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Any warrior cats fans??

Any warrior cats fans??
Posted 2022-03-01 19:18:20
I feel like a lot of people here likes warrior cats! So, is any fans wondering here? <3

Posted 2022-03-02 18:19:52
I was a fan for a while. I've read through Power of Three and some of Omen of the Stars. Then I stopped and haven't gone back. I haven't read any Warriors in years. I name my wolves in the Warriors style though.


Posted 2022-03-03 16:32:09 (edited)
I'm a fan, only read up to power of three so far though.


Posted 2022-03-22 16:11:01
Yup, I even put my wolves through the same naming process like Goldpup, Goldpaw, Goldheart, Goldstar, etc. I even have some of my wolves have rogue names like Sphaler, Maeve, etc

Also I haven't finished AVOS yet. I've only finished Shattered Sky, but I know what happens in future books up to ALITM with Ashfur and the Clans going to change their code. But I want to ask, the rest if AVOS and TBC….is it worth the read? Be honest, is it worth reading? I've heard of the inconsistencies and pacing and umm….Tigerheart's Shadow. I also want to know if it's worth reading as well. I know what happens, but is it worth experiencing first-hand?

Posted 2022-04-14 19:52:43
Yes! I haven't read the last two arcs but I'm planning on starting to read them soon!

⚜ Vilina ⚜

Posted 2022-04-15 22:06:11
Absolutely loved the series since 5th grade! I read a good chunk of the series in order than some others out of order. These days I enjoy the fandom because the art and most of them are very respectful and don't completely lose it when the series is criticized (unlike many fandoms haha). The OC content, AU's and headcanons are fun to see!

I have my own warrior cat plot with so many characters and groups and I have so much fun with it. I like really unique names and often reference wildlife to come up with them. Particularly fish. My newest character is a Balkan Lynx named Drumjaw. Drum is a type of fish and I just love kinda weird names like that.

I was a Squirrelflight and Crookedstar enjoyer as a baby child and always will be XD, also my favorite book is Yellowfang's Secret!


Posted 2022-04-16 21:07:09
I was back in my teen years! Been wanting to reread and catch up but haven't  had the time lately.

Used to run a bunch of  Warriors roleplay  forums too, one was pretty big on ProBoards.

Warriors was a huge inspiration for me to dive into writing and reading more.

Favorite books were Crookedstar's Promise  and Bluestar's Prophecy, but I started the series with one of the Tigerstar+Sasha mangas!


Posted 2023-01-31 18:52:01
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Posted 2023-08-03 13:30:09
Omg I have my pack as my own clan
Check my pack

Posted 2023-08-16 13:14:19
I know this thread is a little old but I love Warriors! In fact my love of warriors is part of what helped me find this game.

I'm currently on Eclipse and have no intentions of reading past The Last Hope/Bramblestar's Storm, but I'd love to chat anyway :)

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