Interest Check - Realm of the Shifters
Interest Check - Realm of the Shifters
Posted 2020-10-20 22:05:20 (edited)
Photo Credit Idris : Realm of the Shifters Idris was supposed to be the new world of peace and undiscovered destinies. Shifters by the hundreds fled there over a thousand years ago, when they were first persecuted by the human race. Over time, the human empires around them weakened and fell, leaving little to no humans remaining on earth, and none at all in Idris. This allowed the shifters to govern their home themselves for many generations with little problems, and Idris became a shining beacon to all of the world's Shifters.
West #7266 |
Posted 2020-10-20 22:05:31 (edited)
Guidelines 1. All Wolvden rules apply.2. Godmodding/powerplay is unacceptable. Be realistic in fighting, and remember, the only character(s) you should be making decisions for are your own. 3. Have as many characters as you can handle, but each must be accepted by myself or my co-mods. 4. Try and be diverse with your species! Do NOT keep creating only tiger shifters and expect them to be accepted (of course, more common species will be expected to have more characters than uncommon and/or rare). 5. Just because I haven't said a species doesn't mean you can't create one! If you have a question, just ask. I'll do my best to help.6. There ARE were-dragons available to be created! (Only 3-4 roles will be open, and you must audition for them: basically meaning you need one other, more common species before you can ask to create a dragon shifter). 7. Any ranking above the Head of War must be accepted by me. I may ask you to change your ranking based on if I think you're active/experienced enough for the role. Feel free to create your own ranking! 8. Mature content- excessive violence/gore, graphic death scenes, and/or breeding- needs to fade to black or be taken elsewhere. 9. This is intended to be an intermediate/advanced RP. Replies are required to be 5+ sentences and you must practice proper spelling/grammar. 10. Be active. If you'll be gone for 4+ days, please message me or let us know in chat. 11. You may use photo-references for your characters, just please remember to source them correctly (photobucket, tumblr, etc. are NOT original sources). Try not to use artwork unless you have proof it's yours/was given or sold to you/etc. 12. No same-player romance. If you want your character to have a significant other, then try and form a relationship IC. 13. Limit 1x1. Generally wait until 2-3 people have posted after you before replying again. 14. If you read and understand all the rules, please tell me your favorite mythical creature in the other section. _________________________________________________________________ If you have gotten this far and are still interested, PLEASE fill out the form below so I can gauge interest for this roleplay idea! Thanks for your time! Wolvden User:Interested?: (yes, no, possibly) Literacy: (semi-lit to literate is the goal) Typical Response Length/Time: Preferred Server: (here, Lioden, Discord, etc.) Character Count: (how many characters you normally play per RP) Ideas/Suggestions/Etc: Anything about the plot you'd change? Any conflict to add? |
West #7266 |
Posted 2020-10-20 23:00:57 (edited)
Interested?: Yes! Literacy: Semi-Literate to Literate! Typical Response Length/Time: 2-3+ Paragraphs. At least once a week but can respond every day depending on how the RP pace is! Preferred Server: Any is fine, Discord would be the easiest to keep up with! Character Count: Two+ in semi-lit roleplays. Usually only one in literate. Ideas/Suggestions/Etc: Not at the moment! I'll message you if I think of any! |
Anarch ★ #2943 |
Posted 2020-10-20 23:11:19
Interested?: Yes Literacy: Literate Typical Response Length/Time: Preferred Server: No more than a few days at most, usually around a couple hours. Character Count: Any amount needed Ideas/Suggestions/Etc: What if we rolled back a little, to when things just started to fail? What happened to make things start to crumble, where is all of the money going to cause even the wealthy to struggle? Other kingdoms, nature disasters, hoarding? Idk it sounds fun regardless! |
Monstera. #4689 |
Posted 2020-10-20 23:11:58 (edited)
