still feels bad though.

Coleus and Astilbe are 6th Generation NIBs! I'm so glad I was able to avoid inbreeding and a long lineage thus far.
I Got these ladies (Yaupon and Freesia, they are sisters) from trades and requested stud breedings from this gentleman, Caribou.

Unfortunately the pups are siblings so I need to breed more pups with the markings that are unrelated to them before I can move on to the next step.

I need nearly 50GC 60GC to customize each pup so far! Dx That's over 100GC!

[March 16, 2022]
Gen 8 NIBs Liatris & Ruscus
I got 2 more pups today with both of the marks! Huzzah! They are also siblings and happen to be male and female too!
So now I can have 2 breeding pairs.
This means I need to start working on getting a lil over 200GC.
Not sure how, maybe event stuff?

Also not sure if I should keep the previous breeding pairs and parents now that I have these pups. hrmm

My original plan using the NBWs doesn't seem to be working.

[March 29, 2022] I have decided to try and sell the NBWs I had for this project, they keep making potatoes and I need more space for the four pups that have the marks. -__- Is sad though.


Posted 2022-03-21 22:36:33 (edited)

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Appearance Notes

[March 22, 2022]
Thanks to the Lunar Event, I have raised enough GC (54GC ) to complete Liatris' New Appearance. His Opacities are set a bit off for a slight variant look. His eyes and base were left alone also for the same purpose.
I need 167 more GC for the other pups.  -m-

I'm thinking one of the variants could be a pale version? Which almost looks like the adult wolf at the front of the Pack Overview button.

Quick Notes

Phase 2 Breeder Variant Base Ideas?
Darker Variant >> Cool Dark (Marengo)?? [South Summer]
Pale Variant >> Cool Light (Pale) [North Winter]
Original Variant >> Monochrome Medium (Chert) [East Spring]
Some Other Variant >> Monochrome Dark (Grey) [West Autumn]

[April 8, 2022] I was able to fully customize Coleus today! 2 more to go. I need about 100GC now. :T
I'm going to rename them all but I'm not good with names. So they are going to be something around Winter's North. Idk.  -m-

[April 13, 2022] It took a long time, but I finally was able to customize all of them! Unfortunately, in a very excited yet fatigued state, I accidentally paired and bred the wrong wolves together so the pups are all inbred.
I disbanded their pairs and now have to wait 30 days! Dx


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