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Posted 2020-10-20 20:46:33

Hello everyone,

I has a quick Q.

Q:What type of wolves should I be getting? NBW wolves or bred wolves? I saw stats are very imported in this game but what starts should I be looking at for a wolf, certin ones for certin ranks? Etc.

Very lost lol, trying to get 5 hunters, 2 scouts, 2 pupsitters and 1 healer but just have no idea what I should really be looking out to get or save up for.



Posted 2020-10-20 22:19:46

Hi! Honestly, the types of wolves that you'll want to get mostly comes down to your preference!

It can be easier at first to start with NBWs, and gradually replace them as you acquire stronger NBWs, wolves purchased from the trading center, or wolves that you've bred. Stats can be important, yes! But you'll find that even incredibly average stat wolves will be capable of fulfilling roles for you while you grow.

One important aspect is knowing what each wolf is best suited to do. Hunters have three categories, and each has a stat it favors. Stalkers should have Smarts and Wisdom. Chasers should have Agility and SpeedFinishers will need StrengthThe same is true of your herbalist, needing Smarts and Wisdom. I recommend looking at each of your wolves' stats and seeing what they are best at. It'll give them that extra leg up to be doing something their stats favor.

Scouts are a little different. They need different stats depending on the biome they're scouting, so it's a good job for a more well-rounded wolf. You can find an excellent guide on the stats side of scouting here. (& pupsitter is a flexible role not affected by stats, so it's a fine role for any wolf you like.)

From my own experience, it seems any wolf can grow into their role fairly well, as they gain applicable stats + proficiency as they level up. :) My own approach is to just fill my pack with wolves that I like the look of or would love to breed pups from, and then find what they'd be good at. If a wolf's pretty but not super great stat-wise, they usually get relegated to pupsitter in my pack.

Hope that helped, at least a bit! ^^


Posted 2020-10-20 22:38:40

Ah sweet this is much helpful, thank you! So one does not need to worry about to much on stats then, what about personality of wolves? How do I know what ones go with who so no one fights?


Posted 2020-10-20 22:48:18

You're very welcome! ^^ I'm glad to help! 

Personality is very important when putting together your hunting party! Wolves that get along will be a more successful team and build their synergy meter easier. Friendly and Aggressive wolves will not get along, and Romantic and Stoic wolves will not get along. Any other combination will get along fine and they won't fight with each other while hunting. :) There's a chart that shows all the personalities and what category they fall under right here! And if you want more info on personality, the beta testers put together a nice guide here, as well.

If a wolf has a personality that just won't work with your plans for them, but you've got your heart set on using them in your hunting party without issue, there's also items to change their personality for sale over on the personality snake page. :)


Posted 2020-10-20 22:52:38

Ah gotchu thank you very much for your help again and one will take a look at the links! :)

Last thing as of right now, how can I find adult wolves for sale? I looked in the trading post but nothing really sticks out and there is some lovely younger wolves an ado but did not know if they need a pupsitter? I needed a pupsitter for one of my quests.
Are there any wolf sale forms?


Posted 2020-10-20 23:04:46

Yeah, it can be harder to come by them in the trading center, cause there's just so many trades to look through! Everyone's trying to sell pups and items it seems like, haha. But here's a few tips that might help!

If you go to Trading Center > Search Trades > Wolves > General Options and set the Age option to Older Than 1 Year 0 Months and then scroll down to hit the green Apply Filters button, this will give you ALL adult wolves currently up for trade. You can also set a max price or specific gender, color, etc, if you're looking for something more specific! (Here's a link to get to that page quickly!)

There's also a forum here on Chatter where people are selling their wolves here: Chatter > Stockpile > Wolves. Lots of pups and adols over there, but plenty pretty wolves to look through!

Oh, also-- Adolescent wolves don't need pupsitters at their age, thankfully. ^^


Posted 2020-10-21 14:18:11

Gotchu, thanks for your help! ^^


Posted 2020-10-21 14:29:39

You're very welcome! <3 Feel free to message me if you find yourself with another question. :)


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