DUDE, I remember this from LD! So down! Wolvden User: Woodkin (#13826). Interested?: Hell yeah! Literacy: Semi-Literate to Literate. Typical Response Length/Time: 2-3 paragraphs. Sometimes more. Never less. I can post several times a week, but probably not every day. Will do my best though. Preferred Server: Here or Discord. Would love to be part of an on-site roleplay to be honest, but wouldn't say no to Discord either. Character Count: 2-3. Sometimes more, but I'll limit myself here. Ideas/Suggestions/Etc: Not at the moment! Will also shoot you a dm if I come up with anything interesting. It's late here so brain is currently running on empty. |
Cervicorn #13826 |
Posted 2020-10-21 00:12:51
Wolvden User: MuddMutt 15073 Interested?: yes Literacy: semi-lit Typical Response Length/Time:1 paragraph (haven't done rp in a while.) Will respond every day or if busy ever other day. Preferred Server: Any server preferably discord Character Count: 1 character Ideas/Suggestions/Etc: I'm kind of curious on how the hierarchy works. Is it the usual European kind or is it a mix of other types? |
Muddmutt #15073 |
Posted 2020-10-21 00:42:30
Thank you all for answering my questions! Now to answer some of yours! @Monstera - The backstory of the war is addressed in a smaller subsection of the thread :) Long story short, two brothers over two hundred years ago let their emotions get the better of them and ran their empires into the ground trying to better the other, so much so that the subsequent two hundred years, the economy struggled. The only other settlements, those across oceans, had sold both Kings all they wanted - but at hefty prices - and both Kings basically put both Kingdoms into debt (in modern terms). At the present day, two hundred years after the split of Idris, there is a drought pushing the lands into a famine and causing a lack of prey and resources for both Kingdoms, causing the current rulers to become uneasy again - there are rumors of Stratham's king sending scouts and knighting parties to recover resources, by less than favorable means, on Aramore's lands. If there are other conflict ideas you'd want to mingle or throw into the plot, I'm all ears, but those are the tensions I have pre-set for this world. This allows for all high ranks to be at odds and have roles to follow, as well as opens Knights to choosing between good, bad, or neutral in their actions, and also gives commoners plenty of things to worry about in their already stressful lives. :") I might consider taking it back to the original fued though - just after the death of Idris' last king and to the point of the brothers splitting the continent. That could prove interesting, but there would have to be other minor or major conflicts for those of lesser classes as well, because that focuses on the royalty. @Muddmutt - It is honestly a mix. I don't follow one in particular, since this is a unique world, but if you have a suggestion towards a certain ranking system from the medieval period, I'd be more than open to changing certain things. As of now, I have - in order of power - Kings/Queens, Heirs, Royal Advisors, Head of Wars, Knights, Shamans/Medicine Men, and Commoners (though they can come in different classes, such as Metal/Blacksmith, Leatherworkers, Ranchers, Farmers, Business Owners, Traders, etc.). |
West #7266 |
Posted 2020-10-26 15:10:25
Wolvden User: Kefi #16769 |
kefi #16769 |
Posted 2020-10-26 15:20:22
Thank you for checking us out and asking questions Kefi! As to answering them, I believe that yes, they would - however, it would depend on their age and how much control they'd already garnered over their shifts. For example, they begin shifting at a young age, which might leave them vulnerable to emotional shifts and trouble holding form - they might end up with a tail in human form for a few hours, or the eyes of their animal, or even the teeth. Mostly small changes that don't hinder the physical activity of the shifter. As they age, those inconsistencies go away, so a twenty year old won't typically be seen with dog ears or a tail, wherein a younger teen or child would be seen as normal with their animal quirks on display in human form. As the shifters age, say past puberty and into adulthood, they control their shifts much better - lose their tempers less, become stressed less - and don't let their bodies control the shifts. When they have that complete and seemingly flawless shift with their animal counterpart - because each shifter in this verse is only born with one - then yes, they can utilize certain features by bringing them to the forefront. Like their eyes, if their have night vision, or birds-eyes vision, etc., or even their hearing if they're skilled enough, and more! |
West #7266 |