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Spooky Wolves Unite!

Posted 2022-06-14 08:11:17
So, it looks like I missed that groups were a thing (how? I dont know.)!  I was wondering if any of you might be interested in a group for our spooky wolves?

If so, what would you like to get from the group? I haven't joined any groups yet, so I don't know what kind of options there are, but I'd love to start a group for these spooky pups. I have a lot more time now, so I can actually dedicate some time to the site more regularly!

I think contests could be cool.
Discussing potential spooky custom decor, and getting feedback for it.
Raffles, of course.

We could also just discuss our favorite spooky shows and movies too.
Just let me know if anyone is interested in that kind of thing.

Jane Doom

Posted 2022-06-14 08:24:36
Ooh! I'd love that, sounds great! On another note, my spooky wolf sadly died today.

Posted 2022-06-14 10:46:18
Aww, I'm so sorry! I wish we could make them spooky in the dynasty!

Jane Doom

Posted 2022-06-15 08:13:13 (edited)
I have a few maybe. Idk how to attach with picture
The Ghoul


Posted 2022-07-14 17:59:08
Alright, so I've been thinking about making a group for these spooky pups, but wanted to get some thoughts.

I'd like to use the group to discuss potential spooky custom decor
Offer Spooky art for each other
Maybe hold contests (dress wolves as spooky characters, or whatever)
Share spooky wolves/studs

but is it worth making a group for this? What would you all like to see in a group? How else can we celebrate our love of spookies?

Jane Doom

Posted 2022-07-14 18:06:05
I would totally be interested in joining the group!

𝐄 𝐢 𝐫 𝐚

Posted 2022-07-15 03:07:27
Your proposals sounds great! I'm sure lots of other people would like to join such a group.

Posted 2022-07-15 05:28:22
I think this would be a great idea. I would join


Posted 2022-07-18 15:19:42
Noctis you have so many! I love it! You picked the same background for your albino that I did! Haha!

I think I'll give the group a try. I just hope it'll be kind of active, since it costs 10gc to start haha! I'm working on some decor now, so maybe it'll be a good place to discuss! I'll update with a link when I get the group going.

Jane Doom

Posted 2022-07-18 15:35:07
I'd love to join the group when you get it started!


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