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Private Roleplay with EmbersToFlames

Posted 2022-03-25 17:05:39
Tsunami entered the cavern, it was significantly smaller but was covered in greenery and rich brown earth. There was no dragon in sight.

Posted 2022-03-25 17:07:17
Dusk looked around appreciatively. "Nice work you've done here." She whispered to Tsunami, still cautious of a possible ambush.

Posted 2022-03-25 17:08:37
"Wake up sleepyhead!" Tsunami shouted into the cave. A particular mound of dirt shifted, a sleepy draconian head appearing from beneath some moss as the dragon slowly got up.

Posted 2022-03-25 17:16:09
Dusk raised a brow, watching the creature intently.

Posted 2022-03-25 17:17:59
After sufficiently yawning, the dragon shakes itself violently, earth and grass and other natural things flying off it's scales. This revealed a dark brownish grayish body with a tint of green on his back. The dragon immediately came over to sniff Dusk curiously.

Posted 2022-03-25 17:19:13
Dusk took an alarmed step back but allowed the dragon to sniff her. She in turn sniffed the dragon back, keeping an eye on the creature's teeth.

Posted 2022-03-25 17:21:16
The creature wagged it's enormous tail, opening it's mouth to pant happily. It's teeth were large flat molars, not good for eating meat. Tsunami petted the large dragon, "Don't worry, he's very sweet. Want to go outside?"

Posted 2022-03-25 17:22:23
"Oh, uh—sure." Dusk replied. "Although I should be going back to my pack soon."

Posted 2022-03-25 17:23:58
"That's fine! Earthy here can take us back." Tsunami climbed onto the giant's back with surprising agility, using his worn scales as paw holds. Tsunami gestured for Dusk to follow.

Posted 2022-03-25 17:24:57
Dusk followed, slipping a couple times and she climbed up onto the gentle beast's back. "This was quite an experience—I'd like to come back sometime."

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