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LF: Snarly Headshot (15k SC & ITEMS)

LF: Snarly Headshot (15k SC & ITEMS)
Posted 2022-01-09 11:18:15
I'm looking for a fully colored/shaded headshot of my oc, ovis
I have around 15k SC saved up as well as 10 gc and items.
I'm looking for a fully shaded/colored headshot with a snarly kind of expression, like BeautyOfTheBass style.
If you'd like to arrange payment and commission details feel free to post down below or send me a message directly :3


Posted 2022-01-09 11:51:54
Hello! I'd like to work with you on this. My commission info can be found here. A colored and shaded headshot is $9, or 36 gc or 14k sc

Some specific examples: snarl 1, snarl 2, recent/shaded

I hope to work with you soon!


Posted 2022-01-11 18:33:27
Hello! I do wolf headshots that can include shading and coloring, but I don't like doing the bodies much.
The drawings are on paper (which there is nothing wrong with paper-drawings :D) and I send by Imgur

PM or post on my art thread if interested!

✨ Pinecone 🌲

Posted 2022-01-24 08:00:06
I store art examples here! The first two under "canines" are a YCH ^^


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