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Private Roleplay with EmbersToFlames

Posted 2022-03-09 19:27:29
"The adoptive mother of a very bad dragon." Tsunami said sternly to the wyvern crawling over meekly. Aerwyna was watching with her mouth hanging open.

Posted 2022-03-09 19:39:01
"I, uh…I'll just..leave.." Permafrost stalked out of the undergrowth, limping on her burnt leg.

Posted 2022-03-09 19:41:11
"Sorry about that, he should be good now. He was just getting a bit hungry." Tsunami fed the wyvern a leg of elk. Aerwyna followed Permafrost, "I can heal your leg."

Posted 2022-03-09 19:43:12
"Oh, no, it's fine." Permafrost said sarcastically. "I'll just regrow my leg all by myself." She snorted. "Yes, I'd appreciate it if you did." The wolf flicked her tail cautiously but sat down.

Posted 2022-03-09 19:45:32
(I feel like the group should arrive, they shouldn't;t still be asleep lol.)
Aerwyna put her paws on the burned leg, the wound glowing for a moment before the red tissue became pink and white fur started to regrow on top of the new skin.

Posted 2022-03-09 19:46:43
(Yeah, most of them are probably out hunting and stuffs)
"Thanks." Permafrost's ears twitched as she heard a group of wolves crash through the forest, and soon enough, Avalanche and her friends had arrived.

Posted 2022-03-09 19:47:47
"Oh, uh, hi." Tsunami said, her turquoise fur rippling as she shook herself out.

Posted 2022-03-09 19:48:59
"Hey. I see you have a…big dragon. Mm. That's great." Earthfall glanced up nervously. "So….why? Also, who are you? I'm Earthfall."

Posted 2022-03-09 19:50:21
"I'm Tsunami, I tame dragons. This one is an adolescent and is going through an aggressive phase, sorry again." The wolf laughed.

Posted 2022-03-09 19:51:36
Andromeda's eyes were shining. "I'm going to assume…it breathes fire? Judging by the scorches across the ground?" She seemed excited at the prospect of meeting the dragon, unlike most of the other wolves.

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