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Posted 2020-10-21 22:39:16

Hello everyone,

Quick Q.

Do personalities afect anything? If I has a lazy wolf does that mean they be worse at babysitter/hunting/scount/etc?


Posted 2020-10-21 22:41:32

I believe at the moment personalities only go towards hunting. There is a Grouse House guide that specify which personality groups can work best with each other so definitely check it out if you're confused! If you have a hunting team with conflicting personalities chances are you won't be getting much food from them unless you switch their personalities or switch the wolves around until they can work together: )


Posted 2020-10-21 22:43:20 (edited)

No but I believe that certain personalities clash. Check out Grouse House guides. Like anything under aggressive personalities will clash with friendly, and romantic clashes with stoic. Like if you want a hunting party you should have all aggressive and stoic, or friendly and romantic so they hunt better. The GH guides show which personalities belong to which category. I don't think lazy will make them a worse pupsitter or scout or hunter though! Just that they will work better in a hunting party with similar personality wolves. Hope this helps.

RatProphet got to it a minute sooner, but yeah, what they said!


Posted 2020-10-22 00:16:35

Okie dokie, thank you both for your help and one will check out the thread to!


Posted 2020-10-22 14:06:20

We are going to get a more fleshed out personality system "hopefully soonish", from EA news post:

"What do you have lined up?

It may not be right away, but here is a shortlist of features that we want to bring to Wolvden soon-ish:

- Clans (or a version of)
- Custom Decors
- A minigame is in the works
- Bookmarks
- Wishlist
- A more fleshed out Personality system
- Nesting pose (:D)

And a plethora of other features that are brand new even by Lioden's standards, so we won't release information on those just yet ;)"


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